Tuesday, June 3, 2008

License To Drive

Well, she did it..  Lizzy passed her driving test yesterday!  Lizzy now has a license to drive!  I saw her score at home; only 5 errors out of 15-not bad for her 2nd try!  She drove off to work that same afternoon, alone.  And, there I was at the front window watching her drive off alone for the very first time to work.  Kind of sad, huh? 

Of course, now she wants my car. 

Have you checked out the gas price here in California?  The most cheapest place near my home is $4.20.  Driving my other car (the family van) eats up so much gas.  It's cheaper to get Liz a bus pass; although the idea does not suit well with her.  I will buy the bus pass!  May be her father in NJ will buy her that car he has promising her..that would be pretty darn nice right now! 

As soon as Andrew is out of school, I'm working a 4 day, 10 hour work week.  Three day weekends throughout summer..  YAY!  Sure I may come home after a 10 hour day feeling a little haggard, but oh well.  At least I will save money on gas. 

They say that gas is going to be up $5.00 by the end of the year.  How insane is that?  Will someone PLEASE start making electric cars already?!  I don't care if we Americans are "spoiled" and frankly, I don't care that Europe pays so much more for gas.  I heard recently that gas was down to $1.50 a gallon in 2002.  Gee..  I'm going to have to sell a mother load of Avon lipsticks to afford to drive by 2010!  Watch, in the year 2082 someone is going to come across my journal entry and laugh.  HA HA HA..  Hopefully by then they will have hover cars that run on sand or something. 

Anyway, that is my rant for the day. 

This week is been going too slow for me.  I know it's only Tuesday, but it feels that it should be at least Thursday. 

I cannot wait until Andrew is out of school.  He was given an assignment recently where he had to role play a character from the 1800's living in the south on a plantation.  For the last 4 days I've been "helping" his ficticious character, Howard Hopp.  (Yes, he made up the name.)  Andrew originally wanted this guy to be from Iceland, until I finally convinced him that the liklihood of this Hopp character coming from Iceland in the mid 1800's was a bit odd, and unbelievable.  So, Howard Hopp eventually came from England which made a lot more sense.  We have been writing so much on this Hopp guy, that he has almost become real.  He was an overseer of a plantation in Mississippi, and  also a teacher who taught the slavehands English.  Here I go again, almost making this guy's character real.  Funny, thing though, last night I had a dream about him!  I'm not kidding.  I remember waking up laughing to myself, realizing that I was dreaming of  Howard Hopps.  I guess naturally, after writing letters from Howard to his mother in England, and typing up about 4 journal entries for the guy-I'm bound to dream of him!  Very strange, and although I wish I could tell you about this dream, I unfortunately don't remember a thing other than waking up laughing.  Don't you hate not being able to remember a funny dream? 

Apparently, Andrew's school is not the only middle school who is doing this project.  Why just yesterday a fellow co-worker of mine went on and on about her daughter's project. Her daughter's character was a run away slave.  The assignment was also driving her mother crazy.  Sometimes I think the teachers should know that more than half of the time, the real people doing these reports are the parents!  They do encourage student and parent interaction on these assignments, but yesterday I found myself printing wanted signs for one of Howard Hopp's runaway slaves, hoping that my African American co-worker/ friend wouldn't walk on and see the wanted posters on my desk

Courtesy of Lisa Jo--thank you sweetie!  :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Lizzy!!!
My ex promised Robert a car when he gets his license - I bet that won't happen lol.
Gas in nj is 3.95 -3.99 depending what side of the street you are on by my house.

I laughed when I read about Andrews project -but I swear if they give us one more project in middle school this year I'm going to hurt the teachers - I've had ENOUGH! It is the parents that suffer - not the kids.


Anonymous said...

I think it is totally cool that you and Andrew have made up Howard Hopps together....i bet you remember this project in 20 yrs....you should write a book about him...i KNOW you have the ability because i think you are the best writer in J land. I get those tags from a tag group on Hotmail. I do not check it often and they do have a girl in the group named Julie but no Lisa. Phooey!
The gas prices are going to bankrupt America.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Lizzy!

Anonymous said...

Woo HOO way to go Lizzy  The sucky thing about teens getting their license now is that the gas is way to expensive to let them drive that much :(  Poor kids!  

Anonymous said...

congrats to Lizzy!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Lizzy!  yay!  I can't wait for school to be over too... I swear, if I have to help with one more project!  LOL  

be well,

Anonymous said...

I had to check the date for today, I feel as if I'm in a time warp. Your the 3rd person who mentioned the Civil War period, or 1800. A couple of friends of mine are reading whatever they can get their hands on about this time period.

Congratulations to Lizzie! My daughter got her license on her 3rd try. I'm with you on the gas prices. It used to be cheaper to have a gas stove and heat your house by a gas furnace - not anymore. With the high cost of gas we are having a pellet stove put in this summer. At some point I think people are going to run out of options on how to save money and someone is going to have to do something. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

lol.  I refused to help my little one with her projects...until I saw all of the other kids projects!  Then I realized that about all of them had parents helping with a lot of it.
It sounds like he's done a great job of coming up with this character, I hope y'all get an A :)

Congratulations to your Lizzy on getting her driver's license!  It sucks that it's a better time in the gas price world to be bike riding.  LOL, back when I started driving I could fill up my car for less than 10 dollars.  Now 10 bucks gets you 2.5 gallons of gas!  LOL, that sounds a bit like the walking up hill both ways to school in bare feet..in the snow!

You have a good one~