Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We Are Okay :)

Yes, last night, we had an earthquake here in San Jose.  You can read all about it here:

It was 15 seconds long, and it was a bit scary.  It's been the biggest since the Loma Prieta Quake, of  1989 (that was in Santa Cruz--my hometown, and yes I was there when that happened).  That quake happened on October 17.  Something about the month of October for some reason.  The weather has been a little odd.  We had thunder and lightning on Monday, and then a sunny, mild day yesterday. 

I was sitting at my computer last night, and, I will say that I screamed.  My husband went out to get a gallon of milk and was on the road, Lizzy was at work, and I was alone with the 3 boys.  Things shook a bit, and Andrew and Nicholas took cover under a desk.  A few pictures fell, but nothing major.  My husband didn't even feel it, of course.  It was scary, and I hate earthquakes, but it wasn't that bad.  I finished making the mashed potatoes, and we had meatloaf for dinner, and the rest of the night was pretty uneventful, although I did finish some baking I wanted to accomplish..

I've been getting a few emails from worried friends and family.  Thank you!  :)  Thank you for checking up on us.  But, I'm afraid the media has been overly dramatizing.  They have a way of doing that. 

 In 1981, when there were flood problems over here, I was out of the country and heard about it in the news. From what the media was saying, the entire state was under water and floating on boats. They kept on showing and re-showing the man on a row boat, over and over again.  And that was CNN, mind you.  I was in Portugal at the time with my mom and sister, and each time I saw that sad man on the row boat, I thought of my dad and brother who were in California, rowing up and down on our street. 

  In 1989, when we had the big earthquake, we all slept in my mother's living room with our battery run radio.  From what the media was saying, you got the impression that northern California was completely wiped out.  It was really surreal, and it really got us scared, not to mention the hysteria it gave to all the relatives overseas that weren't able to reach us by phone at the time. 

It was scary.  We had our Halloween scare a little early..  It makes life exciting, I guess. 


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trick Or Treat Thru Jland


I imagine I'm going to be very busy tomorrow, so here it is.. My Trick Or Treat Thru Jland! 


Come and snag a treat, and visit with others..  :) 

Tonight, I'll be busy making cupcakes and cookies and cake for my son's Halloween party, and I was just informed that there is going to be even more Halloween goodies at the Ghetto (my office).  The fillings in my teeth are already getting jumpity..they can feel the sugar already! 

    Not a day to start a diet, that is for sure!

Have a fun and safe Halloween! 

   Things I like About Halloween:

1.  The cute costumes  

2.  The anticipation of trick or treating on the faces of children.

3.  The nice walk outside.

4.  The sound of children's laughter outside.  (Or are they screams?)

5.  A great excuse to light candles.

6.  Great excuse to dress strange.

Things I hate about Halloween:   


1.  The raw, sugary roughness that is left in your mouth after consuming too much candy.

2.  The candy wrappers I always seem to find all over the house afterwards, and throughout the next year..

3.  Piling all my Halloween decorations in boxes and putting them in the attic.

4.  The dread I feel that it's time to shop for Christmas already.

5.  Irritable, sugar induced children, with tummy aches. 

6.  "Do I have to go to school tomorrow?"  I just know I'm going to hear that tomorrow morning. 



7.  Obnoxious teenagers and their stupid parents who allow them to buy eggs.



Monday, October 29, 2007

Just Me Being a Portagee :)

More Than Words, By Extreme. 

One of my favorite bands from the 90's...  I have my reasons.  The guy sitting on the left is Nuno Bettancourt--yeah he is Portuguese.  If you look closely at the video, you'll see the Portuguese flag draped on a speaker in the background.  When I first saw this video, it was a big deal.  You NEVER saw the Portuguese flag on MTV.  It was a proud moment to all Portuguese everywere.  Nelly Furtado did the same with her first video as well.  Anyway, after seeing the video for the first time, I just had to know about this band..naturally.  Don't ask why--it's just a Portuguese thing. 

Of course his family comes from the Azores-same island as my family is from.  And of course, being a small island, he is quite the celebrity.  He lives in the states now, and plays for another band: Mourning Widows.  Anyways, I have a funny story to share. 

One summer, I was in the Azores vacationing--years ago, I believe it was 1993 to be exact.  I was in the city, and I just happened to be wearing my Extreme concert T-shirt I got at their concert.  This T-shirt was one of my prize possessions at the time.  You see, I had this secret crush on Nuno (my ex-husband did not like that), and there I was walking down the same city streets from which Nuno was born.  Anyway, I was with my sister, and my mom and the kids, when out of no where a man, who just was leaving the bank stopped and looked at me.  He looked at my shirt, and then smiled, and said:

"You know, that's my brother!"

Let's just say I was a little excited.  I don't exactly know what I said, but I did ask him if he would take a picture with me, and here it is: 

Poor guy is still holding his checkbook.  See how little my daughter, Lizzy is?  Well, it wasn't until later that day that I was told that Luis (the guy in purple) taught Nuno how to play guitar.  I was thrilled--my husband at the time, (the ex) wasn't that thrilled; he actually thought I had lunch with the guy or something. 

A few years later, Nuno was performing on the island, and my cousin, Adelaide went up to the stage and got Nuno to sign his autograph on a piece of paper.  It reads: "Hi, Julie".  Yes, it's a prized possession of mine.  It's pinned to my wall at work near Nuno's picture.  Only I know it's significance.  Well, not now I guess.

