Wednesday, May 30, 2007

For The Birds!

I posted a rather long entry yesterday, but AOL "tricked me" and made me delete the whole thing.  It left me in a sour mood.  I had spent so much time on the darn thing, and added pictures....urrrg...  Sometimes AOL really pisses me off!


I caught sight of something very funny yesterday afternoon.  I was driving to my  mother's house to pick up my youngest, when I happened to notice a college aged young man walking down sidewalk, by the side of the road.  He was barefoot, sporting a lovely pair of leopard and rose print pajamas.  I don't know what was more distracting; his very white bare feet on the cement or those bright abnoxious pink roses with the leopard background pajama pants.  Hmmm...  Looks like he was wearing his mother's pajama pants.  I think I'm safe to assume that he may have lost his pants and shoes somehow.  Perhaps he partied a little too much on Monday and was left with someone's pajama pants.  He made no eye contact with me as I passed by.  I just had to giggle. 

Have you ever been in that situation?  I can't say that I have, but it isn't the first time I've come across people wearing odd clothes on my way to work early in the morning.  Years ago at a stop light I saw an old neighbor of mine running by on the crosswalk, holding up a very large pair of jeans at her waist.  She wasn't wearing shoes either.  Hmmm...

Lately, my cat has been harrassed by a number of birds.  Apparently a family of birds have chosen to make a home in one of the trees we have in our backyard.  This happens every year, and I cannot tell you how annoying those birds can be-especially when the cat is in the backyard.  They swoop, tease and fly by our poor cat, and squack all day long.  It's enough where we have taken turns going outside to scare the birds away.  Our cat is older, and for the most part tries to ignore the constant squacking..but even he has his limits.  The other day when Lizzy the Clown left for the parade she informed me of the blood stained stairs in the front yard.  It wasn't until later, my husband noticed a bunch of feathers in between some bushes in the front yard.

  I know it's sad, but these birds are driving me crazy!!!  This morning I woke up again at 5 am to the sound of the squacking!!  Eeek..  This morning from my kitchen window, I noticed another little bird sitting our the deck, and along comes this humming bird flying around, darting and circling the little black bird.  Is it mating bird season, or what?! All the birds in the neighborhood seem to be in heat; even the black crows!   I don't know what is going on with the birds in my backyard, but if it doesn't stop soon, I think the cat is going to go crazy, and more blood and feathers will fall--if not from the cat, from me.  I'm just joking.  I could never kill a bird, honestly; but they are really testing my nerves!!  Urrrg!! 

Yes, birds are cute and everything, but when they are mad there is nothing scarier!  Remember Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"?  The seagulls (rats with wings) around town just love my car--they have left evidence of it all over my car.  There is nothing more humilating than driving up to a stop sign or a stoplight with a big bird turd on your driver's window.   

Yes, above is a picture of me in a former life with my favorite bird.  Has anyone seen Pirates of the Caribbean 3 yet? 


Anonymous said...

If she is in the Pirate's movie I will make sure I see it.
God loves birds and so do I but in their place. Thats the tree on my neighbor's property. Keep the faith, Bill

Anonymous said...

LOL... I love the pic!  You made quite the pirate... the Azorean blood coming out!  LOL  I have annoying birds too, so I relate!  

But, my cats stay inside only...

be well,

Anonymous said...

every single time i wash my car a bird shits on it. I hate that. Rick loves birds and would not mind your birds and the noises at all but i am with you--its annoying. I love hearing about the strange dude in the cutsy pants...there is always a story behind things like that.

Anonymous said...

I love birds!!  Poor cat.  My daughter saw pirates of the carribean 3 and said she loved it.

Anonymous said...

My family saw P3 over the weekend. They should probably stop making those movies now. They'll never recapture the fun of the first one.
Why is it one never has a camera when a boy in leopard-rose print jammies passes by? --Cin