Sunday, June 3, 2007

Dawn's Summer Survey Meme

         S U M M E R  S U R V E Y

I got this from Dawn:  Carpe Diem - Seize the Day

Feel free to play along!! 

Pool OR Jacuzzi :Pool!

Ocean OR Pool : Pool for swimming, ocean is fun too--but not for swimming...

Ice cream OR popsicles : Ice cream :P

Lemonade OR iced tea : Iced Tea!

Tennis shoes OR flip flops: Tennis shoes..  I hide my toes. 

Fans OR Air conditioning : Air conditioning

Sprinklers OR slip n slide : Sprinklers!

Water Balloon fight OR Water gun fight : Water balloons are scary..but fun..  Depends on who is throwing the balloons.  It always involves a crying child most of the time. 

Y O U R  F A V O R I T E  S U M M E R . . .

Drink : Water, Iced Tea...lemonade is good too..can't forget the Crystal Light!  Oh... and Strawberry Margaritas!!!  YUM YUM YUM..

Food : Hamburgers, hot dogs....watermellon..strawberries!!

Song : Anything from the 80's.  Summer isn't summer without hearing the Beach Boys..Rolling Stones--may be even some Scorpian music..

Hang out : Anywhere near the ocean.

Camp: Oh gosh..  Haven't done that in years.  Pinecrest is very pretty up here in California.  Camping is fun if you don't mind constantly cleaning out dirt from your tent, or the dirt grit in your mouth.  Drinking by a fire at night is fun though.

Holiday : 4th of July..  Barbecues, fireworks, and it's the first Portuguese festa weekend in my hometown..  Whoopee!  Sopas & hamburgers!!

Vacation: Take me to the islands...please..  Hawaiian, Azores.. Don't matter...

L A S T  S U M M E R :

Where did you go :  Stayed home..  I don't remember!!!  Eekk..  This is bad..  Okay, it's coming back now...  We basically stayed around and did day trip things.

Who did you hang with? My family...  My cousin who was visiting from Portugal...

Did you do anything illegal : I went down a one way street in San Francisco...arrest me..

Did you go to a concert? Yes!  Went to see a night concert for Jason Mraz in Los Gatos..very nice..

What was your best memory : Get togethers with family--I did a lot of barbecues at the house.

T H I S  S U M M E R :

Where are you going : I'm going to the Azores in August.  I hope do some day trips with the kids and hubby before I go.

Name five things you're most looking forward to this summer :

1.      Spending time with my kids, family and relatives I haven't seen in years..

2.     No work; late nights in city cafes with my cousins...sigh..catching up with all of them. 

3.     Days at the beach..

4.     Taking pictures of everything.

5.     No work commute!!  YIPPEE!! 

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Anonymous said...

Cohelia, the pink on blue that you used on this post was very difficult for me to read. Just a minor complaint since I did finally read it through bloody eyes.
You camped on or in Pine Crest and I did a double take on that one. I live on Pine Crest which is housing development located on the Pine Crest golf course. I guess I could camp on the seventh tee as long as I awoke before they cut the grass at seven AM. Maybe I will give that a try, some of my most pleasant childhood memories revolving around camping with the Boy Scouts.
Have a great week. Bill

Anonymous said...

Yay!  I think your summer is going to be wonderful!  

be well,

Anonymous said...

You are going to have a great summer. Try not to drive the wrong way on the streets this year ;-) Cin