I posted this earlier, but I ended up deleted it because it copied on so terribly... I am just having a perfectly loopy day---drained and overwhelmed! Driving in circles, toddler tantrums, and errands can do that to me. I feel like that lady with the leash tied around her neck, being led down the street by the 12 foot tall 4 year old...
I need a holiday---we BOTH NEED a holiday... Hubby's business is doing FANTASTIC, but poor guy is so over worked... We both look like two drained, zoned out zombies. Our kids have more of a social life than we do!! Well, I booked a hotel for hubby and I for our anniversary in April. We both need time away from the zoo. HA HA HA... It's still a few months away, but hey--something to look forward to, right?! I feel better already just thinking about it.
Okay, here is the meme...(AGAIN)
A meme to peel away the layers of you. (From Goddess of the Meme's, DAWN)
-- Name: Julie
-- Birth date: April 4
-- Birthplace: Santa Cruz, CA
-- Current Location: the study
-- Eye Color: brown
-- Hair Color: brownish red
-- Height: 5'6"
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Aries
-- Your heritage: 100% Portuguese/American--as much as I know!
-- The shoes you wore today: Black Ballet flats
-- Your weakness: Chocolate
-- Your fears: Natural disasters, War, Illness...I could go on and on...ya' know
-- Your perfect pizza: Vegetarian--with lots of artichokes please!
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: I'd like to start walking 5 miles a week atleast--need to walk off those chocolate truffles!!
-- Your most overused phrase: "No means no, and I don't have to make sense, because I'm the mom!"
-- Your first waking thoughts: "Is it 6 a.m. already?"
-- Your best physical feature: hair
-- Your most missed memory: Driving the car with my Dad.
-- Pepsi or Coke: I'll drink them both--just has to be diet. I prefer Dr. Pepper though..
-- McDonald's or Burger King: McD's
-- Single or group dates: Doesn't matter..just as long as I'm with hubby man.
-- Adidas or Nike: ...I have them both--doesn't make a difference to me.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Tea--I grew up seeing the old man holding the tea bag on those red and yellow boxes. There is a Lipton Plant near my mom's house. I learned to drive around it's parking lot!
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate--duh.. Although, vanilla is one of my most favorite scents!
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
-- Smoke: Nope
-- Cuss:Occasionally.
-- Sing: Daily, in the car. It keeps me sane, and makes the passerbys think I'm crazy. They leave me alone and give me lots of room.
-- Take a shower everyday: Yes--but I was the hair every other day..
-- Do you think you've been in love: I know it.
-- Want to go to college: Might like to go back one day..
-- Liked high school: It was alright.
-- Want to get married: Only to re-do our vows again--that would be nice.
-- Believe in yourself: yes
-- Get motion sickness: Sometimes in the car.
-- Think you're attractive: Depends on how my mood is.
-- Think you're a health freak: Wish I was more of one.
-- Get along with your parent(s): For the most part..
-- Like thunderstorms: When I'm home with the family--not when I'm driving though.
-- Play an instrument: Used to play the clarinet. Wanted to play the flute, but couldn't do it! I can still read music though..
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: Yes--always during the holidays.
-- Smoked: I don't smoke.
-- Done a drug: Nope, not a druggie either
-- Made Out: Yeah, with husband.
-- Gone on a date: Yes..with husband again.
-- Gone to the mall: Yes, far too many times.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No. Do people actually do that?!
-- Eaten sushi: No--don't like raw fish--or really any fish for that matter.
-- Been on stage: Yes, but didn't perform.
-- Been dumped: Thankfully no.
-- Gone skating: Only in my dreams.
-- Made homemade cookies: Lots of Christmas cookies!
-- Gone skinny dipping: No--too shy.
-- Dyed your hair: Yes, and I'm due for another box of color!
-- Stolen anything: If I did, it was totally unintentionally!
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Nope--too shy, remember?
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Never drink more than two cups of Port Wine--note to self..
-- Been caught "doing something": yes
-- Been called a tease: Does "temptress" count?
-- Gotten beaten up: Emotionally--ye
-- Shoplifted: Nah
-- Changed who you were to fit in: I honestly don't ever remember doing that as a child.
-- Age you hope to be married: For as long as I live.
-- Numbers and names of children: Liz 19, Matthew 17, Andrew 13, Nicholas 4-yes--he was the "surprise."
-- Describe your dream wedding: A blue sky, and a sandy white beach.
-- How do you want to die: old, in bed having a beautiful dream that I never want to wake up from.
-- Where you want to go to college: Close to home.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: I haven't figured that one yet.
-- What country would you most like to visit: What country do I NOT want to visit?! Let's start in Europe! All of it!
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: I'm not a druggie, remember?
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 10
-- Number of CDs that I own: maybe 50?
-- Number of piercings: one on each ear--the other two grew in.
-- Number of tattoos: I don't do needles.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Oh gosh, not very often..may be 3, or 4 times?
-- Number of scars on my body: 1---if you don't count stretch marks!
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: I'm a product of my past... I wouldn't change a thing. I'm a much happier person than I was 20 years ago--that is all that matters.
Great answers!!! I like the Goddess title... hmmm wonder if Hubby will start to address me that way??? LOL Sorry your day was crazy... hope tomorrow is better! TGIF!
be well,
This one is a good one..i will do this later..have a good weekend..take some time out of it for YOU...
I know exactly how your feeling! Enjoy your weekend.
Loved reading this. Hope you get some time away soon.
how long have you been reading my journal? I could eat an entire box of Oreo's at once..have done it before. Ain't gonna do it again.
Cool MEME...you were really honest!!
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