Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Sunshiney Day!

Is it really February?!  Well, it's an unbelievable 78 degrees outside and it's 4:10 pm!

What am I doing here at work?!  It's the perfect "call in sick" kind of day.  Too bad I didn't realize this until just now.  I could really use a nice walk near the ocean right now---just thought I would share that thought with someone.  I'm all a cold office, counting the minutes until I can leave this dreary place...  Ho hum hum hum...humm... 


Above are pictures near one of my favorite walking places; West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz, California.  I know I often devote a lot of my time on here writing about the Azores, and I sometimes neglect writing about the town where I was born and raised in.  The things we take for granted, huh?  Santa Cruz, California!  Yeah, we got a lot of weirdos, but I come from one cool and beautiful place! 




Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE Santa Cruz. You've posted some great pics ... It makes me want to hop in my car and drive on up.  I haven't been there since last Fall ... I am due for a return visit.  Thanks for the reminder !  Tina

Anonymous said...

We're awaiting our 1st blizzard of the season here. If the weatherman is right, we going to have 50 mph winds tomorrow night and 6-12 inces of snow. People are out panic shopping as usual. My son is running around getting his snow plowing and shoveling stuff ready to go out and make some bucks on Sunday. I'll happily watch it all from a window. I'm still walking with a limp damned if I'll put myself in the position to go down again! If by chance I do that, I guess I'll make the most of it and make a snow angel while I'm down there waiting for someone to come pick me up. Oh, right this is YOUR journal NOT mine...I'll shut up now. :)