Monday, February 11, 2008

Call Me, Doctor Julie.

Well, miracles do happen. 

It's a Monday, and the receptionist is here.  Hallelujah!  This means I don't have to break the on-call receptionist at 10 am, and I can take my morning walk.  The only problem is, this receptionist will transfer all calls to either me or the other records clerk.  She doesn't like like dealing with the public.  Perhaps, that is why she is hardly ever here, but WHY is she still hear?  That is the question.  Her birthday is this week.  She has been working here for 34 years.  Everyone is hoping for a retirement announcement--believe me, EVERYONE is. 

Anyway, I just got off the phone with a concerned parent.  Apparently, this person thought I was a probation officer.  I did not clue him in that I wasn't.  I just sat there and listened to him ramble away about his troubled son.  This isn't the first time I've gotten calls from distraught parents who just need someone to listen to.  I sometimes feel uncomfortable because they tell me more information than I need to know, but when you hear the desperation in someone's voice, of helplessness and worry, you know better not to cut them off.  You have to let them speak.  I was sympathetic to what he was saying.  If I was in the same situation I would want someone to listen too.  I imagine turning your son in to the authorities is not an easy thing to do.  If you know it's the only way you can help your child, it has to do be done.  Any responsible parent will tell you this.  Before I transferred the call to the probation officer, he thanked me for listening, saying that he hasn't found anyone yet that could do that for him.  Sad, isn't it?   I know I'm a good listener.  I've been told this many times.  I should have gone to college and studied to be a psychiatrist damn it.  I could have been discovered by Oprah and had my own T.V. show now.  Damn.  This phone call conversation is going to stay with me awhile.  At least I know I "helped" someone today, and that makes me happy. 

My left eye is crying.  It's been crying since last night.  Watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition on the T.V. did not help either.  The episode was about this returned Marine vet who lost a leg, and lived in a very old home, raising 4 children by himself ages 9 to 4.  Between that and switching the channel to the Grammys last night, I could not stop crying.  I didn't even recognize my girl, Nelly Furtado

OMG girl, PLEASE go back on being a brunette!  And what is going on with that blue thing you wore last night!!  I didn't recognize her--she looked old in that outfit.  I caught a glimpse of Tina Turner.  Oh gosh...  Tight silver pants was not a good fashion choice.  I cringed, it was hard to see.  It was great to see Ringo Starr however--of course he was wearing dark glasses, but he looked really good. 

Anyway, I woke up with my left eye half way shut with all this yellow gook.  Lovely.  It's red, and looks like I've been crying.  Waa waa...  My boss lady thinks that I may have pink eye.  Oh, well that is just lovely, huh?  I've had this before and never got full blown pink eye before, I think I just may have caught a cold in my eye or something when I went to the park Saturday, and yesterday afternoon.

This weekend was nice..  My sister-inlaw came down on Friday night, and we had a nice visit with her and her son.  She gave me more ideas on Avon selling.  By the way, the few people that have purchased that Anew dermoabrasion creme that Avon has been advertising on T.V. really like the stuff, and say it does work.  I sold my demo to a friend at work, and now I'm tempting to order one for myself. is my shameless plug:

We finally got Erik Estrada framed, but Lizzy didn't like the pictures we took, so they are not posted.  She has to be in the "mood" for it.  You may just get a picture of just the picture, sans Lizzy.  It will happen either way...  I know you have all been waiting with anticipation... LOL..  She wants me to get more autograph pictures from old sitcoms actors.  John Stamos is next.  She had a huge crush on him when she was younger.  What do you think my chances are on getting an autograph picture of Mr. Stamos?  I think he is a little too busy and still in that ER show---I think he plays a doctor?  He isn't selling timeshares yet, so he may not have the time. 

Have a pleasant Monday!


Anonymous said...

i would love to see Lizzy and Erik someday. I hope your eye gets better quick. I think it was meant for you to be on the phone to listen to that distraught parent when he needed an understanding friend.

Anonymous said...

oh we all had a crush on uncle jessie lol I  hope you get to feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

I cried during Home Makeover too! It makes me so angry that our government doesn't do more for our injured veterans! They literally risk life and limb for this country. Ok I'll get off my soapbox now. Can't wait to see the pics.!  Phyllis  

Anonymous said...

If it's not pink eye, try flushing the eyeball with simple saline solution from the drugstore.  You might have some dust or other irritant under the lid.


Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to get around how someone can be a receptionist and not like to deal with people...strange. One of the greatest personal traits someone can have is the ability to listen. Glad you were the one who was there for him hon. I wanted to be a Psychiatrist at one time, everyone tells me I have a lot of empathy and understand when many don't....The thing is if I had gone on to school, I wouldn't have the life lessons that taught me what I know now. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Everyone LOVES and needs a good listener!!  So what are you getting the receptionist for her birthday... Some cruise brochures for RETIREMENT!!  LOL!!!

Have a great week!!


Anonymous said...

i was flipping channels too..where was the mother of the kids of the marines? I missed that part...
the grammys sucked

Anonymous said...

 I bet you are a good listener and I am glad you let the father talk.  


Anonymous said...

OMG THAT is Nelly!??  WOW yes, I agree with you! Go back to the original!  What was she thinking?  Sure hope your eye gets better very soon.  That has to suck!