Friday, April 15, 2005

Fantasy Rebate

Fantasy Rebate


My FANTASY Rebate on my taxes would have to involve my transportation costs which would include, gas, mileage, wear and tear on my car, (brakes, tires, cleaning expenses) with a special gratuity for driving with children.  Have you ever tried to find a pacifier, or baby bottle in a baby bag that is sitting behind you, while looking at the road, with one hand on the steering wheel, and one foot on the gas, with the other hovering over the brake pedal while your child screams bloody murder?  I am a seasoned veteran—I call it the Helen Keller skill that some mothers of small children possess. 


I drive a very winding, wooded highway that is roughly a 35 minute drive each way, everyday to work.  Not only do I have to pay for the high costs of gasoline in this beautiful state of California, but also I have to deal with some really crazy drivers on the road that insist that they are on a Nascar Race.  I should be credited for not going beyond 5-10 miles over the speed limit, while these race drivers are driving over 20! 


Another claim I would like to see is a School Project Expense.  Example:  My son had a “Colonial Day” at school.  Not only did he have to dress like a boy during the colonial times—(ever try to make your son wear church shoes to school with short pants and long socks, with a long sleeved shirt?) but the entire lunch for school that day I could NOT include anything made of paper, or plastic.  No lunch meats either, or store bought cookies.  Ever try wrapping beef jerky in cloth along with corn muffins?  Yummy—what every 10 year old dreams of for lunch.  The school lunch had to be wrapped in another cloth or rag (lovely) and tie it on a stick.  A stick?  Did they expect me to go out and tear a limb off a tree or something?!  There should be an expense box titled “Silly school projects that drive parent/guardian insane costs”. 


Extra Credit--  I never do my taxes the last minute—I do them as soon as I get my W2 mostly because during recent years, I never had to pay.  When I was young and more poor I always had to pay, (I don’t get that either—doesn’t make sense, does it?) I waited until April. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THIS IS FUNNY!  You're going nuts from driving so much and paying such high gas prices, now you're driving the wrong way over the bridge!!!

I love the story about your son wearing girly-type olden days clothes, no plastic, no styrofoam!!!  Give me a flipping break!!!

Why don't you have any comments?  Great entry.  Have you alienated everyone?


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