Anyway, ironically, remember that movie, "Love Actually?"  You know Colin Firth's character--the one who falls in love in Paris with the Portuguese housekeeper?  Well, the woman who played the housekeeper, her name is:  Lucia Moniz.  She is married to Nuno's other brother, Donovan.  They have a little girl named, Julia.  I saw them this summer while on vacation.  Unfortunately, Nuno or Colin were no where in sight.  Small world, huh? 

(Why must all Portuguese women be betrayed as housekeepers on the big screen?)

Anyways, I'm sure my cousins were grateful that I didn't ask for a photo with Lucia. 


I hate Mondays


I feel like I've been cheated from a weekend..  It all went by so fast!

I went to the dentist Saturday to replace a temporary crown for a permanent one.  Don't you hate it when your teeth don't hurt UNTIL after you go to the dentist?!  It's Monday, and my jaw still feels sore, and my head is still throbbing from that drilling, and other construction work that was done in the back of my mouth...  URrrrgg.. 

Well, Saturday night most of the children were gone, so I was able to spend some quality, uninterrupted time with hubby.  That was nice anyway. 

Sunday was just a whirlwind of activity.  I almost got run over by the shopping cart my mom was pushing, and just barely fell off a curb, but I'm okay.  I took two migraine headache pills that later made me nauseous to my stomach.  Errr.. 

I've also been playing tag with the insurance accounts receivable people again.  The stupid woman that I spoke to last week, who told me to fax my father's death certificate lied.  That is not what they needed, and it wasn't my father's bill after all.  I got another call from this equally idiotic woman (I'm sorry, but I'm not in a good mood..excuse my language for a moment) who told me that what they needed was my mother's new insurance card.  Well, I faxed it early this morning, only to get another call from the same lady saying that she needed her "old" insurance card.  Ai ai ai ai..  You know, it's old, and it's probably thrown away by now lady!  Urrg..  Why the hospital didn't bill my mother's correct insurance is beyond me.  They warned me that this may happen..  You would think they would be extra careful that it didn't, right..  But, I guess that would be just too easy. 

What I'm craving for right now is a nice long nap, a pound of chocolate, and a strong margarita. 

It's almost Halloween..  Time to get my journal festive for trick or treat through Jland!  Perhaps when I feel better, I will attempt to be creative.  I have cookies and a Jack O'Latern cake for a Halloween party to make.  May be that will get more in the festive mood.  It is currently raining, outside, and very gloomy and Halloweenish.  Thunder and lightning to boot!!  I wish I was home!! 

Is this scary or what?!


Friday, October 26, 2007





It's pretty much a NOTHING day.  Work is caught up, and I'm just waiting for the clock to read the 5 o'clock hour. 

Yesterday the clouds/fog just hung closely to the ocean, and it was just too cold to venture out with the little guy.  He was still all dressed up in his picture clothes and I was told that he did well.  I can't wait to see the photos.  Instead of the beach I attempted to do a little shopping, but Nicholas was more interested in hiding in between the clothes, and took great delight watching me chase him down with a cart.  After trying to run out into the parking lot again, I just gave up and took him to the pet store where he got to see the fish, the parakets, the mice, the hamsters and the little kittens. 

Something very funny happened last night.  My daughter was looking for a particular picture for her Myspace.  She was looking for a picture of Nelly Furtado, and when she did a google, whose picture appeared on the first page?  It was mine.  She kind of freaked. 

"Mom, come here quick.  You are going to pee your pants!"

She showed me the Google page, and sure enough there is my picture, the small one on the sidebar.  It gave me a good laugh, but I didn't pee my pants, Teresa.  HA HA HA..

"See, Lizzy, I'm EVERYWHERE.." 

She was in an instant message with her boyfriend at the time she discovered my picture, and her boyfriend was a little surprized.  I saw his IM saying:  "Is that your mom?!" 

This is proof, that whenever you post a picture on your website, it might turn up just about everywhere.  Do a Google on Coelha, and you might get some very naughty pictures of women dressed in rabbit costume right next to mine..  Lovely, huh?

Well it's Friday.  Today my daughter is taking the bus down here so she can spend the weekend with her grandmother.  Of course Mom is delighted.  If Grandma is happy, EVERYONE is happy.  I got ten packets of Avon brochures I'm sending out today--I discovered 10 more addresses of more people I can send.  I must do that today.

I have a question.  Please answer honestly.  At Halloween I was thinking about passing out brochures in plastic bags with candy inside for any mothers that may come to my door.  What do you think?  Is that too much?  If someone offered one, would you be annoyed?  I'm thinking about doing it, but I don't want anyone offended by it.  I mean, I don't know of anything that Avon sells that would offend anyone never know.  Give me your honest opinion. 

Have a great Friday! 


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thankful Thursday


The weather here is slightly overcast at the moment, but the sun is supposed to show it's face later today.  I just finished reading about the fires still raging down in southern California.  It's such a tragedy.  So many people displaced with homes burned to the ground.  I need to get in touch with my friend who lives in Temecula, California-I hope she and her family are okay.  My daughter was going to a  Quincinera (sorry if I spell it wrong) with her best friend and her family.  The family throwing the party had it postponed due to the fires.  My boss lady's husband is out there right now still trying to fight the fire.  She told me that when she last spoke to him on the phone, he sounded tired and "defeated".  She had never heard him speak that way.  Of course, she is very worried.  If you get a chance today, please send out a little prayer for California, please. 

