Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tuesday 12 Chill-Ax with Dawn

Okay, Dawn has sprung a new Meme 12..  I'm so bored here at work, what else is there to do?! 

1.    Colorblind  -  The world needs to be a little more colorblind.  People are people-we are a rainbow of different shades, different beliefs..etc..etc..  Live with it, or jump off!

2.    Shallow  -  I can't stand shallow people.  "It's all about me...:"  mentality.  The world owes you nothing. When you are a child this behaviour is somewhat acceptable, but when you become an adult--come on--it's just pathetic. 

3.    Erotica  -  I think of Madonna's Erotic CD--you know the one where she is sucking someone's toe on the back cover?  (eeeww..toe fungus--nasty!)  I have the CD in my car; I play it when I feel nasty.  Best song on there is "Fever"--I like dancing to it on the highway (in my car) just to put on a show.  (It doesn't happen very often..don't worry.) 

4.    Figment  -  Strange word..  Fig - ment.  It was a figment of my imagination.  It wasn't real..just my imagination gone silly.  Ever eat a fig?  A very sweet fruit-once you get past the ugliness, and seeds.  My mom used to have a fig tree in her back yard at her summer home in the Azores.  It was fun to climb!

5.    Eviction   -  I've never been evicted from anywhere.  This is good.  Wait, I take that back.  I was asked "to leave" once, but then got reprimanded when I actually did.  Long story--don't ask. 

6.    Composed  -  I try and stay composed as much as possible when I'm put in trying and stressful situations.  I am composed at work for the most part; even when the annoying woman I have to work with comes in and interrupts my phone call with stupid questions in computer lingo that no one knows she is talking about questions. I know this sentence doesn't make sense; but I'm trying my best to compose myself.

7.    Chill  -  I like to Chill.  Especially when I'm Chill Ax'd

8.    Grill  -  I love my George Foreman Grill.  It's so fast, and easy to use and clean.  Thanks George! 

9.    California  -  My state, my world;The BEST DAMN state in these United States-hands down!!!  We rock and roll man! 

10.   Bond  -  Hmm..  James Bond of course, but we have a client that goes by the same name, who is definitely not a James Bond.  He smells, and has a serious drug problem, and he can never pee for his pee tests.  So, when I hear that name, I don't think of martinis, and fast cars--I think of pee bottles and Lysol

11.   Taxi  -  I remember standing in line for a taxi the last time I was in Las Vegas.  These lines can be very, very long!  There I was, standing by myself, behind rows of many people.  I looked over to my right, and there was a taxi cab at the corner of my eye, just waiting there.  The driver looked at me, and pointed.  I don't know why, but he waved me over and asked if I needed a ride.  It was very kind of him to know that I was alone, anda bit frightened to be out alone so late at night.  He was very nice to me.  Damn..  I must have looked pretty spooked; or may be it was my aura?  May be he was a taxi angel....you know like, Highway To Heaven Angel with Little Joe (Michael Langdon?)  When I was a child, I had my leg twisted back in place in the back seat of a taxi.  I was 5, and I remember it all.  It was very painful, and the man who did it wore a black suit with a white shirt.  I remember the taxi driver saying over and over:  "Nao chora, nao chora..."  (Translated, "Don't cry, don't cry).   I am so so sure!!  Well, I was walking ten minutes later with no pain.  Strange Portuguese Voodoo worked.

12.   Knife  -  I don't work well with knives.  I especially don't like cutting onions or tomatoes.  I remember a story my cousin told me about her English language class she had to take when she was younger in Portugal.  The teacher did not know my cousin was fluent in English, and became very upset with her when she tried to correct the corrected pronunciation for "Knife."  The teacher told the class the correct way to say the word "Knife" was :  KEE NIFE"  "No, teacher the K is silent!"  my cousin proclaimed.  The teacher was so mad that she sent my poor cousin out of class. 

Okay, there is your Tuesday Chill Axn 12!  Thank you Dawn..  I needed to Chill Ax for awhile... 


Anonymous said...

I am glad you chillaxed with this!  LOL  It sounds like your knee was dislocated and they popped it back in... joints at that age can slip out pretty easy and when they go back in... no harm no foul... kids bounce back!  My daughters elbow dislocated once... and I popped it back in!  LOL

Yes, your state does ROCK and ROLL (earthquakes... lol)  I liked your answers... Your more serioud ones, I totally agree with...

be well,

Anonymous said...

I'm glad we are all so Chill Ax'd today. Now I will never be able to see James Bond without seeing a smelly pee-shy guy. That's okay...I don't watch much of that anyway. --Cin