Monday, March 26, 2007

Interview Day

I'm home this morning, and my two boys are still asleep.  I'm letting Andrew sleep in this Monday and play "hooky".  My interview is early this afternoon, my comute is a 45 minute drive, it really doesn't make sense to drive all the way there, only to take him out of his 3rd period class, so I'm just letting him sleep in.  Nicholas is sleeping  He usually is up at 7:30 am on the weekends--wonder why he only likes sleeping in on the weekdays.. 

I am going to have a busy day today, so might as well get my quiet time when I can... 

Yes, today is the big interview for the super job...  I spoke to a friend who I used to work with who now holds the same job I'm being interviewed for in the same place in fact.  She told me what to expect today, so that is a load off my mind.  I got my grey pin-striped suit ready.  You would  never believe how much I spent on it... Let's just say it was a "steal". 

Passports and primroses was my quest this last weekend, but unfortunately, I did not even start this quest.  It went as far as pulling out another 2 foot weed I found on the side of the front yard, just when two older people came by walking on the sidewalk with a baby stroller.  We exchanged hellos, and I overheard them stop next door and speak to Mr. Stewart. 

"Oh you have such a beautiful garden!"  exclaimed the woman with the stroller.

"Why thank you," exclaimed Mr. Stewart, "My wife keeps me busy!"

I wonder what they thought of me as they passed me by while trying to yank out my 2 foot weed flower.  Hmmm..

Oh well, my silence has broken, the boys are awake and wanting food.  Wish me luck!  :)


Anonymous said...

LOL... pfft... who cares what they thought!!!  I am sending you lots and lots of positive energy and prayers for a rockin good interview!!!

be well,

Anonymous said...

It is funny how kids only like to wake early on weekends, guess its the call of cartoons. school just can't manage the same appeal! lol!

sorry i haven't been by in a while, but i'm getting caught up.

bestest wishes on the interview!

Shermeen xx