No, not Flemish, but flemmy, although, having a Portuguese background from the Azores, I could be very well Flemish, as well as Viking, or Norwegian. Damn... I may be even related to members of the group ABBA for all I know..
Speaking of ABBA, last night my daughter came home with a poster advertisement for the musical Mamma Mia. It was hanging at a restaurant downtown San Jose. I guess they just gave it to her since the musical has since left. It's in great shape, and suitable for framing. YAY!
This allergy/cold whatever it is just lingering. I thought I was feeling better, but I'm only slightly. My son's voice sounds terrible, so after school I'm taking him to see a doctor.
We have a busy weekend-family gathering with my husband's family on Saturday, and I have a baptism in San Francisco on Sunday. My mother is slowly driving me crazy over this baptism. She is insisting that my son go to it. He has flag football on Sunday, and she just doesn't understand that his team needs him. If he is too sickly, he isn't doing either--no football or baptism. I don't care if my aunts "will be upset". I highly doubt they will think twice, and I'm sure they won't be upset. URRR
Well, it's Friday anyway.
The receptionist left her keys with boss lady with a note. She came in on Wednesday after 5:00 pm. She didn't come in to work that day because she was too "emotionally distraught", but did come in to pick up a few items, and to leave her keys after closing time. She didn't take everything though. She left a number of items including Christmas gifts that I and some other people had given to her last Christmas that she didn't even bother to use or open or at least take home with her. Is she trying to send us all a message? Hmm.. Lovely. Well, a probation officer came into the reception office and took the remainder of her stuff and stuck it all away in a box for her to pick up next week. If she doesn't claim it, I guess it's going to be thrown away.
Some other items she left behind include a collection of rubber ducks. There is a Santa and Mrs. Claus rubber duck, a purple devil duck, a baby duck, and a stuffed toy duck, and a large porcelain duck. They were given by a former client who was rather fond of the receptionist. This guy is a very flamboyant young fellow-very much out of the closet, former mental health client, who liked coming to visit the receptionist to just to shoot the breeze with. "Do these white pants make my butt look too big?" Kind of talk. Although the receptionist did leave a note for him, I do not want to be around when this guy learns the news that she longer is working here. He is going to be in tears. Poor guy. Goodbyes are so hard, I know. I sincerely doubt she left a phone number that he can reach her at.
It's going to be a busy weekend. Have a good one!
I think the movie version of "Mama Mia" comes out this summer. With Meryle Streep, (???)
Enjoy your weekend.
OMG... try to keep the ducks! I would love that purple devil duck! LOL
I am sorry you still have phlegm and your son is sick! Yeah, your mom will get over it... mom's. Mine is driving me batty today!
be well,
Oh Rats...I see that Dawn has already got dibs on that purple devil ducky. DARN!
Hope your son is well enough to play football this weekend. He'll have plenty of baptisms to attend when he is too old to play football. --Cin
That has been hanging on quite awhile. Hope you feel better soon. Poor man, all those unrequested ducks, left to be destined for a brown box, how sad.
she sure was a selfish kind of person huh? She could have donated the stuff she did not want instead of just leaving it there. Good riddance.
I hope the drama with mama and the baptism goes away and you enjoy your day today in San Fran.
I sure hope you are feeling much better!
I guess she was quite the quacky duck her self lol sorry I am feeling mischievious ,it takes all types to make this world go round . Hope you feel better soon
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