My daughter, Elizabeth, as a little old man...
Yesterday evening-9pm exact, I was at Michaels (I love that store) buying chalk for my daughter and her friends. Yes, chalk. Today is their last day of being seniors at their high school, and last night they did their little senior prank which consisted of drawing fallen images of bodies around a bear (their mascot is the Grizzly) with bright yellow caution tape surrounding the area. An hour later, my daughter ran back to the house to retrieve a bottle of ketchup, for the blood surrounding the chalk images on the ground. I wish I had a picture of it, because I imagine it will be either swept away and hosed down by the end of this afternoon. The friends left late that night from our house.
“Tomorrow is our last day!” They didn’t say this with excitement or happiness, but rather, sadly. They exchanged hugs, and said goodbye until tomorrow.
This morning, one of my daughter’s friends came to the house, so they could arrive to school together. She reported, that when she passed the school, the caution tape had already been taken down. It was a little disappointing for both of them for they “worked” so hard to get it up so late into the evening. They came back to the house around 11 pm, all out of breath from running back to our house from the high school. They were all giddy, and full of excitement, and I’m sure it will be a high school memory that they will carry with them for a long time.
Do you remember your last day of high school? I only remember the day of my graduation, and it is a vague memory. I do remember thinking to myself, “What’s the big deal?” During my senior year, I only had a few classes, and I was already working part-time. I was planning on going to Jr. College, but it wasn’t a big deal for me like it was for some of my other friends. Most of them were leaving out of state to attend big universities. One was going to Azusa, another to San Diego, Texas, and Princeton (this friend was the valedictorian of the our class.) I wasn’t envious of them, although I thought of them as being very brave. I wasn’t interested in leaving for college-the thought honestly frightened me. I wasn’t ready for the real world, and I knew I wasn’t. I was more interested in making enough money to go to the islands (the Azores) and kick back with my cousins. I did make the money, and I did go to the Azores on a plane, by myself. It was the year I met my ex-husband, and I was 19. That’s another story…
Anyhow, I am so proud for my daughter! I am so glad that her high school years were full and exciting for her. It wasn’t always that way. She was transferred from her old high school to a new one during her junior year. Her grades were low, and she wasn’t working to her full potential at her old high school. Of course she wasn’t too happy about it. Not only did she have to move from her old hometown earlier that year to a new city, she was now going to attend a school where she didn’t know anyone. We all went through a lot of changes. A new home, in a new city, a new step-father, and a new baby brother. She threatened me, saying: “Okay mom, if you are going to make me go to this new high school, I’m going to get involved in every club, and every extra activity at school that I can find!” I said, “Go for it Liz!” Well, to make a long story short, fortunately, my daughter did well on her threat, and her grades improved dramatically. Not only was she appearing in starring roles in all of the high school plays, she won certificates, honors, and a lot of recognition from her teachers, high school staff, and peers. She won a poetry slam contest, outstanding defense attorney in mock trial…I could go on and on… Did I mention that she was voted “Most Likely to Become Famous” by her classmates? Oh, and she is hosting (MC’ing) her own graduation… Do I sound like a proud mother hen?! WELL I AM!!!
The last 7 years of my daughter’s life have been tough. She went through a divorce, a time of a lot of moves, schools, and an absent father. There were some really lean, and mean years in there, and I cannot tell you enough how extremely proud I am of my daughter…words cannot express it; but I’ll try! She has grown to be a determined, self-confident and beautiful young woman, and I thank God everyday for it. I am proud to say she is a lot more confident and determined that I was at this age! Okay, I’m in tears now. I’m going to stop writing now. Did I tell you how proud I was of my daughter yet???
You go on and crow away, Momma Hen! You are allowed to do so! She sounds wonderful!!!
be well,
Cackle on momma!!!! No harm in being proud of your child.
This is the second time you've posted that picture of your daughter and for some reson she reminds me of Wynonna Judd in it. Yeah, high school was fun. I'm working on a meme regarding high school right now so check back later today, it will probably be posted by then. Thanks for bringing up the memories!
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