Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Travel Questionnaire


This is from Dawn's site:  Questionairre about Travel

I'm so drained, I can't think, so thanks Dawn...  :)

1. What is the one place take out-of-town guests when they visit? (you can be vague to preserve your anonymity if you like)

I like to take people to San Francisco--specifically Pier 39, Alcatraz, the Golden Gate, and the lovely town of Sausilito.

In town, (San Jose) I like taking people to Santana Row--it's an outside mall with some exculsive shops and restaurants.  I don't really shop there, but it's fun to see how the half live.   Taking people to downtown San Jose, is fun too.  There are some nice museums, and there is always the Children's Discovery Museum that I have yet to visit myself!

Of course, I like to take people to my hometown of Santa Cruz, and go to the beach, and the Boardwalk.  I walk down the the downtown area is always fun as well.  Visitors are usually struck by the strange people that hang out downtown, and I like to see their reactions. 

My favorite place however near the ocean is Monterey.  It's just beautiful there--everywhere you go. 

2. When visiting another city or town, do you try to cram as much in as possible, or take it slow and easy?

Depending on the time we are there, I like to see as much as possible, but I also like to take a few days just to breathe it all in.  When I went to Maui the women I went with had been there before, and they were more interested in getting their nails done, and shopping for toe rings.  I enjoyed going to the beach; even if I went alone.  It was so beautiful there.  I want to go back-this time however with my husband. 

3. When traveling, where are you most likely to be; strolling through a museum, checking out the local shopping, or doing something else?

Hmm..  I do go to museums; it depends where I go.  I tend to go places where family live, so I do a lot of visiting, but what I enjoy most is being outside, and taking pictures.  I try to capture as much as I can on camera so I can enjoy later after the vacation.  Vacations always seem to whiz by--don't they?  I do like souvenirs, but the best ones are the pictures and the memories of people I've met through the years. 

4. Do you like organized tours and/or carefully planned itineraries, or would you rather 'wing it' and just see what happens?

I make plans--sometimes they just don't pan out.  Usually, when I just "wing it" things go just fine.  I like doing things in the spur of the moment. 

We were to board a cruise ship in the Azores at one time.  We went to the agency, paid the fare, and we even took sea sick medication.  As we tried to board the boat, we were told by the captain we couldn't board on.  The travel agent alerted him to tell us not to board.  Apparently, the cruise ship was to take a unscheduled extended stop at one of the islands for a soccer game, and if we boarded we would miss our plane back to the states.  What a let down that was..  It was awfully sad. 

5. After a trip, what do you find yourself craving most about home?

My bed, and believe it or not, my kitchen. 

As for my travel plans this summer, I paid for them yesterday.  I'm looking forward to the vacation, but at the same time I'm dreading leaving my better half behind... :SIGH:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for playing along Julie!  You were lucky that you didn't get on that ship, but it must have been confusing at the time!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm coming to visit...hee hee. Hey, I think I'll do this, too. And I like that name-in-the-sand picture you have at the end. Cool.--Cin