Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Credit Woes of Divorce

Sorry for the the subject of this entry, but hopefully it will help someone out there.

I've been through my own divorce, and I have no intention to go down that route ever again.  I would rather have someone shoot me dead and throw me over a cliff. 

Anyway, I could write a book about "what not to do" when going through a divorce.  I am still "paying" for my past mistakes.  Today in fact I am sending  another credit agency another letter to take off a negative entry on my credit report.  It's been paid years ago, but it is still showing popping up on one credit agency and it needs to be taken off once and for all.  I am proud to say my credit rating is pretty excellent right now (thanks to my darling husband with the near to perfect credit rating) but it could be better.

When I was married to my ex-husband, EVERYTHING was under my name--the electric bill, the American Express card, the garbage/water bill, the telephone bill..etc...etc...  Well, when I was going through my divorce I neglected to do some things because I wanted to be "nice".  I didn't shut off the electricity, the phone, the garbage/water..etc..etc..or get his name off my credit cards.  And of course, all those bills were under MY NAME, and because they were under my name, ex-husband didn't really feel he should pay for them.  As soon as he knew he was headed for the east coast, he decided to just leave all the bills in delinquent status-afterall, the bills were not under his name, so why should he? 

So, let it be a lesson learned to all of you.  You can't be "nice" with certain people.  I will say, however that when he didn't pay for his telephone bill, he really did me a favor.  I was able to get a copy of it.  After he left-without a forwarding address or phone number, I found his "hiding place" in NJ via an unpaid telephone bill.  This really freaked him out.  He thought I hired a private investigator.  Of course, it was just me..  After those weeks and months of searching for the ex-husband's whereabouts, I will confess to you that I quite enjoyed playing the "detective".  If I ever had to do it all over, I think it would be a field that I would have gotten in.  Now you know why I'm inspired by Angela Landsbury's character in "Murder She Wrote."  All that investigating, and she still had time to ride her bicycle around town... 

Anyways, I hope none of you ever find yourself in this predictiment, but if you know anyone who is, let them know that it's okay to shut off the utilities on your ex whoever.  It may save you time and money, as well as some of your own sanity later. 



Anonymous said...

LOL - I love that line - I would rather have someone shoot me dead and throw me over a cliff - I can really relate to THAT with my divorce!!!
Great advice!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you on that one!  Hope I never have to find out though ;)  Glad you found someone you could love AND who has great credit too ;)

Anonymous said...

definately but he will be leaving this hut , the land is mine ..

Anonymous said...

Good for you ,he who laughs last etc ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry that you had to learn an ugly lesson the hard way.


Anonymous said...

Our credit is our best asset...
i am glad yours is on the rise again...good advice...
hope the munchkin stays away today...;-)

Anonymous said...

I can relate to this, but more with an old roommate than my ex.  I agree you sometimes need to be a hardass even though our instinct may be to be "nice".. and then we get screwed. LOL.  This old roommate of mine racked up a huge bill to the "Psychic Friends" network.  It takes a lot of work to get your credit cleaned up.  I am happy mine is finally good again, but wow there were a lot of rough years.

That's so funny that your ex thought you hired a private investigator.  I think I would've liked to be a detective, too... I was a big fan of Nancy Drew back in the day - well, still am I guess!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

a friend of mine wont divorce his wife even though she is on her 6th boyfriend since she left him and they have been apart for 7 yrs. He left the gas bill on for her because "even though she left me i will always love her because she is the mother of my children" (MAKE ME VOMIT)....anyway, he owes $7000 to the gas company. Let me tell ya, THAT ain't love!!!!!
I am glad you are rid of your ex and have a GOOD DH now. You SOOOO deserve nothing but happiness.
XO lj

Anonymous said...

I'm on the other end...sorta'...I feel for both of us. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I've been there. When I wanted to get a divorce my ex took ALL of our credit cards and maxed them out. We weren't technically divorced yet, so guess what? I ended up having to pay half no matter what.....Which unfortunately wasn't easy for me....I'm still trying to fix that fiasco years later. (Hugs) Indigo