It's Thursday-- Most of the working week is over!! Hallelujah!
Happily, this week is not as hectic as last week; things are pretty much back to normal. Yesterday I had this awful headache. I should know better not to leave the house with wet hair, in such a tightly done braid. I woke up a little too late, and rushed out of the house; got everyone where they needed to be on time, but my head was throbbing. My eye is not crying anymore, but these allergies--I've never had the problem before. My legs are sore too. Damn.. I must be getting old. I need to start an exercise class or something. I have to start taking walks after work--yeah, that is my plan. Either after work, or during my lunch break at work. I am counting the days until Andrew gets out of school---I'll finally have an actual lunch break like normal people. I don't care how boring that may sound, but sometimes being NORMAL is a good thing! I don't know when was the last time I had a normal schedule at work; I really don't--it's been years.
So here is my Thankful List for the week:
1. I'm thankful that my husband doesn't expect me to come home after work and make a big meal afterwards, EVERY NIGHT. (Thank you for being the total opposite of my first husband--you two have NOTHING in common, and I am so very grateful!)
2. Summer vacation is coming-school is almost out!! YIPPEE!!
3. My work/job/Boss Lady: For letting me work the flexible, and weird schedule that I have.
4. My family/kids-- I honestly don't know of a better way to occupy my time; without them I would completely be lost.
5. Target. Yes, I mean the store-Target. They have the BEST priced clothes for kids. Where else can you buy 8 adorable summer outfits and swimming trunks for a 3 yr old all under the price of $35?! They also sell those Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies...
Very nice... you are right about Target...
be well,
Hooray for husbands who are NOTHING like first husbands!
Cosmic brownies? That sounds like something I need to pick up. --Cin
Loosen that hair thingie or leave your hair down....i dont want you having a headache. Do you take vitamins?
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