I'm working only a half day today, and if the weather doesn't get warmer, I may just do some grocery shopping with the little guy.  He promised to smile for his picture day, and surprisingly he didn't fuss when I got him dressed up in his corduroys and new clothes.  This kid lives in pull up shorts and t-shirts, but I want him to look nice for his picture today.  I can still control what Nicholas wears, and I only wish I can do the same for my middle school aged child, who insists on sporting the "I just rolled out of bed look.."  I know he isn't the only kid who likes this "look"--I've noticed that most of his friends, and the majority of the boys in his school like looking that way, but..still.  Hopefully by the time he is a freshman in high school (next year) he'll want to look more presentable. 

I am still thinking about taking that walk on the beach, but Nicholas has a cough that I can't ignore.  Tis the season for the flu.  At preschool, it is ever persistent in the air.  We never got sick until our child went to preschool.  Oh well, what can you do? 

Speaking of sick, the receptionist is out again.  (She's been out all week.)  I must go and break the reception desk now.  I just can't wait to see what is in store for me today.  wish me luck. 

Thankful list:

1.  I live far away from the fires down south.

2.  My son did not throw up in car today.

3.  I work only until noon today.

4.  I can do some grocery shopping.  Our kids eat like hungry bears--we are always running out

5.  I got my son to school on time today.

6.  My health

7.  My kids, and wonderful husband who got me out of bed in time to wake up and take a shower.  I love you. 

Have a great Thursday everyone!   

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Another Day At The Ghetto

Hello people!  How is your Wednesday going so far? 

Here at the ghetto it is never a dull moment.

I'm looking for "lost files."  It's amazing how these files can just grow legs and "disappear" from where they are suppossed to be.  There is an entry in the system here "file sent to" that almost no one uses (except me of course).  If people working here would just take the time and use that chrono, life would be so much easier.  Anyways, I am in search of a client's file who just got another probation grant.  This person has 5 volumes of files of criminal history, and I can only find two of them.  She is working on her 6th volume.  It's a sad thing, I know. 

A probation officer just came in here looking for yet another file she can't find.  I mentioned the file I was looking for, and she recalled how that particular client had insulted her and called her a "fat ass."  Ironically, after saying this, she noticed a bag of Halloween candy that I had sitting there near my feet, and without further to do, she proceeded to take a few candies.  I didn't know what to say to that-it caught be a little off guard to tell you the truth.  I mean, it didn't get me mad or anything after she did that but, lady--let me put it in a basket on my desk before you grab candy from my grocery bag.  I would be embarrassed to just do that without asking, wouldn't you?  Oh well...what can you say?  Poor thing has been getting pretty chunky lately, and she has been trying to get pregnant.  May be a little chocolate is what she needs, and perhaps it's that special time of the month where there just isn't enough chocolate on Earth.  I brought the bags of candy into the office in fear that my bags of candy would melt in my car.  Now I have to hide them from the hungry, chocolate deprived probation officers. 

Anyways, the search continues..

Meanwhile, the receptionist is "sick" again this week.  I had to cover the desk in the morning again, and apparently there is sign floating over my head that reads "office psychic".  A client came in this morning asking to see his probation officer.  I told him that his probation officer called in sick today, and he would not be able to see her today. 

"When will she be better so I can see her?"

I just stared at him at first.  Okay, this guy thinks I'm her personal physician, or thinks I'm psychic. 

"If she feels better tomorrow, you may be able to see her tomorrow." 

He seemed to understand that answer. 

Later there was another client who requested the garbage can.  The annoying woman I can't stand in the office brought it to him.  Thank God that she did, because immediately afterwards the guy threw up in it.  Oh joy. 

I got yet another call from that recruiting agency that called in yesterday.  I finally got a fax this morning, and when I did, I couldn't stop laughing.  The recruiting office is from Hollywood, California.  It had a picture of a Hall of Fame star on the fax cover Hollywood!  Is this suppossed to impress people?  The guy calling from the recruiting station sure was excited to claim his recruiters fee.  He sounded more like a client on the mental health caseload to tell you the truth.  Sad, I know.  I did not know that recruiters make money with each recruitment, until someone here told me about the process. 

After my daughter graduated from high school, one kept calling the house until I told them to "never call this house again."  This recruiter started his conversation with:  "Hey, word, what's up baby girl?"  I guess he thought I was my daughter. I was not impressed at the least.  When I asked him who he was, he got all serious.  That's when I told him to never call my daughter again.  If my daughter had a boyfriend who spoke that way to her, I would tell him to stop calling.  "Baby girl?"  Recruiters will go to great lengths to get the young recruits.  Recruiters will go to high schools and give out free ice cream for names and numbers, then when May and June comes around, they make their calls.   

It's another beautiful day here outside.  High 70's, low 80's.  Tomorrow my youngest is going to get his picture taken in the morning at his preschool, and I'm taking the afternoon off.  I'm hoping to take the little guy to the beach tomorrow so he can play in the sand for a bit before his brother gets out of school.  I've been longing for a nice walk again, and Nicholas seems to like the idea.  May be I'll remember to bring my camera. 

