Friday, March 30, 2007

Weekend Assignment #158-My Favorite Time Of Day & Why?

From John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #158: What's your favorite time of day and why? It doesn't have to be a specific hour and minute, mind you: "early morning" or "after midnight" or "sunset" works just fine, too. Although if you do have a very specific time, by all means note it.

Extra Credit: What's the longest you've ever stayed awake?

Gee, do I have a favorite time of day?  I have a few favorite times. 

 One of them would be early, in the morning when there is that chill still in the air.  Everything is fresh, clean, and the leaves still have that morning dew.  Unfortunately, as of lately, I have not been able to enjoy this time of the morning, because I'm often rushing out the door with the kids to school and work, but when I do have the time the best time to enjoy this particular time is a walk near the ocean.  The smell of the ocean air, and the sounds and sights surrounding are all pretty awesome. 

My other favorite would have to be the time at night where I find myself all nice and snug in my bed, knowing that all the children are in their beds ready for a nice long sleep.  It's a secure and rest assured feeling that all is okay in the world--even though we are reminded of the harsh and scary realities outside, I feel at peace that the day is done, and we are all there together to face another morning; God willing. 

Extra Credit:  I think the longest I've ever stayed up would be the last time I took a trans-Atlantic flight.  I cannot sleep on planes.  When you find yourself in a country that is 7 hours ahead of your normal time zone, with no sleep, voices start to echo, and the floor will seem to slowly sink down from underneath your feet, in slow motion--kind of like the motion you feel when you are in an elevator.  I do not like jet lag.  It doesn't help when you find yourself bombarded by never ending visits from relatives you haven't seen for years throughout the first day.  Everyone looks older, and babies you once knew as babies are taller than you.  It's like being Alice in Wonderland...looking for a nice bed to sleep in, but when you do find one, Tia Maria is sitting there and won't stop talking about her chickens.  It sometimes takes me a good two days to feel somewhat normal again.   


Anonymous said...

LOL... for a second I thought you meant a bottle of Tia Maria liquor not your actual Tia Maria!!  LOL  With no sleep it could have been the first...

Maybe I should go to bed now...

be well,

Anonymous said...

i love it when my family is asleep and i know they are safe and the dogs are snoring. Such a special time.
Hope you have some YOU time this weekend.

Anonymous said...

What does your aunt say about her chickens? I never found chickens to be that conversation-worthy.
I like that morning time by the sea, too. Missing that! --Cin