Monday, February 27, 2006

Building BREAK IN!!!

Well, whoever said it never rains in California lied. 

It is raining cats and dogs and elephants over here!!  Last weekend, I forgot to post that I actually drove through in SNOW!!  Yes, it was snowing on the summit in the Santa Cruz mountains on Hwy 17.  I was driving along, and I noticed, that the rain wasn't hitting my windowshield like normal, instead, it was falling it little splats...and then I noticed it was snow!  Whoa...that have never happened to me while on this highway.  My son Andrew was amazed.  The last time he saw snow first hand was when he was like 2, so of course he didn't remember.  We would have stopped on the summit like the other crazy people we saw to frolicking in the snow, but he was in shorts, without his jacket, so we went straight home.  No snow in San Jose; only on the moutain tops! 

  Picture courtesy of: Santa Cruz Sentinel

ANYWAYS...  I got to work this morning, after a hazardous trek through the mountains in the pouring rain, to find that and low and behold, the glass back door of my office building had been was shattered!!!  There was glass everywhere!  Lovely.  Good thing I remembered to wear my boots.  I had to make my way through the flooded parking lot to the front door of the building.  Apparently someone or some people broke into the building, broke into two offices in our department, the insurance company and the IRS offices.  As far as we know, they didn't take anything from our computers, printers..nada....  Who knows what they did to the IRS.  The IRS security system sent an alarm notice to Homeland Security, but they didn't bother to contact the police or the Sheriff's department (the jail is right near our building).  Lovely.  I feel sooo safe.  Anyways, they did come in later to dust for fingerprints.  How exciting is that?  All we need is a dead body, and we have an episode of CSI right here in Santa Cruz...  Our building is so ghetto already, the broken doors, shattered glass and ripped wallpaper just add that extra "je ne sais quoi" to our overall depressing atmosphere!  I've had to work the receptionist desk already this morning, and I could some clients snickering in delight already.  Damn criminals..  If it weren't for you I wouldn't have a job! 

Feel like some quail hunting?  Click below and have some fun!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for no dead bodies anyway.
I hate driving in snow but it is so beautiful! I love the photo.