Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Wish I wasn't at WORK

I just got another call from my son Andrew.  According to him and my mother, the baby is getting to be a little too much this morning.  I may have to call it a day soon and pick up the little monster up.  I really wish I didn't have to rely on my mom for babysitting.  I am hoping that one day in the near future I can be the "stay at home mom" that I've dreamed of being since I became a mom at 22.  Hey, one can always "dream", right?  Hopefully, once my husband's business picks up (it officially started in June), it might become a reality.  Here's hoping...  The real WORK, is at home with my kids, not here in this office in front of the phone, and in front of this computer.  I would much rather be there right now....  SOB :( 

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