Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'm Hooked on Jackie Collins Books...

It's been so slow at work lately, that I've managed to read 3 books of one of Jackie Collins' L.A. Connection mini series of books.  I'm missing #4 (Revenge) and I'm pretty pissed now!!  How will I know if Kristin is going to be Mister X's next victim?!  Will she get that call from Jake?  What will Jake do when he finds out Max's plans for Kristin?  What will Kristin do?!  Will Max survive his gunshot wounds?!  Will Diana confess to Freddie her hidden desire for Max? 

This is so very frustrating...  I've checked the "office library", and #4 book of this twisted mini series!!  Is this some cruel joke?!  I'm guessing I'll never know what will happen.  Sure, one day, I'll see the #4 book somewhere, but by the time I get to it, I probably will have forgotten what happened in books, 1, 2 & 3!  I don't have time to read at home!!!  Damn!! 

Oh well...  I guess it serves me right for this to happen.  I shouldn't be reading these books....  They are a little naughty, but entertaining nevertheless..  Hollywood people are sooooo's great. 


Anonymous said...

I bet you can find that trash on used for a penny!

Anonymous said...

Tried that, can't find it on Ebay..  I guess I'll never know what happened..oh well...  que sera, sera....