Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday Tongue Twister..

I'm waiting for an email from the cousins or someone overseas to let me know that my brother and mom and family made it safely across the Atlantic to their Azorean destination.  Although I haven't heard word yet, I did get the following email from my cousin Rute.  It's kind of fun, thought I'd share--it's in Portuguese and English, entitled: 

Don't say the Portuguese Language Is More Complicated... 

Some of the grammar is off, and it doesn't make too much sense, but it gives you an idea of how a Latin language is translated into English--and how difficult it seems to a non-English speaker.  My problem is understanding which nouns in the Portuguese language are considered feminine or masculine.  It confused the hell out of me. 

>o diga que a lingua Portuguesa é complicada / Don't say again that >Portuguese language is complicated. 

>Ler em voz alta / read it this out loud:  

>* Três bruxas olham para três relógios Swatch. Qual bruxa olha para qual >relógio Swatch? 

>Agora em inglês / Now in English: 

>* Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch >watch? 

>Foi fácil? Então agora para os especialistas / Easy? then now only for >experts. 

>* Três bruxas suecas e transexuais olham para os botões de três relógios >Swatch suíços. Qual bruxa sueca transexual olha para qual botão de qual >relógio Swatch suíço? 

>E agora em ingles/ And now in English: 

>* Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. >Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch? 

>Então? o português é assim tão difícil? / So, is Portuguese really that >difficult? 

Yeah, it is..sometimes!!  I think English is EASY. 



Anonymous said...

Good Lord. I have NO IDEA what that email was saying! Let us know when your family gets over there!

Anonymous said...

LOL... I am glad that everyone is there safe and sound, and yes, english is easier... than Portuguese!  LOL

be well,

Anonymous said...

So which witch switched the Swatch? --Cin