Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Back To Work

Another day at the ghetto..

Actually, the day wasn't that bad.  I was given a few compliments over my $1.50 dress, and a day without the toilets over flowing is always a good day, but of course, the receptionist was a no show again today.  I wonder what's wrong now.  Her arms can't be falling off anymore--she has a new computer, that is now costumed designed for her comfort..  What could be wrong now? 

We think she may be moonlighting. 

Perhaps she is an undercover spy, or a table top dancer? 

Or, did she fall into another gopher hole?  (Yes, she actually called in that excuse once.) If she did, it may mean that she will be gone for weeks.  I once called in sick once because I truly felt sick.  I had been cleaning with bleach one Sunday, and I really felt sick to my stomach the next day.  I was told that "had never heard such an excuse"  Well, gee..  May be I should have said I fell in a sink hole--may be I would have been given a more sympathetic response?  It just really confuses me how some people will get away with almost murder at a work place, and no one bats an eye, until the "dependable, worker bee" type people do anything out of character, like call in sick!  Imagine that.  Oh well..  I'm not complaining. 

I now know why my feet have been hurting me lately.  Don't laugh now, but, since I moved the computer up in my room, it's been sitting on a low coffee table.  I don't have a chair, so I've been sitting on my feet.  Duh..  The pain is from my big butt sitting on my poor feet.  Imagine that!  I was quite relieved when I realized this, because I was starting to worry that I may have twisted my foot wrong or something.  So for now on, until I get this evil machine on a desk, I have to sit cross legged, or kneel in front of the monitor.  I don't like kneeling, because I feel like I'm praying to the monitor.  

Well, I put my first Avon order in today.. Whoohhoo..  It's kind of strange though.  I've only gotten orders from people in the department who work in different buildings.  Is that weird, or what?  Well, I guess I should lay more brochures around the office.  I didn't get too many brochures this time, and I'm not the type of person, who will jump up and down and tell everyone in the building that I sell Avon--I'm definitely not the cheerleader type of person.   I was told to leave them in the bathrooms.  That might work.  While people are sitting in the toilet, they can look for mascara.  With my luck, they'll probably use it for toilet paper.  There has been a shortage of that lately... 


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

oh Julie.

YOU are such a funny as hell wonderful person. I sit here with my black cloud over my head and i read this and i laugh out loud, more than once.

you are a riot. Avon book as TP? Classic. Man, your rear end would be all torn up if you used it more than once.
And the gopher hole? That woman has a screw loose. Two screws loose. And her arm falling off?
Let me know what her excuse was IF she comes back to work.

Anonymous said...

Praying to the monitor...hee hee!
I can relate to the bleach illness. What is so strange about that? Hmmm. --Cin

Anonymous said...

Leave them next to coffee areas... that is always good too!  Bathrooms... maybe... give it a try!  

I really wish they would fire that idiot receptionist!  lol  What if you sat cross legged instead?  lol

be well,

Anonymous said...

.."I don't like kneeling, because I feel like I'm praying to the monitor. .."
.." With my luck, they'll probably use it for toilet paper.  There has been a shortage of that lately... "

LOL! you're funny!
Gem :-D