(Yeah, that's me with the knife..)
Years and years ago, I was called "a psycho chick" by someone that used to "like" me. Of course, he said it wasn't him who called me that--someone "told" him that I was. Of course this "someone" wasn't somebody who actually knew me--but this guy wanted to make sure I knew that "somebody" called me that. Who knows who that someone was; and who really cares why the loser chose a fictional character to explain his own phobic committment issues, but, whenever I see this graphic of the blue bunny holding a knife with a grin, it reminds me of the idiot who told me this, and I can't help but smiling. I'm so glad he "dumped" me.
FOR THIS, I AM VERY THANKFUL!!! Thanks, loser!
Any ways...
I don't know what I did to my right knee, but it feels twisted...ouch.. It started last Saturday when we were going to the airport to pick up the kids. I either sat wrong with my knee or something.. May be it's the weather--it's rainy. I must be getting old--my joints hurt with the rain. Damn..after 40 it's all down hill..huh? HA HA HA..
Remember that bad dream I wrote about where my youngest got out of his stroller and we couldn't find him? Well, Nicholas told me about HIS bad dream. Apparently my little guy has similar dreams:
"I heard you leave the house, and you left me all alone!"
Poor baby. We are working on him to remember our phone numbers if he in fact every gets lost. I hope this never happens, but he does know his full name, and the city he lives in. I'm going to have to write phone numbers down so he can call me at work, and he needs to know his home phone number. I sometimes get really bad dreams where I need a phone to contact someone, but I can't find a phone-or if I find a phone, it doesn't work, or I forget the number..etc..etc.. I hate those dreams--there are right up there with black bulls chasing me. Fortunately, I haven't had any of those dreams for a long time.
Everyday, during my lunch time I pick up my youngest and take him to preschool for the remainder of the day. I pretty much drive in circles a lot during the day--I'm either driving someone to school, picking them up, going back to work, going back to my mom's going to preschool....going back to work..etc..etc.. Anyway, when I take Nick to school we have this route that we usually take. Sometimes we take a different route. We call this route "our secret short cut." Well, I was a "bad Mommy" today and I forgot to take the "secret short cut", and this made Nick quite an unhappy backseat driver. He wanted me to go back from where I started, and then take the short cut. There was no way I was going to do that, so he balled the whole, entire trip to preschool. Once we got to preschool, he refused to get out of the car. He threw his shoes down, and insisted that we go back and take that missed turn to the secret short cut.
After what seemed like eternity, and after a few stares from a few people, I got him finally out of the car, but..he would not budge away from the car. He is a very stubborn and determined little boy. Then I got him to walk halfway to the door of the preschool, and then he decided to just stand there. In the meantime I'm trying to coax him to go to school telling him that "Bob the Gnome" is in the parking lot in that blue car...etc.. My knee is killing me as I try to move him on...and I'm wearing boots--not helping the situation any. Finally I tell him his teacher is at the window, and immediately he walks into the preschool. He gets on his mat, and suddenly the angry 4 year old who wants nothing to do with his mother who took the wrong turn, only wants to give her hugs and kisses.
As I head to the car, I feel so damn exhausted...all I want is an iced coffee mocha. It's not raining right now, but it's cold. I am so glad the weekend is almost here...
My daughter has a new boyfriend. He seems nice, and he is cute, but he reminds me of ErikEstrada for some reason--he has that smile. One day I will have write about how Erik Estrada helped me go through childbirth. I'm not kidding.

I'll have to save that story for another day.. HA HA
Yeah, you've guessed it---I've been feeling kind of loopy, and crampy, and craving chocolate There is still a box half full of chocolate truffles. God help me stay away from them this week!!