 I still have pictures from my daughter's birthday I haven't posted.  Sorry.  I would post some from my daughter's high school dance she went to, but, she is so over high school homecomings at this point.  She ran out of the house before I could grab a camera so no pictures were taken this year.  Oh well..  She did graduate already..the thrill is gone at this point.  She is also currently mad with boyfriend at the moment.  Oh..teen drama..  Is there anything worse?  Wait, yes there is----having an open bag of Halloween candy within a foot away from you--this is worse.  I need to hide this chocolate before the entire bag is consumed!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Moments ago, I got a frantic phone call from my  mother.  Apparently, an accounts receivable agency tried to get her to pay off an old medical bill over the phone with a credit card.  Luckily, she wasn't intimidated enough to do it. 

About 4 years ago, a year after my father's passing, we got a bill from his oncologist's office.  Apparently, his physician's office "forgot" to bill my father's insurance, when he was still alive.  I guess they were trying to pass off their mistake, and see if my mother  would pay for it.  Well, luckily, I did not let her do so.  Umm...  No, I don't think so.  Well, apparently they are still at it, and now, over 5 years after my father's death they have a "accounts receivable" office trying to manipulate my mother into pay a bill that is over $1,500 for an amount that would have been billed to my father's insurance company when he was covered, and still alive!  Can you believe this? 

Well, I got on the phone and resolved the matter in 3 minutes.  All they want is a copy of my father's death certificate faxed to them, and it will be written off.  Thank you. 

You have no idea how pissed I am right now.  My father always had medical insurance, and always paid his bills.  I just cannot believe a doctor, who knows fully well that my father had indeed passed away under his care, would try and pass on his billing mistake, and try and take money from a patient's widow.  Unfortunately for HIM, I'm still around. 

Why is it always about the money?

Tuesday Afternoon...

It's a beautiful Tuesday afternoon here where I am in California.  I don't live in southern California, so I'm not effected at all by the terrible firestorms in the Malibu/San Diego area.  I live closer to the San Francisco Bay.  California is a HUGE state.  I still have relatives that don't know this, and I already got one email from overseas wondering if we were any where near the fires.  Nope--I don't live near Sean Penn, or John Travolta, but thanks for the concern. 

It really such a pretty day here.  It's unfortunate I have to be at work at all.  It's not a busy day, but I did have an unusual call.  I got a call from a armed forces recruiter asking for criminal record information on a former client.  I couldn't give them the information without a formal letter or fax with their letterhead.  It all sounded fishy to me.  I've never received a call from a recruiter.  Those calls usually go to the juvenile department.  It's the younger people that often get the recruiter calls, and usually they come in person requesting information.  The recruiter was calling in for someone in his 30's.  Kind of unusual, but I guess I could see someone wanting to join the arm forces at a later age, but it still sounded "fishy" to me.  The caller did not like my answer, and then had his "supervisor" call me: 

"Well, in L.A. County, that information is given over the phone...blah..blah..blah.." 

"Well, sir," I reply, "different counties work differently...blah blah blah.." 

Well, he said he would send me a fax this morning.  Never got one yet.  Weird.  I wouldn't be surprised if the person was trying to check his own record, or perhaps check on someone else's just for personal reasons.  I sometimes get those calls.

"I met someone online, and I want to know if they are on probation."

"Sorry, no can do."

I took my lunch break running errands and taking my youngest to preschool.  Everywhere people are walking in shorts.  I'm so jealous of these people.  I am even more jealous of those people I see each morning takingtheir early walks in the neighborhood.  Sigh.  I feel exercised deprived.  Lately, the only exercise I get is walking up and down the stairs at work and at home.  By the time I get home, I'm so tired, and I have laundry to do, and dinner to make..etc..etc..  So, this morning, I went next door to the 76 gas station and got myself a lottery ticket.  21 million is up for grabs in the California State Lottery.  Wish me luck.  If I win I'll send you all roses, and matching tiaras, and I'll do lunch! 

I got my ATM card back.  All is good.  I got my Avon order in.  (Thank you Dawn for your order :)  I hope you like what you got.)  I've been kind of lazy about sending brochures out to family members, and a few friends (don't worry-I didn't send any to you..ha ha ha)  via mail.  I wrote a letter finally, and I hope to send them off soon.  I just get kind of funny about sending advertisements in the mail.  I feel like I'm asking for money or something.  I guess I'm not an aggressive seller?  I did finish the letters, and they are awaiting in envelopes.  I wrote in my letter:  "don't feel pressured to buy anything because it's me.."  I hope I don't annoy anyone.  I would make a terrible used car salesman, that's for sure.  I am however surprised how many orders I have gotten without really trying.  I left some brochures in the bathroom, and they disappeared.  I checked the garbage, and no--there weren't any in there, so I guess that is okay. 

I am now waiting for my son to give me a call and let me know where he is, and where he is going to be in the next 2 hours.

 He got his school pictures that he took yesterday.  Before he handed them over to me, he said:

"Mom, you are not going to like them."

"Yes, I will, let me see!"

  "I tried to smile, but I just couldn't"

I take one look, and, oh my God.  He is displaying that silly grin (the grin he uses that makes him resemble an old man without his teeth), and he had bed hair.  (Sigh)  Now I have like 50 pictures of my son with that grin with "wake me up, just got out of bed, hair".  I couldn't stop laughing. My son is such a cute guy, and he does have a nice smile, I just don't understand why he does this. Well, at least he is wearing something decent.  Last year he took a picture and didn't tell me it was picture day, and he is wearing a gray Family Guy shirt, with the Family Guy dog on the front of it, and it reads in large white letters:  "Stop Looking At My Tail."   I would post his picture, but I promised him that I wouldn't.  Sorry. 

