Sunday, October 15, 2006


Get out your cameras girls, and gents, and start cracking!!! 

"There's only one rule. No staged photographs. Just a suggestion, don't photograph anything that might have Homeland Security detain you, get your ass kicked or your face punched in. Other than that, leave a link either here or at Julie's, and post your photo's at the end of the week or everyday if you like.

Oh, and this isn't a Federal Holiday or anything, so if you have a job, go to work...just bring your camera with you."

This came directly from Teeisme57's Blog--- see below!

Check it out, and take those pictures!!  Post them--I wanna see!!  Have fun!!  I know I will!  (Because according to my daughter..  I have no social life!) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that is a great idea!  Yay!

be well,