Monday, June 25, 2007

Cartas dos Acores... More Letters From the Azores..

I hadn't received any letters from my cousin Manny recently--I'm guessing they are just a little too busy right now entertaining my brother and his family.  My brother is coming home next Sunday.  I did receive some letters from my cousins:   Rute:

Hello Julinha! 
  Saturday morning I cooked to the coelhos, I thought maybe they to the sanjoaninas and they are sleeping and they ha no time to make food, so I decided to make lunch for them , so about 1pm I went there, I saw your mother, Eddie, his wife, Kassandra and another one blonde too, and then Eddie called her daughter, she's very nice, Eddie says she's ballet dancer, she's very big for the age, their fingers from de feet, the second is bigger than de first, it's like your mother and mine, we laughed about it. 
  Your mother is fine, she seems to be good, of course we talked about your father and we cried. 
  So I made for them that food that I made for you, pork ribs with beans, Eddie's wife tried and liked it very much, she asked me how to make, I don't know if i'm going to see her again, if I don't I'll send you and then you give her. 
  One of these days they are going to dinner with my brother João Fernando. 
  Kisses for every body. 

And Rute's brother, Jose Carlos- (Coelho--Rabbit---we all refer to eachother as rabbits...including my brother Eddy Rabbit)

Yes I was with the rabbits, we played golf the other day and we're going again wednesday.
Thery're coming to my house tomorrow for dinner.
Too bad that they're leaving sunday.
José Carlos

I love my cousins--they are the best! 

I must admit that since my  mother has been gone, I've been feeling a little like an ophran.  I know that sounds silly, but I used to see my mom everyday and it's a little weird.  I've been feeling a little out of the weather lately too; I guess I'm just feeling a tad blue?  Don't know..but my stomach has been bothering me, and my I've been feeling light headed.  I think I've been consuming a little too much caffeine.  I gots to drink more water!  No more coffee for awhile.  I've got my bottles of water and orange juice at my side. 
Sounds crazy, but I love coming to work when there is a pile of work to be done!  I was gone Thursday and Friday and there is a pile of new grants for new and active criminals!!  Oh the excitement!!  It makes all for a fast working day---I love those days. 
Have a wonderful Monday!! 


Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean... when I am home and my parents are away I hate it!!!  Especially since we are all together... it is so awful!  Soon you will be there with your coehlos!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Love the picture! Who is the artist? --Cin

Anonymous said...

i hope your tummy works it out and you feel better. I wish you had been able to go home with your mom and brother...of course you feel a bit sad and lonely. I am sure glad they are having a happy time there!

Anonymous said...

i hope your tummy works it out and you feel better. I wish you had been able to go home with your mom and brother...of course you feel a bit sad and lonely. I am sure glad they are having a happy time there!

Anonymous said...

I just love that picture..