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday.. blah

Well, it's beautiful outside, and here I am at work...  URG.  I hate that.  The weekend went a little too fast for me, and no-I didn't want to get out of bed.  I had to drag my child out of bed again, only to find him dressed in mix matched clothes, still with bed hair waiting for me in the garage.  Let's just say he looked like he literally just fell out of bed.  I had to re-dress him. 

My car's brakes are making weird squeaky sounds again.  I must have that checked.  If I don't have the radio playing, I can hear my squeaky breaks.  Not a nice sound to hear every day when you have a 40 minute commute up and over a very twisty and curvy highway in the mountains. 

My mom is mad that she hasn't seen her grand-daughter lately.  I hardly see her myself-the girl works, and goes to school.  Between that her and her social activities she has with her friends, there are days when I only see her a few hours, or she is asleep in her room.  Of course, Mom blames me for all this..  (Sigh)

I got a new account at a new bank just for my Avon stuff.  I went to put in my first deposit with my ATM card, and after I made the transaction, my card got stuck.  I've never had this happen to me.  Has this ever happened to you?  Well, I go inside the bank and I'm informed that I have to wait to get my card later this afternoon for the "ATM person."  Lovely.  Urrggh, sigh.. 

Well, when I did get back to my desk, I did find a new Avon order!  (Happy Dance!) 

It's so pretty out today--it's summer looking over here.  What I would do for a cold margarita and a nice walk on the beach right now...  (Sigh)

Well, the day is still young.  I hope all of you are having a good one! 

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Meme Time :)

Meme Time!  I got this from Dawn (of course, who else?):

Using the third letter of your first name, answer the following questions:  Julie = L!

1. Famous Singer : Liberace!  (LOL)

2. Four letter word : Love

3. Street : Lover's Lane

4. Color : Lavender

5. Gifts/Presents : Lace

6. Vehicle : Limousine

7. Things in Souvenir Shop : Linens

8. Boy Name : Lewis

9. Girl Name : Lenore

10. Movie Title : Love Actually

11. Drink : Lemon Drop

12. Occupation : Lawyer

13. Celebrity : Lou Rawls

14. Magazine : Life

15. U.S. City : Los Angeles

16. Pro Sports : La Crosse

17. Fruit : Lemon

18. Reason For Being Late To Work : Left my purse at home.

19. Something You Threw Away : Leftovers.

20. Something You Shout : Leave me alone!!

21. Cartoon Character : Little Louie

22. Song Title:  Live and Let Die...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Toma Forca!

Just playing with YouTube again.  This is such a cute video!  Nelly actually is wearing something decent in it too..  Viva, Nelly Furtado!!  If your wondering what "Forca" means (it's pronounced like Forsa).  It means basically:  with force, with all your strength. 

I'm hearing Andrew playing "soccer" with a little rubber ball in his bedroom.  May be that is why I chose this video today?  I went with him today to get new football cleats.  Is that how you spell it?  He plays flag football on the weekends.  He is getting more and more interested in playing soccer now as well.  Perhaps his visit this summer in Portugal made him pick up interest?  I'm not quite sure.  His father will be thrilled to know he is interested.  His father was quite the player when he was younger.  Too bad he didn't take the game seriously.  It's every Portuguese mother's dream to have their son turn into a soccer star. 

I'm in the process of making tacos for dinner, and I'm waiting for the furniture people to come so they can take away the broken hutch the delivered.  Lizzy and Matt are going to the homecoming dance later.  I hope to take some pictures to share with all.  Do you realize that it will be another 11 years or so before my youngest goes to prom?!  Oh dear Jesus, give me strength.  By the time these teenagers are out of the house, I hope when it's Nicholas' turn, I'll know what to do.  Yeah...right, I know..good luck! 

Have a great evening!  :) 


Summer Memories on a Rainy Day

The other day, my little guy got nostalgic for his summer days spent in the Azores..

While driving to preschool, out of no where, Nicholas blurted out:

"Mommy, I miss Miguel.  I want to feed the birds again with Miguel."

I looked back in my rear view mirror, and there was Nicholas staring at the rain from the backseat of the car, with a sad look on his face.

"Remember the birds, mommy?"

"Yes, Nicholas, I remember."

"Can we go see Miguel and feed the birds popcorn again?"

"Sure Nicholas, one day we will."

Before I forget, here are the pictures we took that day.  They were taken at the city park in Angra do Heroismo, Terceira


Nicholas and Miguel, friends of hungry pigeons. 

Pigeon Heaven

Pure joy--one of my favorite pictures taken this summer of the little guy. 

That's my cousin, Adelaide sitting there between my kids, and her own daughter.  We used to play at this park as children.  Doesn't seem that long ago, Adelaide.  How I miss you!

Friday, October 19, 2007


It's finally, Friday---couldn't have gotten here any sooner.

It's been a long week. 

Little things that usually don't phase me, have been really getting to me lately.  I mean, a little back talk from teenagers really doesn't bother me until just recently.  With me, if I don't release some tension right away, it just builds up until it gets to a point of no return, when the straw just breaks the camel's back, or the shit hits the fan-so do say, and all that built up anger just flows out like a volcano!!  Without further to say, I feel like the wicked, evil step-mother this week.  I don't like the feeling--it's quite a downer. 

