It's a very windy day over here... And the wind is cold! Brrrr....
Gee, thanks for the comments for my last entry.. I had a better day on Tuesday, and today has just been a whirlwind of being extremely busy at work, errands, driving in circles...the usual stuff. I appreciate your comments and concern. I am feeling better. I don't think I'm eating very well, lots of work at work, and work is a little depressing at the moment... I'm looking forward to the weekend! Yeah... It's a 3 day weekend for us county employees!!! Celebrate, celebrate, dance in the streets incoido!
I had to make an emergency stop at Kinkos this morning at 6:30 a.m. to get more ink for the printer. Andrew was up all night (guess who else was) finishing his science project-a science dictionary with pictures...and of course our color ink ran out.. Sigh. We tried to send the project to another printer in the house that had ink, but it just wouldn't print. Don't you love it when that happens---projects due the following day and you are out of printer paper, ink and folders?! Well, miraculously it got done, and he wasn't even late to school this morning.
I was surprised to get a comment in my last entry from Nanette Estrada. (Erik's wife!)Thanks, Nanette! I'm looking forward to the autographed picture! My daughter and I will be anxiously awaiting!! Can you believe it?! I'm not quite sure if she read about my story. I sent it to her again, just in case. I was blown away that she actually left a comment.
Nicholas was better today. It only took a few moments for him to get out of the car, of course I had to tell him that if he didn't get out, I would have to tell his teacher, Beranice that he didn't want to go to school. He is a little afraid of this particular teacher for some reason. I wish I didn't have to persuade him to get out of the car. I know he is testing his boundaries..teenagers do that too.
There is tons and tons of work here this week! I've been such the worker bee, that filing tabs are getting stuck to my clothes. A client sitting in the lobby was more than eager to point this out to me.
"Miss, you have a sticker stuck to your pants."
I immediately look down, and I must admit to you that I'm a little embarrassed considering that the client sitting in the lobby is an older gentleman who smells like beer and Old Spice. Lovely. This guy is looking at my pants, and of course I don't see it right away.
"Its inside your leg."
Great.. Inside my leg. Now why in the world is this guy looking so intently on my legs? I am wearing pants--thank God. Oh well, at least it wasn't stuck to my butt. That would have been worse.
"Thank you!" I say this as I quickly walk away. What am I supposed to say to that?
I guess thank you is the only response! LOL Maybe it was the contrast of white on a dark color that made him notice... lol Cool about Erik Estrada's wife! yay!
be well,
wow..I read her's so nice of her to make sure you get one by following up on your request and leaving you comment. Hopefully you'll get a response or comment from Erik E. himself... that'll be soo cool!
Good for you Julie! :-)
I just went thru an episode like you with the kids doing a project, using up all the ink in the printer and trying to send the project to another printer! It was so frustrating! Enjoy your Thurs.
thats cool that Erik's wife answered..just goes to show ANYONE can read our journals huh?
Hey, we have a famous persons wife in Jland? Woo Hoo! I am glad she commented and i hope you hear from him. Glad that the project got done.....i hate when annoying things like ink run out. Grrr.
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