Two entries in one day, amazing, I know...
Well today is a very exciting day for my son Andrew, AKA: Lil' Ace. Lil' Ace is going to be preforming with his crew, Gabe & Cyrus (the boy I wrote earlier about) on stage during the 8th grade graduation dance-first time performing live in front of an audience of his peers. I wish I could be there, but it's only for students, and because I was one of the last people to know about it, they don't need any more champerones for the dance. Fortunately, Gabe's aunt is going to film the event, so I can see the performance later.
Last night, Andrew was busy rehearsing his lyrics. He was a little nervous, and practiced performing for me. It was a proud mommy moment. :) He also rehearsed for Lizzy and her boyfriend. Nevermind he was blaring the beats from his lap top and singing on the porch past 10:30 at night. Lizzy was cheering him on. I hope it didn't scare the neighbors. I wish I could download the music on here so you could listen to him and his friends. I am so impressed, and so proud of him.. It is rap, and no, it's not my favorite type of music, but he and his friends really do a great job--the lyrics are clean, no f this or f that.. He checked out a dictionary/rhyming book from the library and his vocabulary and spelling have greatly improved by the way. I hope to download it on here so you can hear it.
I wish I could be there tonight to encourage him on. He is practicing on stage at school at brunch and lunch, and then again at his friend's house. I'm taking him to the dance.. He is worried he is going to forget his lyrics... If you have time, send some good thoughts his way.. This first performance means a lot to him and his friends. Thanks!
I bet Ace is going to be terrific!!
Oh how lovely ,good wishes ,nearly said good luck ,but I mean breaka leg ,lol at you being the last to know ,typical ! Jan xx
Ace, go get em, this is your big chance. Make the most of it, Bill
Tell him to break a leg. The first time is the hardest.
He'll bring the house down!
Good luck Ace!!!
ahh that is great I can't wait to hear how it went
I have no doubt things went great last night! Can't wait to hear the review from his Mom...(Hugs) Indigo
I just know that Andrew did great....i want to hear him rap if you can get it online...and hurry and tell us all about it!
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