Friday, October 27, 2006

13 Favorite Trick Or Treat Candy


My 13 Favorite Halloween Candy...

1.  Hershey Minitures

2.  Reese's Cups

3.  Snickers

4.  Dots (great w/peanut butter by the way..)

5.  M&M's (without peanuts)

6.  Milky Ways

7.  Candy Corn!!!

8.  Tootsie Rolls

9.  Hershey's Kisses

10.  Mounds

11.  Starbursts

12.  Miniture Mints (great with ice..) 

13.  Tootsie Roll Pops

Have you bought your Halloween stash yet?  I did last week, and upon entry into the house with my bags of candy, I instructed hubby man to HIDE the sacks of candy in a safe place--a place where the kids and MYSELF could not know about.  So far, I haven't asked where the stash is.  I'm very proud of myself. 


Anonymous said...

LOL..... but how do you know you can trust hubby man with that stash? What if he's been eating the candy since you gave it to him to hide, LOL? I know what you mean, I can't trust myself with Halloween candy. I just love those minis.

Mandy ~

Anonymous said...

Oooh that is a good idea, having the hubby hide it!  We buy candy to give out and candy to eat.  Sad isn't it?  lol

be well,

Anonymous said...

i like them all except the DOTS.

Anonymous said...

M&Ms without the peanuts....are you crazy! lol! and where are the marshmallows! lol!

no, we haven't got ours yet. but i doubt we'll have many kids come around.

shermeen xx

Anonymous said...

I got my candy tonight..LOL...I got some snickers...and fun stuff for the TrickorTreaters..and my own little stash put up for those days i just need an almond joy...LOL..Hugs,TerryAnn