Wednesday, April 12, 2006

You're Beautiful......

I have that James Blunt song on my brain again....  The radio station I listen to plays it CONSTANTLY, so much in fact, even my toddler child knows the words to it.  I drive a comute of 45 minutes each way from home and work, so as you can imagine, Nicholas knows a lot of lyrics to many a song---especially when he hears his mother singing along to the radio out loud.  Poor thing--I can't sing very well...  I'm so glad that my van is voice insulated so people can't hear me. 

It's raining AGAIN.  What else is new?!  It's almost mid April, and I think we have only had two days of no rain so far.  This is really depressing.  No longer will California be known for tan skin and white teeth..  No, we Californians will now be known as the pale people with brown teeth--just like the people of Seattle. 

Nothing beats a cup of coffee though..  One of my friends from work gave me a Starbucks gift card for my birthday.  Whoohoo!  Now I can finally try out those drive thru Starbuck coffee stores around town!  I'll look so "preppy" now driving down the lane with my van...  Whoohhoo!! 

Well, there aren't any drive thrus here in Santa Cruz where I work.  The closest is the Jack In The Box.  Hiding behind the building near the ordering speaker sign was a sorry looking fellow asking for money.  When I had placed my order, he came up to my window with outstretched hands and a bowed head.  It looked as if he was coming up to me for holy communion.  I gave him a dollar after he reassured me that he would be buying food, and not hopping at the bar around the corner.  "Now I can buy a Breakfast Jack!" he happily exclaimed.  I later saw him inside the store waiting for his food, and I pretended not to see him, as he rushed to the window to wave goodbye to me. 

I hope I didn't just make a new best friend.  Will he be waiting for me tomorrow?!  Doesn't he realize that today I had actually more than a dollar fifty in my wallet?  This doesn't happen too often, and I hope he doesn't expect me handing dollars out everyday.  I had to hand over $10 to my daughter for her field trip, so now I'm totally out of cash!

I finally got Flat Scalzi in the mail today, and boy, am I relieved.  He was a lot of work (ha ha ha) and he kind of overstayed his visit..(ha ha ha).  My family members were already questioning my sanity...  The pressure is finally off, and his out in the mail; destination, unknown..ha ha ha... 

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