Thursday, March 8, 2007

Yesterday was another whirlwind of a day… 


I got off early because my son had his annual doctor’s appointment.  I was so proud of him.  He stood on the scale, and let the nurse measure him and take his blood pressure.  I am so glad I got him his little doctor’s kit for Christmas.  I think he made him less scared when his blood pressure was taken.  He was fine until the doctor checked out his ears.  He still has a slight ear infection, but the doctor didn’t prescribe him anything. 


Then, it was off to the INJECTION ROOM. 


He needed a shot, and so did a lot of other kids/people.  I’ve never seen the lobby filled with so many people-mostly children.  I was there for an hour at least.  After they called Nicholas’ name, we were in and out a few minutes. 

During this whole time, my mother wanted to stay in the car.  Surprisingly, she wasn’t too upset after sitting in the car for two hours like I previously imagined.  I fortunately got a nice parking space under a tree, and she was able to take a nice nap. 


Later that night we went to JcPenney and didn’t leave until closing time.  My mother just loves to shop.  I trailed behind her carrying her suit and array of fancy dresses.  I will say that my mother has good taste, and left the store with some really nice choices. She was just a little disappointed that we didn’t even look at the shoes.  When I suggested that she buy some low heeled shoes, or some sneakers, she looked at me and said:  “They hurt my back.”  My mother refuses to wear any shoes that don’t have at least a 2 inch heel.  I suggested she buy a pair of sneakers for the summer, and she responded telling me that she never wore sneakers before she came to America, and she never will wear sneakers when she comes back to her native land. Okay mom. 


Well, it’s Thursday, I am at work, and I haven’t seen the Booger Man yet today.  Frankly, I’m afraid to.  I keep on imagining him with a booger coming out of his nose.  I don’t dare leave my office now without checking the mirror.  What if I had a booger coming out of my nose?  Would someone tell me?  My friend Maria reassured me that she would let me know.  Gosh, it makes me think.  What if I left the bathroom with toilet paper coming out of my pants?  Would someone tell me this?  I can only hope.  I remember a long time ago, we were in church, and the woman who was in front of us had a lady bug in her hair.  It looked like the bug was actually trapped in the woman’s beehive. (This was quite a few years ago—beehives were still the fashion.)  I remember clearly how my mother just reached over and took the bug off of this woman’s hair without any thought whatsoever.  The woman turned around and my mom showed the bug, and she seemed happy, and thanked my mother.  I don’t know if I could do that.     


Test results are in, and I passed that Courtroom Clerk test.. (YEAH!)  It didn’t tell me what my ranking was on the test, but I guess I’m in the top 15 or 10?  There were at least 50 something people there, so that makes me feel good.  I have my first interview in a few weeks.  If they like me, I get another interview.  Wish me luck, please! 


Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK with your interviews. And I hope you will be allowed to wear sneakers on your vacation. If I ever see you with a booger, I will tell you....loudly, while I point and laugh. (Okay, just kidding.)--Cin

Anonymous said...

You made me laugh today. Thanks.
Good luck on your interview, just stay cool. Bill

Anonymous said...

Wishing you much luck!!!  My mom does that whole giant heel thing... hers are like 3 inches... very annoying.  But she will do sneaks - finally - now on the weekend... she only started that in the last 5 years!

ps... kisses for Nick!  What a big boy!

be well,