Weekend Assignment #167: Bad TV You Loved as a Kid :
Now, this doesn't mean you realized at the time it was bad. Just now, in the fullness of time, you recognized that your viewing choices left something to be desired. For the purposes of this assignment, try to stick with shows that were aimed at kids, although if you can't think of any, prime time shows are okay as well.
Extra Credit: How much TV did you watch when you were a kid? A lot? A little?
T.V. Wow.. In the 70's I watched a lot of T.V.: The Brady Bunch, The Partridge Family...etc..etc.. I watched a lot of re-run shows; but one of my ultimate favorite, mindless show would have to be : The Monkees!! Sure; by the time I was watching it; it was re-runs, but it was great fun to watch. My favorite Monkee was Peter.
Other favorite mentionables include: Alice & Mama's Family. Come on people, admit it---Mama's Family was addictive in a weird sorta way. Who can resist Mama and Clint, and Eunice? Funny 1/2 hour of mindless T.V. Oh, and Alice---"Mel.. Kiss my grits!" My parents let us watch these shows because they were "family friendly" back then. Another favorite of mine was Laverne & Shirley. I really didn't get into Happy Days at all, but I liked Laverne & Shirley.. Remember Lenny and Squiggy? Oh.. and I LOVE LUCY is still a favorite. Whenever I see it on T.V. I have to stop and watch it. I think I've seen all the episodes, but it's so classic---I'm never get sick of watching it!
SOLID GOLD takes the cake. I used to LOVE watching that show! Dionne Warwick, Marilyn McCoo, and Andy Gibb giving out the top ten songs of the week, with the Solid Gold Dancers dancing on the stage! My mom used to hate that show. There was one dancer in particular that she did not like us watching. She called her the "diaba" (devil woman). I guess she though I would one day want to be a Solid Gold dancer so I could dance half naked with a big pony tail and high heels. Mom knew me more than I knew myself back then..
Extra Credit: I think I watched a little too much T.V. when I was younger; my parents kept us in the house--lots of dateless nights for this teenager.
Peter was my favorite Monkee, too! TV was pretty awful back then...oh, still is, maybe worse now. --Cin
LOL I laughed remembering all of these bad tv shows... especially...the Solid Gold Dancers! LOL
be well,
Wasn't Peter everybody's favourite Monkee?
"Here they come...
Walking down the street..."
I used to love the Monkees!
Actually...ummm...my favorite was Mike. You know, he's the one that's stinkin' rich!
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