Weekend Assignment #97: Your Own Movie Awards! :
CATEGORY: Scariest “side kick” actor(s) in a film:
The nominees are: (in no particular order)
Umpa lumpas, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory—the original
Flying monkeys, The Wizard of Oz
Mini Me, Austin Powers
Danny Devito , Twins (DUAL NOMINATION)
Arnold Schweitenger, Twins
H&R Puffinstuff, in H&R Puffinstuff (enough said)
Envelope please!
And the winner is:
The Flying Monkey!!!
Wait a minute, this monkey looks hauntingly familar?!
Extra Credit:
When I was younger, I remember going to the theatre downtown with my older sister. The Del Mar Theater-built way back in the 1920’s—I’m guessing. I remember vividly the read velvet upholstered chairs, the large staircase, and the ornate wall coverings on the walls and the ceilings. On the ceiling there were pictures of naked Roman women holding vases. I thought this was quite scandalous, and tried to avoid looking up. I don’t remember exactly my first film at a movie theatre, but I do remember watching a lot of Benji movies, and Where the Red Fern Grows (a tear jerker) but remember distinctly leaving the theatre, while begging my sister to take me to the bathroom just to avoid the scary parts in the movie, Sleeping Beauty. Of course, I always denied that I was scared. All of these scary parts involved the evil witch, and that dragon. I don’t think I ever saw that film entirely because of it.
THIS is my FAVORITE entry of all! I laughed my butt off! My daughter Casey was also terrified of the oompah loompahs.... how funny!!! She is sixteen and to this VERY day I cannot even sing the oompah loompah song without her running screaming out of the room.
Come to think of it, remember a while back when John's blog assignment was to name a song that sticks in your head? LOL Remember the Ooompah's song, "Ooompah---Loompah---dupity----do----what do you get when ...." la la la...can't remember the rest.
Great now, I'll be stuck with this in my head the rest of the day.
I loved HR Puffinstuff!! I agree about the monkeys too! They were pretty scarey but the part I hated most about THAT movie was the beginning when that mean old woman took Toto away. I always had to leave the room for that.
Thanks for great memories!! :-)
I could never pinpoint what is so scarey about those freakin' flying monkeys. I think they creep me out more now, then when I was a kid. The movie theater you describe from your childhood reminds me of the one I used to go to. As I recall, ours had murals of white-wigged men on horseback. The seating was well worn maroon velvet. It had a balcony, but kids weren't allowed to sit up there. Movies were 50 cents and all the candy, popcorn, soda and ice cream came out of vending machines. I think it took 2 guys to run the entire theater. One of them used to walk the aisles during the movie and and yell "Hey Butch, get your feet off the seat!" He'd say that if you were male or female.
I was never much for crying at movies. I remember taking my little sister to see The Love Bug there and she started crying when Herbie was going to jump off the bridge, she also cryed when we went to see Born Free. My brother cried when we went to see West Side Story. Lots of good memories from that place. It's still a theater, no more movies. plays now. I think that was probably it's original use since it had an orchestra pit.
I would have chosen Minnie Me.
The Theater sounds awesome.
Oh, definitely the monkeys. The Winkies (the guys with the fur hats, yo-ee-oh, Yo-oh!) were kinda scary, too! - Karen
Love, love, love the flying monkies. The Wizard of Oz is one of my favorite movies. -Dawn-
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