Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hello Wednesday...


Well, yesterday the retirement lunch was a success!  I got the totals right, and the bill was tallied to what I had expected, and a lot of people showed up.  I could tell by the end of lunch and by the end of the day, our receptionist was getting sad and teary eyed.  As predicted, she was a no show today on her last day.  To her credit she did leave me a nice message on the machine explaining  how too emotional she was to come in today to say a final goodbye to the desk duties that she has performed for the last 36 years. 

Yes..  36 years.  An office icon.  Can you believe it?  She is only 55.  More than half of her life was spent in the same job.  I guess I wouldn't come in on my last day either.

I'm feeling a little better, but feeling really frustrated, and it's not because I know I have to sit at the reception desk for the rest of the morning.  Urrg..  It's a combination of things.

My mother keeps on getting stupid bills from people at her medical clinic for a procedure done in 2006, just because SOMEONE who has yet to step to the plate and confess they did not bill medicare.  I have proof from Blue Cross that she owes nothing, but because someone did not follow procedure my mother has been getting harassing letters from a collection agency saying she didn't.  Of course, I thought this was resolved back in February, but no.  Thank God I didn't throw all this paperwork away that has been sitting at my desk at work.  Geesh..  I've spoken to two people already, who have reassured me that it will be resolved this week.  I would like to believe it, but I just can't yet.  Seeing is believing. 

At home, at the moment I'm feeling like Hazel the maid.  I will not go into details-it just makes me sad. 

Well, at least she looks happy, huh?


Anonymous said...

I feel like Hazel today too!  Hope you have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

I understand that feeling... I feel like the maid too sometimes... Hang in there...

be well,

Anonymous said...

 Yup, mail service here also.  I think retiring will be very emotional.   I have been there 29 years, have to work another 13 before I can retire, yuk 42 years!


Anonymous said...

i hate it when medical bill stuff goes wrong.....UGH. Been thru that alot.
Sorry you are frustrated and i hope things are better tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

But when you figure that the receptionist was at the job only half the time, she really worked only 18 years there.
;-) Cin

Anonymous said...

I got a chuckle at Cin's comment. I worked a job for a little over 14 years and left without so much as a it was great working with you, you did a great job...Then again it was working with my ex inlaws. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I am running behind on journals but I am sending you hugs and prayers