Saturday, November 24, 2007

My "Black Friday"

Hello..  I hope this reaches everyone well..

Like many of us, I was up at the crack of down.  I got all the kids packed in the van (yes, all four of them), and husband had his large thermos all ready for the big day.  We were all set; difference was--we weren't headed for all  big sales at the mall.  Nope, we were on our way home back to California.  I wish I had a picture of my in-laws-waving goodbye--they looked so cute, in shorts and bath robe.  

Anyway, we would have left later, but my daughter had to work on Black Friday at the mall.  We made home in about 9 1/2 hours, but they were very L O N G hours.  The hardest part was just when we past Needles, and Barstow.  The moon was white, and bright-a full moon lighting up the sky like a big marble when we left Arizona.  The sky there is huge.  I kept my eye out for those Arizona lights people talk about.  No UFO's were seen.  I was thankful of no close encounters.  Apparently there was a sighting earlier this week.   Slowly after Bartsow,  the once white moon turned into a bright orange.  It floated right above the horizon until it eventually disappeared.  That was the hardest few hours.  We kept awake with coffee, soda, and the chips the kids didn't eat for the trip.  The kids were all sleeping, snoring away...we sat there keeping awake.  I tried to stay awake, but caught myself dosing a few times.  I didn't want to fall asleep because I know hubby was tired.  It was hard, but it was nice alone time-even if weren't alone. 

I love California.  It's the land of my birth--don't get me wrong, but there are some places in this state that are not worth visiting.  I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but, Needles, California is nothing to write about.  It has to be the most unattractive places I've ever been to.  Barstow, isn't that much better--believe me.  I kept on thinking of that song, "Leaving Las Vegas" by Sheryl Crowe..  You know that line, "went up to Barstow for the night to meet some crossroad trucker to demonstrate his might.."  Well, if you want to meet a truck driver, it's the place to go, but  don't leave Las Vegas Sheryl; if you know what I mean.  Nothing against truck drivers either, mind you.  We made some stops for the bathroom, and although I appreciate the fact that there were bathrooms along the Mojave desert, those were the nastiest bathrooms I've ever encountered.  Eeek.  If ever in the area, hold it in until you reach a rest area.  They are much cleaner. 

Anyway, the trip was pleasant and we had a great time with Rich's parents.  Just wish we could have stayed longer.  Sun City West is the most quiet and cleanest towns I've ever been to.  I can understand why people choose to retire there.  It's quite a nice place to live, I'm sure.  All the homes are immaculate, with cute rock gardens, fountains, and little bunnies and quail families running about.  No garbage cans--they garbage is kept in the ground in front of the house.  It looks a little odd, but you have to love the idea.  The garbage gets picked up twice a week.  The gutters are in the middle of the road for monsoon weather in the summer.  It's pretty interesting. 

Rich and I took a walk and took a few pictures of the little guy. 

In front of my in-law's home.

I have more pictures, but for some reason, AOL won't let me load them.  I also took some other cute pictures, but I'm not going to upload them here.  It will ruin my inlaw's Christmas card surprise. 

We made it home in record time.  Grandma Bobbie fed the kids again before they left, so we didn't have to stop to eat until we got closer to home.  We stopped in Hollister, California and ate at Casa De Fruta.  A great place to stop; especially if you like fruit, chocolate covered fruit, and every kind of candy and nut you can imagine.  There is also a camping ground, a western theme playground, a restaurant, a train, a wine house...etc...  Everything starts as Casa da..  So there is a Casa de Wine...Casa of Chocolate...etc..etc...

Nick & Lizzy on the Orchard Express.

Andrew's nose looks better now.  No black eyes, thank God. 

The Casa de Carousel..

One happy guy..

It was a great Friday.  Do I regret not going to the mall?  NO!!  Not a bit.  I am still feeling a bit tired though.  The thought of standing in line at the mall with the hundreds of Christmas shoppers does not excite me at all.  We passed many malls on the way home, and I was relieved to know I wasn't one of them.  I think most of my shopping this year will be done online.

Remember, I DO sell Avon.  There are lots and lots of great gifts available at my web site.  If you want free shipping, let me know---I will send you the email.  :)  My site:

Feel free to visit! 


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, my friend! So glad you were able to get away from work for a few days. God bless.
Win =.)

Anonymous said...

That place looks fascinating but a little bit Stepford wives for me..although I am sure for retired people it is just fine...
loved the pics...
happy sunday my friend..

Anonymous said...

Wow... you had a busy few days!  Az looks awesome!  And I love the rest of the pics too!  Such fun!  Andrew looks good, and Nick happy!  lol

be well,

Anonymous said...

you do know my mom and stepdad live in that same exact area, right? So glad you had a good time....i HATE long car trips.....and i hate foreign toilets and bathrooms. You gotta hold yourself for hrs to get to a toilet you know. Great pics!

Love, lisa

Anonymous said...

That's one long car drive!  Glad you made it home safely.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you all had a BEAUTIFUL thanksgiving...that is wonderful..
Thanks for sharing the pics...and stories...
take care

Anonymous said...

Your trip sounds wonderful.  I loved the pictures, the scenery looks so much different than here in MN!  I would love to see a UFO.  And yeah, I know that line in "Leaving Las Vegas!"  I never really thought of it before now...
Glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

We were really near each other! The weather was wonderful, wasn't it! Next time, we have to meet up somewhere  :-) Cin