Sunday, October 22, 2006

Trouble with potty....

I know that one successfully "potty" day for Nicholas would not be the end of accidents; but this one just takes the cake. 


He tried hiding behind the chair again, and from experience I know what he was up to.  I got him to his room to try the potty and that was met with extreme resistance.  I figured he wasn't ready, so let it slide that time.  Later, we were both in the kitchen.  I turned around, and he was gone.  I immediately looked at the front door.  It was closed, but the latch was not locked.  My instincts told me to check the front yard, and sure enough there was Nick; on the next door neighbor's lawn, holding a soiled diaper, and dumping it's contents on the lawn.  I took off in a mad dash towards him.  If anyone had a camera, I'm sure it would have been quite entertaining..  I just hope to God none of the neighbors saw it!

After scooping the child up, I ran back towards the lawn, and grabbed the poopy diaper.  Unfortunately, however, I couldn't grab the contents that had fallen.  It is still sitting there.  I feel horrible.  May be when it gets dark, I'll go out there with a plastic bag and dispose of it.  My older kids think its just hilarious.  They have already walked by past the lawn a number of times.  Last report, there are a number of flies now circling the area.  I feel really badly now. 

"Excuse me Ernie, but I need to gather my son's poop off your lawn.." 

I'm so embarrassed.. 


Anonymous said...

Oh that is the funniest thing i have heard all day!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, you walking around with the freaking camera everywhere.
I want to see a picture of THAT! ~Mary

Anonymous said...

:0 Oh no! That must have been just awful for you, but thankfully nobody saw. I guess he's trying to hide his accidents from you. Just show him that its ok if he can't use the potty all the time, but dumping it on the neighbours lawn isn't right.
(laughs) Still, it'll make a great story for when he's sixteen and brings his first girlfriend home!

Shermeen xx

Anonymous said...

Tell ya' what..  If the "poop" is still there when I get home, I'll ask one of my kids to take a picture.  What is really sad, is this guy is a very sweet guy.  He comes and brings us tomatoes from his garden, and he always has his lawns finely manicured.  I feel even more sorry for the gardeners that are there every other morning...  Oh well..  I'm just glad I managed to get the diaper!

Anonymous said...

OMG... thank you for the laugh!  I am sorry, I know you are mortified, but really this will be the story that follows Nicholas all his life!  LOL

be well,

Anonymous said...

 Since I just had surgery 4 days ago reading this entry was not only funny, it was painful when I burst out laughing.  Thanks for visiting my journal and I am glad I found yours.  
