Weekend Assignment #120: Searching for Pets :
Weekend Assignment #120: Do a Web search on a pet's name and let us know some of the interesting things that pop up. It doesn't necessarily have to be a current pet -- if you've got a previous pet whose name will elicit more interesting Web results, by all means use that one instead.
Extra credit: Tell us an interesting name of a pet that wasn't your own.
We have one family cat, and his name is: L.A. His name is pronounced, simply, L.A.--like the city. No, we don't live anywhere close to this big city--it's about 400 miles away from where we live. We don't have any love for the city, other than the fact we go to Disneyland every other year...my kids just liked the sound of it, made up with the first letter of both of their initials:--L for Lizzy, and A for Andrew. I know, it is a bit odd. I mean, we could have called him, "Al" for example, but we had a close neighbor, named "Al", and I didn't want to be calling out his name each time it was time for dinner. "Kitty, kitty! Al, come and eat!" (Al was single, and was kind of smitten by me, and I didn't want him to get any ideas....if you know what I mean.) We could have called the cat, "La, La" perhaps, but the kids didn't care too much for that one either. So, our cat is just plain ole' L.A.! At least it's original, hey? I mean, it would be interesting to know if anyone else has a cat with the same name...
As you can imagine, there are many different sites on the web for L.A.! Here are a few:
Los Angeles Times, City of Los Angeles, Official Site of the Los Angeles Lakers, Official Los Angeles Dodgers, IMDb - LA Confidential
& my favorite:
Extra Credit: I have a relative that had a dog named "Picansa". This dog came to America from her native Azores, and lived a happy and long life in her new home in California. She was named after a relative that our grandfather used to warn us about. I've previously written a story about this relative a few years ago in my diary in "Diaryland." Click on the following sites, to read them!
The Curse of Maria Picansa & Tia Virginia
The Curse...cont'd.
P.S.... Teeisme57 aka: Teresa found more LA SITES! Look in my comments!!
1 comment:
Here Julie, I did ya one better...here's a list of arcronyms for LA
Acronym Definition
LA Los Angeles
LA Louisiana (US postal abbreviation)
LA Annual Leave
LA Laboratorios América SA (Spanish, Colombia)
LA Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico)
LA Ladies Auxiliary (VFW)
LA Lance Armstrong (cyclist)
LA Landscape Architect
LA Lane
LA Language Arts
LA Lanthanum
LA Lao People's Democratic Republic
LA Laos
LA Large Animal
LA Laser Annealing
LA Late Arrival
LA Latin America
La Lauantai (Finnish: Saturday)
LA Lavochkin (Soviet aircraft designer)
LA Lawrence Academy (Massachusetts, USA)
LA Lead Acid (batteries)
LA Lead Agent
LA Lead Auditor
LA Learning Aptitude
LA Legislative Affairs
LA Legislative Assembly
LA Lenkungsausschuss (German: steering committee)
LA Lethbridge, Alberta (Canada)
LA Letter of Activation
LA Letter of Authority
LA Level Absolute
LA Lewiston/Auburn, Maine
LA Liberal Arts
LA Library Assistant
LA Library Association (UK)
LA License Application
LA Licensie d'Arts
LA Light Assist (nursing)
LA Lightning Attack (gaming)
LA Limited Area (security)
LA Limited Availability
LA Line Adapter
LA Linea Aerea Nacional (Lan-Chile, IATA airline code)
LA Linear Adaline Algorithm
LA Linguoaxial
LA Link's Awakening (video game)
LA Linoleic Acid
LA Little Athletics (QLAA)
LA Liverpool Arms (UK)
LA Living Area
LA Load Address (IBM)
LA Load Allocation
LA Loan Agreement
LA Loan Amount
LA Local Alarm
LA Local Authority
LA Location Area
LA Logistics Analyst
LA Los Alamos (publication)
LA Lost Animal
LA Louis Armstrong (singer)
LA Love Always
LA Low Alcohol (beer)
LA Low Altitude
LA Low Approach
LA Low-Alarm
LA Lower Alabama
LA Lucas Arts
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