Tuesday, November 29, 2005

G is for GRUMPY!!!

John Scalzi's Monday Photo Shoot :  Take a snapshot of something starting with the letter G.  Well, since I DON'T have a camera handy, I will just describe the mood I've been having for the past 4 days----G is for GRUMPY!!!!!

I know it's because I'm sick that I feel this way.  It started with my oldest child, down to my youngest, down to me, and on to my hubby.

Attempting to shop after Thanksgiving sales, with sick people just isn't a good idea. 

Going to the doctor's office with a sick, screaming child, and not having enough tissue paper for runny noses is not a good idea.  (Wearing black while holding a runny nose toddler is not a good idea either.) 

Since I've been feeling under the weather, I've been entering parking lots the wrong way, (I almost turned into a bank teller drive thru), and I've been talking nasty to pedestrians who won't cross the street parking lots when I stop for them.  I mean, honestly, if I stop my car to let you cross the damn street...CROSSTHE STREET why don't you?!  I shouldn't have never attempted to do the Thanksgiving weekend shopping thing at all. 

I've found online shopping better, but not when the computer freezes like it did last night, before I could enter the code to my $10 off coupon....eerrr...  Yes, I called customer service JcPenny already...  I think they have black listed me.  Oh well.  Maybe I'll do more today.  I'm at work, and I'm sick, and I really shouldn't be here, so I might as well work on my Christmas shopping and buy stuff for all the brats on my shopping list. 



Anonymous said...

I love the picture.

Anonymous said...

    Oh, have I ever had those days.  Sometimes I wish I could just go back to bed and start over. Thank goodness it doesn't last forever !  Tina http://journals.aol.com/onemoretina/Ridealongwithme

Anonymous said...

WOW, that is one grumpy shot.

