Thursday, February 23, 2006

Weekend Assignment #100: Facts From the Future!

Weekend Assignment #100: Facts From the Future! :

Weekend Assignment #100: Share 10 facts about yourself -- from the next five years. Imagine what you see happening over the next half decade and then tell us about it, in interesting fact form. You can be serious, or silly, or somewhere inbetween. But give it some real thought and then take a stab at your future facts. If you find 10 facts too much, just do five. Either way it'll be fun.

Extra Credit: So, who's president in 2011?

    1. I discover that I’m one of the older mothers of my son Nicholas’ 2nd grade class, but heck, I’m the youngest mom attending my daughter’s college graduation!




    1. With my husband’s business BOOMING, I’ve said goodbye to my county job.  Good thing too--since my position has been "streamlined", I've been replaced by a computer they call Betty.  Finally I have more time for gardening and refining my breaststroke in the new backyard pool, as well as a proud member of the PTA.  I'm a stay at home mom at last! 



  1. I can decorate cookies that would put Martha Stewart to shame; too bad they sent her back to prison on more fraud charges. 



  1. I’m slowly shrinking.  My heels are becoming my two best friends. 




  1. I’m friends with some of the desperate housewives of my neighborhood, and we exchange recipes at the park, as well as complain about hot flashes, and the high cost of lypo suction.



  1. My husband and I are FINALLY taking that cruise to Hawaii this summer. 



  1. The boys are fighting about car privileges again.  Why can’t they just be happy with the 2005 Minivan?  Hell, if they are touching the Flying Ford X4 pickup! 




  1. Never forget to moisturize—and always wear a hat!  And furthermore, never trust a gnome! 



  1. I’ve finally finished my family Azorean memoirs; it’s so crazy Oprah might just endorse it!  


  1.  I’m looking forward to my daughter’s upcoming performance in Hairspray on Broadway next week. 



Extra Credit:  So, who’s president in 2011?  Well, Colorado was a an extreme disappointment, but I still went against my better judgment, and Arnold is now in office. 



Anonymous said...

i love it.  

Anonymous said...

Really funny Julie! Can I be a Desperate Housewife, too?Oh right, I already am.....;)

Anonymous said...

I LOVED this entry! Thanks for outdoing Martha Stewart. Send me some cookies:)