Saturday, October 6, 2007

Happy Saturday

Nothing like a day at the dentist..hey?  Why do those visits always seem to ruin the rest of the day? 

I hate going to the dentist, but alas, it's a necessity.  I didn't see my regular dentist, and it was quite disappointing.  This dentist is not as gentle as the one I usually see.  Urr... 

The rest of the day (what was left of it) was spent cleaning out refridgerators, and taking my kids from point A to point B, with a headache and sore gums.  Right now my daughter is dancing away at a concert festival.  The main venue is THE CURE

Do you remember The Cure?

LOVE CATS:  This is for Dawn, and all the cat lovers out there... 

It's a cute video..  Not my favorite song they sing, but this one is cute.  Notice all the makeup.  What is it with 80's bands, and men in makeup?  I don't know--but the style is coming back.  Apparently my daughter's boyfriend's all time favorite band is The Cure.  Only the people I considered "cool" in high school listened to The Cure.  So, I guess the boyfriend isn't all that bad...

I saw a recent video of the lead singer.. He still is wearing full makeup and messed up hair, but he is middle aged and a little chubby---it is kind of sad..  Oh well. 

I'm off to make a batch of cookies.  My son Andrew has a friend over, Nicholas looks tierd, and I have to stay up until 1am to pick up my daughter and the boyfriend.  Why does it seem all the kids get all the fun?! 


Anonymous said...

The Cure...I really really like some of their songs and the rest bore me. But the ones I like, I like a lot. Does that make sense? :-) Cin

Anonymous said...

LOL... I love 'Love Song'... that song can still move me to tears depending on my level of pms hormones!  LOL   Wow... still performing even though they are old and fat, huh?  LOL  

Yummy cookies... send me some... use the slot in your puter... will that work?? lol

Have a great rest of your weekend!

be well,

Anonymous said...

I agree with Dawn my all time fav was the  Love is haunting...gosh boys fromthe 80's and make up..what memories...LOL.. Adam Ant..Duran Duran...drool....;-)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Sunday.

Anonymous said...

i cant get that video to play for me.....i even rebooted...may be AOL who knows....i hate dentists and sorry you had to go to one....and when they arent gentle..UGH! That is when i swear all dentists are the nerd boys we made fun of in junior high school getting back at us.
XO lj

Anonymous said...

..send some homemade-cookies my way..please. :-)
Gem :-)