Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Sugar Daddy Arrival/And Other Random Stuff

I got a call from work the other day from my very happy cousin.  He finally got his shipment of Sugar Daddys that I had sent him.  It had reached the base over a month ago, but silly me put his name "in care of", and because of this, it took while to actually get to him--the whole story is detailed in my other journal in Diaryland. 

He had been salivating over the thought of his Sugar Daddy for weeks apparently, and now he asked me to write a story about it... Okay, cuz....  No story however unless I get a picture to post of you eating your Sugar Daddy!  I'm still waiting for a picture.  I'm sure I will get it eventually. 

I also got a call from my friend Maureen.  She calls me out of the blue sometimes--usually when she needs my help in some sort of the other.  She called to ask about my other friend Sharon.  Sharon is a Medium.  I gave her the phone #, and sure enough I get another call from Maureen.  "Do you want to go with us?"  In other words, this can be translated to:  "Can you take us there?"  I told her that I really didn't want to go, but send me an email when she does go..maybe we can do lunch.  "Chicken!"  was her reply.  Oh well, I'm chicken..I don't care.  I kind of promised myself never to be a subject of another reading.  Nah, I'm not going to back down this time either. 

The other day I bumped into a old classmate from high school.  The last time I saw her was last year at the high school reunion I helped organize.  It was weird, because weeks before I was thinking to myself how I never ran into her for so long, and while the planning was going on, I always seemed to run into her.  Of course last week I did run into her--at Longs of course.  Then I remembered another classmate that I saw at the reunion.  I knew her a little better because her mother actually was my 2nd grade teacher.  The last time I saw her was at the reunion, and she was only a few months pregnant at the time.  Wouldn't you know it--I saw her again at Longs (of course).  In the little baby seat, there was her little 10 mo. baby boy, Miles.  What a beautiful baby!  Those big blue eyes of his and his wide smile just made my day!  My eyes swelled up with little happy tears.  I immediately thought of my own little guy....and my other children when they were little ones...  Sigh... 

Yes, it was that time of the month, and I met them at the candy isle..of course...  I passed the Sugar Daddy's---I can't stand the sight of them anymore!!


Anonymous said...

love your entry here and Nicholas is sooo cute!
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

We take for granted what we have here don't we? When my sister-in-law was still living in Puerto Rico there was always a bunch of food stuff she would buy here and bring back on the plane with her. This usually included, beef jerky ( she and her husband sold to people on the coast guard base), pork roll aka. Taylor Ham, not found everywhere in the U.S.. bagels and submarine sandwiches, that she would buy fresh the morning of her flight and take them as a carry-on. Though living there is most definately way cheaper than here, they sure do pay the price for all the things that need to be imported there.
This suddenly reminds me of when I was younger and my grandmother would come to my house...when she left there were always things missing from our closets. My grandmother playing Robin Hood I guess...taking our clothes and shoes and sending them to relatives in Poland! We kept our mouths shut and just went out and replaced whatever she took. A pair of Levi's then was only about $9 then least here.