Monday, February 18, 2008

Hello, Monday!

Thanks Lisa Jo for the above graphic.. 

Happy Monday! 

It's happy because I am off from work..  Working for a county office really has it's advantages--lots of government paid holidays!  YAY!!

Well, hubby and I had a great weekend away together.  Even if it really wasn't a full weekend, but we did manage to go to the movies twice, and we had a real nice dinner, and some quality alone time without hearing whining children..  I think we will be doing this more often. 

Nothing really happening today---I just need to do some shopping for new sports shoes for Andrew, and baby stuff for the baby shower next weekend.  I have three cousins who had/is going to have babies.  One was born in January, the other two are due in March.  It will be nice to see them again under happy circumstances.  The last time I saw them I think it was at a funeral. 

Anyway, I wish everyone a good week.  I know a lot of you already, are not having one.  :(  I'm sending out positive thoughts to all of you out there-----I wish I had a magic wand or something to cast upon you all. 

Thanks again Lisa Jo for the above graphic---sending you 1,000 good wishes to you especially...

Thank you Mary for your card--you are a Jland angel.  O:)




Anonymous said...

Your entry today is bright and cheerful!  Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a nice getaway with your husband!
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

i hope you never leave J land.....i am selfish to say that, but i really like you and look forward to your entries.
I will be ok. Gotta be, right?
I am so glad you went and had some good times with the SO deserve it! Congrats also on having today off. Take it easy and pamper yourself a bit.

XO lj

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good weekend!!  You deserve it!!
