Monday, February 13, 2006

Love - Monday's Photo Shoot

  This is one of my favorite pictures: 


Like most siblings, these two fight a bit, but not too often.  Maybe it's the age difference; they are six years apart, but these two show their affection towards eachother often. 

This picture that was taken a few years ago.  It's my daughter Elizabeth with her younger brother, Andrew.  Elizabeth was all decked out for her first high school formal.  She was a freshman back then...sigh...she's a senior now.   




Anonymous said...

    Dontcha just love these moments?  Mine get along now .... but then, they are 25 and 28 years old ! lol   When they were younger, it was a different story.  So I, too, cherished these times.  Tina

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's nice to see some affection between siblings. My son is 16 and boys that age don't often show much emotion towards their moms or sisters. Once in a while ya see it thu..I drove up the street one rainy afternoon to get my kids from the bus stop. Coming though the clearing down the path they take to the next street was my son and daughter. My son had his coat open wide, his sister tucked close, and was holding his coat over her head like an unbrella. All I could think was...see, he really does love her!

Anonymous said...

My only brother was killed when I was four so I think siblings SHOULD get along better than most do. Your children are beautiful.