Saturday, June 28, 2008

Good Morning...

By the end of Friday evening...  I was pooped.  I spent the majority of the day driving the mini van with Nicholas and six 14 year old boys. 

You know those people that have multiple births--5 or 6 at a time?  How do these people survive, and stay insane?  That is what I want to know...   

The boys went laser tagging, and I stayed with Nicholas and did errands around town.  I LOVE my Fridays off.  I wish I could keep this schedule all year long.  The weather unfortunately was cold and overcast.  No chance to take that walk--too cold.  After the laser tag, and took them to get ice cream, and off to the movies.  They weren't able to watch the movie they really wanted to see, but they saw Get Smart, and according to their reviews, the movie was:  "sick"  (that means very good).  I took Nicholas next door and we saw Wall E, which was equally, SICK!  Very cute movie!!  See it if you can.


Afterwards, I dropped Andrew and two of his friends at my mom's house for a sleep over.  I'm sure my mother is happily making pancakes for them as I write this.  She LOVES cooking for kids, and likes them all fat and happy.  At least I hope she is happy with the arrangement.  :)  No complaints so far at least. 

I got home around 8:30 last night with a completely exhausted Nicholas.  He still is talking about Wall E.  I got home and discovered my Boy George tickets.  SIGH.  Do you know what I would have done to have these tickets, say 20 years ago?!  I would have died, and screamed all over the house, waving them around with glee.  Well, it was a bitter sweet moment when I held them in my hands last night.  The likelihood of me actually watching him perform next month is unlikely.   Well, even if he doesn't get his Visa, at least I'll have the tickets.  Sad, hey? 

This all reminds me of my passport dilemma woes I was going through last year.  Remember when I actually had to go in person with all the kids to the San Francisco passport office and get them done only a few days before I was scheduled to actually leave for my trip to Portugal?  Perhaps, Boy will get a break and keep his dates here in California...  There is always hope.. 

Okay, I'm in need of coffee..  Have a wonderful day!



Anonymous said...

Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you get to use those tickets... You've waited a VERY LONG TIME... LOL!!  It just wouldn't seem fair NOW!!!    I saw Get Smart... I liked it because I used to love the original, and I thought this was so close to the original, I laughed like crazy!!  I want to see Wall-E next, it looks so cute!!


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about wwondering how those multiple birth families cope.  You always hear them on the news saying "We're so blessed." that the right word?  LOL


Anonymous said...

The middle tag is just an X.
Yes i remember your dilemma with the passports. They let much worse than George into the U.S.....hey, i have a thought....tell him to fly to Mexico and then just come over the border at AZ...hell, all kinds of people make it here thru the Mexican border. Then he can do his concerts and sneak back to England via Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I definitely want to see Wall-E , the kid in my can't resist. I don't know how anyone managed multiple kids. I had my hands full with my only daughter. (Hugs)Indigo