Thursday, April 20, 2006

Weekend Assignment #108: Lesser-Known Art

Weekend Assignment #108: Lesser-Known Art :

Weekend Assignment #108: Show off (or link to) a lesser-known work from a favorite painter. Because there's more to Da Vinci than the Mona Lisa, and more to Van Gogh than Starry Night.

Extra Credit: When was the last time you were in an art museum?  Oh Gosh..  This is embarrassing..  I would have to say it was 1999--a museum and historic church in the Azores.  I live in a city with so much art, but I have to travel to actually go to one.  Wait, I went to a museum in Maui a few years ago...but still, I think that was in 2000!  I went to a photography art studio where my daughter had her pictures on display last Fall, does that count?  My husband and I were just talking about taking the kids to museums this summer---something we definately need to do! 

I like Van Gogh...  I like him alot...  :)

A copy of the above painting, "Fishing Boats On The Beach, Saintes Maries" hangs on my wall at work!

But I LOVE the colors in this lesser known one: "Blue Cart".  You can hardly see the blue cart though..  I mean... I think he could have found a better name for this one, but what do I know... 


Anonymous said...

oh my, oh my..I LOVE, LOVE THAT fishing boat art!
hmmnn..I might just have to do this w/e/a ...wonder if anyone had heard of Rico Tomaso?
Thanks for sharing this pic.
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

The fishing boats at Sainte Maries is one of my favorite Van Goghs as well. My son came home one day and was admiring it, so I gave him my poster print. I love sharing my favorite artists with others. I was not familiar with Blue Cart, so thanks for putting it here. bea

Anonymous said...

I like this painting alot.  Matter of fact, when I went to see the VanGogh exhibit a few years back at the L.A. County Museum of Art, I found that I liked most of his lesser known stuff more than the famous pieces.  I don't know if it's the fact that I've been saturated with the popular ones, or what.  I just know that there are plenty of beautiful things he did that I was unaware of until then.  Tina

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the painting!  And I kind of think the fact that it is called "blue cart" is kind of cool!