I went beyond my job duties, and did someone a favor yesterday, by moving data cases from one caseload to another in the computer system here at work.  The changes were causing chaotic confusion at the ghetto, so I decided to just do it.  It wasn't my job really, and the annoying woman whom I can't stand who works here, who talks all this computer jargon was going to do it, but she was gone.  Yes, it involved a lot of ten key action, and my eyes are still feeling a quite sore, but I'm glad it was done.  I can't stand clutter--especially cleaning up stuff in the system later. 

 Well, I received many emails of thanks, and even made one guy in the office especially happy; I got a marriage proposal:

"If you ever divorce your husband, Julie, I'll marry you!" 

Gee, thanks but no thanks.  Never mind the guy is openly gay.  My boss lady found out and told me that was quite impressive--"I turned him around."  Well, he is just happy from ear to ear, and sent a big ole' email to tell everyone what I did.  From the way it reads, it sounds as if I worked my fingers to the bone.  Not really.  I'm just feeling a bit cross-eyed. 

Oh well, at least I made someone happy this week.  Now where is my raise?! 

Remember that "bonus" check that everyone got, where I only was given a stub?  Well, it was eaten up by allmy tax deductions.  Isn't that sad?  All I got was a stub.  Oh well.  Still kinda depressing.  It's like waiting for Valentines to arrive, and not finding any in your hand made paper Valentine holder.  Everyone else is smiling, waving their Valentine when all you are holding is a rock.   It was a true Charlie Brown moment. 

It's cold, and a tad depressing weather here in California.  It looks like rain, but not quite raining yet.  This hour change really needs to happen very soon.  It is just too dark at 6am in the morning.  I need that extra hour of sleep!! 

Christmas:  My kids won't be going to NJ for Christmas.  My daughter can't take the time off because she was promoted to Holiday Manager at the store where she works.  It's a mixed blessing though; it might mess up our Thanksgiving plans.  She confided in me that she really didn't want to travel cross country during the holidays.  She is trying for the first week of January though. Anyway, I'm content that all the children will be home at Christmas.  Big sigh of relief.  See, I was stressing for nothing.  I tend to always do that.

Yesterday in the news the was another possible child abduction near the city I live in.  Someone tried to coax a 12 year old boy into their car, threatening that they would get run over if they didn't.  We truly live in a scary world.  Stories like these immediately came to my mind when I was looking for my son the other day under the rain.  It's just more worry to feed this worried mother hen. 

I have to get back to my job applications, and work on my resume now. 

Have a great Friday! 

P.S.  It's Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Avon's Pink Ribbon products help support cancer research.  You can see and purchase these items on my website:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wet Wednesday


I don't know about you, but those pictures of Ellen DeGeneres that I've been seeing on the net the last few days, are really bothering me.  Okay, may be she didn't follow the rules when she handed over the pooch to her friend, but she did it with the best intentions.  The media is totally blowing this way out of porportion though--all these pictures of "bawling Ellen" is really silly and not to mention unflattering to poor Ellen.  Enough already!  I'm sure the hairdresser will go back to the pound, and Ellen will help pay for the costs to get the dog back!

I am familiar with the hoops you have to go through to adopt a dog or cat.  Been there, done that, and I'm not kidding when I actually thought they were going to send out "spies" on the house to make sure the cat was being properly taken care of.  I remember a co-worker friend of mine who was put in a lottery drawing to adopt an iguana.  She was given a test.  Yes, I'm not kidding.  It was between her and this other gentleman, and the one who scored highest on the test, got the iguana after they paid  enormous amount of money of course.  My co-worker "won" the reptile, and end up calling her Imelda because she liked sleeping on her leather heels. 

This all makes me wonder though why  we aren't as much concerned with all our displaced human beings.  Sure, it is important that animals be given to a nice, safe and loving home, but what about the homeless and transient people walking the streets without their mental health meds?  Are they less important?  Don't you think we should have more laws to protect them?  Am sure I'm not the only one who wonders about this.  With the rain, there are plenty of displaced people around here, and it is quite frankly very sad. 

It's raining over here today, but unlike yesterday I'm not out searching for my son.  He is nice and safe away from the rain at his dear grandma's house.  Yep, he is grounded for the rest of the week, and the weekend, but I'm sure grandma is just spoiling him to death with hot soup, and chocolate chip cookies--sounds hardly the punishment, huh? 

I've been catching up with the dirt in Hollywood, and after seeing some clips of the paparazzi chasing Ms. Spears I have to say, if I had that many people following me around with constant camera bulbs flashing in my face, it would drive me to drink too.  I think it's just horrible.  No one needs that much attention.  You would think she was, I don't know...someone important?  Crazy stuff.  Those celebrities don't have a charmed life, no matter how many carats they have on their fingers, or gold toilets in their mansions...they can have it all.  Privacy is a sacred to me, so I've come up with this list: 

10 Reasons WHY I'm Happy I'm Not A Celebrity:

1.  I can wear whatever I want and I will never be voted as worst dressed celebrity of the year.

2.  I can leave the house in pajama pants and no one would care.  I really don't, but I can!

3.  I don't have to deal with people hiding in bushes, and stalkers who leave crazy love notes on my doorstep.

4.  I can gain 50 lbs and never see my swollen face or big butt on the cover of the National Enquirer.

5.  I can go through a drive thru without fear that someone will catch me eating that extra cheesy been burrito that just fell on my lap.

