Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cin's Meme & Thankful Thursday

The following comes courtesy of Cin.  Feel free to participate! 


What were you doing at midnight last night? I was at the edge of the bed (youngest slept with us again) dreaming of a place far, far away..

Do you go to church? Yes, I do.  It's amazing the holy water hasn't melted me yet, huh?

What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Coffee and a granola bar. 

Who is your Mature (Older Man/Woman) Crush: Umm..  Gee..I dunno.  Patrick Swayze?  Colin Firth..  Are they considered "old" now?  I used to like Peter Straus.  What happened to him?  Don't laugh, but when I was much younger I thought Danny Kaye was cute. 

Are you for world peace: Yes, of course.  Swirled peas as well! 

Have you ever been involved with the police? No..and I wouldn't recommend being involved with one.  From the stories I've heard from other women who have-its stressful and hard.  Plus, there are a lot of women who just go GA GA over men in uniform; you have to fight them off.

Have you ordered anything by mail in the past week? Mail?  Nope; only for clothes through the internet-my bad!

What did you want "to be" when you were a child? A tap dancing star.  I used to practice on the tile in the entry way of the house to the old Gene Autry and Beach Boy records from my parent's stereo.  I watched too many Shirley Temple shows. 

How would you go about purifying your own soul? Hmm.. A hike in the woods, and a day full of just meditation and prayer.  I would just drink water and pee all day. 

If you had to guess two people at work were having an affair, which two would pair up? Why? [please don't give full names] Oh man.  This is easy.  I don't know which ones to choose from.  I guess I would pick one of my single friends, and match her up with a guy here. 

Take the third letter of your name and tell 5 things you have in the house that begin with that letter. Linens, lollipops, liquer, lima beans, laundry..


1. My handy husband forputting in my new dishwasher--thank you!

2. My car for not running out of gas this morning while I was rushing out the door late.

3. My kids, and the sometimes corny and silly things they say and do.  They keep my life in prospective.

4. My family.  Sweet and nutty--just like fudge. 

5.  My work and the crazy people that I have to deal with.  They all make me feel somewhat sane. 


Anonymous said...

"I would just drink water and pee all day." Hahaaa...Julie keeps her soul in her kidneys.
Danny Kaye, Boy George, Shirley are an interesting woman :-) Cin

Anonymous said...

I added a picture of Danny Kaye just for you Cin!  Me (Julie)

Anonymous said...

I loved your answers... and your thankful things!  I am behind... got the thankful done earlier... haven't done the meme yet!

be well,

Anonymous said...

wonderful graphics, I can't pick favorites, they both look great to me.
I wanted to be a stewardess.

Cute meme.
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello, My friend Lisa Jo sent me over.  Glad she did.  I'll be adding your journal to my alerts.  Check out my journal when you have some time.

Anonymous said...

Danny Kaye?

were you SOBER?



Anonymous said...

Danny Kaye?

were you SOBER?



Anonymous said...

I've never heard of anyone refer to Danny Kaye as cute before.