6.  I never have to worry who my TRUE friends are.

7.  I will never have to sleep around in order to find work.

8.  I can go to rehab without anyone caring or knowing about it.

9.  I never have to worry about "what to wear" to the Grammys, Emmys...Oscars..etc.

10.  I don't have to worry about anyone coming into my home  stealing any of  my personal diaries, shoes or pictures and see them being sold on Ebay

That is just 10--I really can think of more.  Feel free to play along. 


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Worried Mother, Me

First of all, what in the hell is wrong with AOL?!  Sorry, if I haven't stopped by to leave a comment on your blog, but each time I go, I get that irritating message with the AOL guy telling me that the entry was deleted.  Oh well.. 

This is not why I feel so angry right now.  

I just got back from driving in circles, in the rain, downtown and back from there and my son's school looking for my son for the past hour.  Don't worry, I found him finally.  He just called from the Boys & Girls Club.  I guess word got around that I had been looking for him. 

My son Andrew ALWAYS calls me after school to let me know where he is.  I sit by the phone at that certain hour waiting for his call.  In fact I was dying to go to the bathroom, but I was afraid to leave my desk thinking that as soon as I headed to the toilet, he would call.  So, I sat there, staring at the phone.  The phone rings.  It's my mom.

"Where's Andrew?  Is he coming to my house?  Does he have a jacket?  You know it's raining."

Yes, it's raining, and Andrew still has not called.  He is somewhere wearing basketball shorts, without a sweatshirt or jacket somewhere in the rain.  If my mom knew this should be calling CPS on me.  (I'm not kidding.)  Well, I'm still sitting in front of the phone, waiting for a call.  Of course he doesn't have his cell phone with him, and I lost mine.  I am dying to go pee, but I can't leave the phone.  I realize that it's been a good 1/2 hour since school got out, and still no phone call.  He NEVER does this, so naturally, I get a little worried.  I decide to go drive to the school and see if by any chance he is waiting out there. 

I get to the school, and of course, I see a lot of wet children out there dressed in shorts with no jackets, and my son is not one of them.  I sit there staring at his sweatshirt that he refused to wear while running out from the car this morning.  (SIGH)  I decide to go inside the school, and see if he is in the library by chance.  Of course, he isn't.  I ask to use the school phone in the office, and I call work in hopes that he had called while I was gone, and of course he hadn't. 

So, I head out to the Boys & Girls Club.  Nope, not there either.  I ask to use the phone (I hate not having my cell phone.) and no, he hasn't called.  It's now been a good hour since school is out.  I am now starting to feel a bit worried. 

 I decide to go to one of his friend's homes that is nearby.   The house smells like cabbage.  The father of his friend (who resembles an overgrown elf) answers the door and looks at me like I'm crazy for being "worried". 

"Nope, my son is not home yet.  I really don't know where he is.  You know, boys will be boys..."

I should have known.  I've spoken to this guy before, and I swear he is always half stoned or something.  I shouldn't have expected any less. If I lived there I probably wouldn't go straight home after school either. 

Frustrated, I go to another home of a friend.  This time an elderly man with limited English skills answers the door. 

"No, my grandson not home yet.." 

At least this guy doesn't look like an elf.  But, man, this gets me to thinking, am I the only concerned parent out there who would worry if they couldn't find their son after school has been out for 2 hours?  When do they usually expect their sons home? At nightfall?  Aren't these people at least concerned, in this day in age when all you  hear in the news is children being snatched up in cars, molested, and killed??  Am I just overreacting??

Defeated, I drive back to work.  I go to the bathroom finally, and pee a river.  (Sorry)  At least I'll be by a phone at work, and hopefully Andrew will call.  At least I know that he is more than likely with these friends. 

Of course, Andrew calls and has a lot of excuses WHY he didn't call me before.  Yes, he was making a make up test at school for Science, and the teacher would let him call..etc...  And he just came back from the school to the Boys & Girls Club, and he was walking in the rain...etc...  And I really shouldn't be mad at him because, he has always called me before...etc..etc..

This kid is SOOOO grounded!! 

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thank You For The Music--A Music Meme


Hello!  Here is a fun Music Meme I copied from the Queen of Memes... Dawn! 

Music of Your Life Meme

Representing every 5th year of your life, starting at birth, pick a song title and artist (if you can remember it), and end with a song for now.

Birth  -  'Red Rubber Ball' Simon & Garfunkel, 1966.  This song came out the year I was born.  My mom's doctor informed her that I was going to be a very small baby.  Well, I proved him wrong when I turned out to be a 10 pounder.  Yep.  According to my mother I was very pink.  I was the big red rubber ball, with a pink ribbon on my bald head.  My 10 year old brother told my parents that they brought home the wrong baby.  According to him, I looked Chinese. 

5  years old  -  'Our House' by the Kinks.  "There's always something happening, and it's usually quite loud.."  Yep.  All the lyrics to this song describe my childhood.  It's one of my favorite songs. 

10 years old  -  'Too Shy' by Kajagoogoo.  At school, my teachers referred me to pieces of fruit for some reason.  Perhaps it was because of the clothing I wore.  I remember having a green jumper with a lemon on the side, and I had a yellow one with a peach?  I was always referred to as "my little peach" by one teacher.  I had another teacher who referred to me as her "lost lamb."  I was pretty shy in school.  I would follow my teachers around, and hide in the library at lunch sometimes.  Don't worry...  I don't do that anymore. 

15 years old  -  'Celebration'  Kool & The Gang..  Oh to be 15 again..  I remember dancing to the song at the "discotecas" in the Azores with an array of different teenage boys.  During my teen years I spent a many summer there--4 times to be exact.  It was definately a time of many celebration..  Whhoooohooo!!! 

20 years old - 'I Do, I Do'  Abba.  Well, one of the guys I met in the Azores was my first husband.  I was young, stupid but in love.  I had to say 'I do' and got married.  Do I regret it.  Nope--the past makes me who I am; end of story! 

25 years old - 'Time' by Culture Club.  If you know the lyrics, you may understand why I chose this one for this time of my life.  I was in denial--hoping things would get better for my daughter's sake, but time would tell, like it always does. 

30 years old - 'I Will Survive'  Gloria Gayner.  Yep..this was MY SONG people!  At 30, I had the courage to get out and start my new life with my 2 kids, alone!  Whhhoohhooo!  At the age of 30 it finally hit me. 

35 years old  -  'The Last Worthless Evening' Don Henley.  I started dating a year after my divorce, and I will tell you honestly, I was not prepared for the dating world.  After marrying so young I was completely naive and oblivious to the "dating scene" and I had no idea how many losers, liars and jerks were out there, wading in the dating pool.  When I met my NOW husband, I won the grand prize.  I never spent another worthless evening ever again. 

40 years old  -  'We Are Family' Sister Sledge.  Happy to say, we are just one big happy family!  If anyone told me 10 years ago I would be a wife again and mom/stepmom to 3 teenagers, and a toddler, I would have called them crazy, but here I am!  The more the merrier!   



Friday, October 12, 2007


Yeah, I'm thinking about it already.  I wasn't really thinking about it until my daughter asked me to send an email to her father about Christmas.  Apparently, she and Andrew are still interested in spending Christmas there in New Jersey with their dad.  I was hoping that idea would, like disappear.  It was okay to think about the possibility of them going back in July, but now that Christmas is just a few months away, I don't like thinking about it. 

Reasons why I don't like the idea of my kids away with their dad in New Jersey:

1.  I'll miss my kids.  I've NEVER spent a holiday, or birthday since they have been born away from them. Sure, I know my ex misses them too, but why in the hell did he have to move from California to be on the east coast?  Didn't he know he would miss them?  I am still trying to understand WHY he decided not to see his kids while he was vacationing (he went to a wedding of one of his wife's relatives) in Lisbon this summer.  He could have flown in at least for a few days.  He was only 2 hours away!  I guess the wedding was more IMPORTANT than seeing his two kids that he hadn't seen in over a year!  Perhaps his new wife wears the pants in the family, but still--if she thinks it's okay-I don't like her either. 

2.  My ex-husband is a flake, and  I won't be surprised if he totally forgets he asked the kids to come down for Christmas in the first place.  His priorities are all wacked.  He thinks by sending money for birthdays, and Christmas, and 3 or 4 calls a year makes him a good father.  He flew in to see our daughter graduate, and he was here a total of two days--that's it. 

3.  I don't know his wife.  The only thing I know of her is the awful emails she wrote to me, and the conversations on the phone that were full of lies both from her and her mother.  My ex-sister-in law also told me some interesting stuff about her this summer as well.  They weren't good things.  When the ex-in laws talk badly about their brother's new wife, you have to wonder.  I would much rather my kids spend Christmas with their uncles and aunts in the Azores than their dad--I would have no worries in the world, believe me. 

4.  I'm scared.  I will be totally honest with you.  Do I feel comfortable with my kids with their dad?  No, I don't.  I can't help but think about the past.  I remember the awful words that were said, and stuff that was done.  I remember all the reasons why I left the marriage.  I could have stayed, but for my kids sake, I had to leave. When I hear my ex say things like:  "I want to teach Andrew how to be a man."  I do not lie when I say that it makes me sick.  I shake and feel physcially ill.  I want to kick and throw things. I'm not afraid that my kids will want to stay there, but I know this is what my ex-husband secretly wishes.

So, this is the dilemma I have now.  My daughter is 19, and she wants to go.  I can't really stop her.  My son who is 13 wants to go too.  I can't tell them I forbid them from seeing their dad.  I do know that Christmas is really going to be a major bummer if they do go.  They probably will have fun, and will be spoiled rotten, but you know me, I'm just a worry wart.  I won't be celebrating Christmas until they are safely home--if they do go-which I'm secretly hoping they won't. 

So, will I send the email?  No.  I'm not going to get involved in it.  If he wants them to come, he has to iniaite the plan.  I'm not going to invite the possibility of my kids gone for Christmas.  Its up to him and his wife.  My kids can  send an email if they want, but I'm not going to make him think for one moment that I like the idea, because I don't.  I know my daughter wants to request time off from work if she does go, but she is 19--she can do it; she just doesn't want to take the time to send the email because she doesn't want to deal with it.  May be she doesn't want to deal with the rejection that may come afterwards..  I don't either!!  When my kids hurt, I do too--and I hate the fact that the ex still has that power over us.  Urrg.. 

Thanks for letting me vent.