Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dawn's Two Word Meme & More

The following is Dawn's Two Word Meme, from Carpe Diem...  Thanks Dawn--I'm too tired to think!  :)

Answer with 2 words only...

1. Where is your mobile phone?: in purse

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: husband Rich.

3. Your hair?: long heavy.

4. Where is your father?: in heaven.

5. Why do this meme?:  tierd restless.

6. Your favorite thing to do?:  ocean walk.

7. Your dream last night?: can't remember.

8. Your favorite drink?  kahlua creme.

9. Your dream car?: red jaguar

10. The room you're in?:  living room.

12. Your fears?: sickness accidents.

14. Who did you hang out with last night? hubby kids.

15. What you're not good at?:  hiding emotions.

16. Muffins?:  blueberry, banana.

17. One of your wish list items?:dining hutch.

18. Where did you grow up?: Santa Cruz.

19. The last thing you did before this survey: Big Brother.

20. What are you wearing? shorts, t-shirt.

23. Your computer:? all mine.

24. Your life?: steady, secure.

25. Your mood?  anxious, worried.

26. Missing?: teenage daughter.

27. What are you thinking about right now?: L.A. trip.

28. Your car? all paid.

29. Your work?: easy, boring.

30. Your summer? big trip.

31. Your relationship status? married, children.

32. Your favorite color(s): red, green.

33. When is the last time you laughed?: hour ago.

34. Last time you cried?: this morning.

Weekend Update on my "Exciting Life" :

I've been cleaning carpets, and doing laundry all day--keeps my mind off things; and I have a lot on my mind...

My daughter is at a concert festival, and afterwards going to a road trip:  Destination-Burbank, CA.  They are going to be part of the studio audience of the Carson Daly Show.   Sounds fun, but of course I'm worried.  I don't like the idea of her driving with friends at late hours . 

"But I'm 18, mom!"  

Still doesn't set well with me.  She could be 82 and I'd still worry.  Being a mom sucks sometimes, don't it?!  I worry--it's part of being a mother, I guess. 

 I called the passport place, and I hope to those damn passports this week!  I made an appointment Friday morning in San Francisco already-just in case. 

My cousin Tania will be arriving Wednesday.. :)

Tania last summer, in San Franciso, met some interesting people.  Did you know that Forrest knows Portuguese?  "A vida a uma caixa de chocolats."  Who would have guessed?!

Called my mom today..  Seems like the dress I got my aunt is 4 sizes too big; this means I have more shopping to do at Sears. My mom discovered that the pharmacist "shorted" her 12 pills of her prescription.  She went to the pharmacy there in Portugal and got it re-filled-no problem.  Good to know..  (Meds are cheaper there than the U.S.)  I'm picking up her meds this week--one less thing to mark off my list!

 Oh, that housecoat I lost..well, I magically found it the other day.  It, like magically "appeared" after I went through my closet for the 100th time.  I've started packing, and I guess now that the closet is less filled with vacation clothes, it was easier to spot?!  I have no idea.  I think there is a ghost in the house who is purposively trying to make me crazy.  I could have sworn that darn housecoat was NOT there.   Anyways, I went back to Mervyns today and returned 3 housecoats that I previously bought.  So happens no one there is in need of housecoats. 

I still haven't heard news about my ex-sister-inlaw, Otilia.  In the last email I sent my other ex-sister-inlaw, she did not answer my question of her whereabouts, which I find it strange, since I've already asked her twice.  It seems like she is avoiding my questions?  I asked my mother if she has seen anyone from my ex-husband's family, and she hasn't seen any of them.  There is a popular restaurant very close to the home of my former deceased in-laws.  From what my mom can tell, it looks as though no one lives there anymore.  Hmm..  I'm wondering if Otilia is back in that mental asylum.  I hope not, but it wouldn't be the first time. 

Don't you hate it when this happens?  Well, Saturday morning I was not in a good mood.  I left the house with my shirt tucked into my sweat pants, and I so happened to be wearing my granny underwear.  It wasn't until I was in the grocery store, did I realize that my shirt was tucked in one side of my pants, and my underwear was showing.  Thank God it was only 8 a.m. and the story was pretty empty.  I was still pretty embarrassed. 

Tomorrow is Monday, and it's going to be the classic ugly Monday.  My friend/co-worker won't be there, and I'll more than likely be training, the "new girl" whose name just happens to be "Maria" but is nothing like my friend, Maria...  I'm sad.  Oh well.  I have two more weeks of work, and I'm gone on vacation.  I swear though, the way things have been going, by the time it's time for my trip, I will be passed out on the plane. 

No, I won't be packing a bikini this summer..


Saturday, July 28, 2007

An Interview With God

I got this an email from my friend, Angela (thank you!)..  Whether you believe in God or not, the message is the same--it's a good one.  Have a great day!


I dreamed I had an interview with God.

"Come in," God said to me, "So, you would like to interview Me?"

"If you have the time," I said.

God smiled and said:  "My time is called eternity and is enough to do everything; what questions do you have in mind to ask me?"

"None that are new to you.  What's the one thing that surprises you most about mankind?"

God answered:  "That they get bored of being children, are in a rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.  That they lose their health to make money and then  lose their money to restore their health.

That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such
that they live neither for the present nor the future.

That they live as if they will never die, and they die as if they had never lived..."

God's hands took mine and we were silent.

After a long period, I said,  "May I ask you another question?"

"As a Parent, what would you ask  your children to do?"

God replied with a smile:

"To learn that they cannot make anyone love them. What they can do is to let themselves be loved.

 To learn that it takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.

 To learn that what is most valuable is not what they have in their lives, but who they have in their lives.

To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.

There will be others better or worse than they are.

To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least.

To learn that they should control their attitudes, otherwise their attitudes will control them.

To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in persons we love, and that it takes many years to heal them.

To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness.

To learn that there are persons that love them dearly, but simply do not know how to show their feelings.

To learn that money can buy everything but happiness.

To learn that while at times they may be entitled to be upset, that does not give them the right to upset those around them.

To learn that great dreams do not require great wings, but a landing gear to achieve.

To learn that true friends are scarce, he/she who has found one has found a true treasure.

To learn that it is not always enough that they be forgiven by others, but that they forgive themselves.

To learn that they are masters of what they keep to themselves and slaves of what they say.

To learn that they shall reap what they plant; if they plant gossip they will harvest intrigues, if they plant love they will harvest happiness.

To learn that true happiness is not to achieve their goals but to learn to be satisfied with what they already achieved.

To learn that happiness is a decision.   They decide to be happy with what they are and have, or die from envy and jealousy of what they lack.

To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.

To learn that those who are honest with themselves without considering the consequences go far in life.

To learn that even though they may think they have nothing to give, when a friend cries with them, they find the strength to appease the pain.

To learn that by trying to hold on to loved ones, they very quickly push them away; and by letting go of those they love, they will be side by side forever.

To learn that even though the word "love" has many different meanings, it loses its value when it is overstated.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Passport Woes & Dawn's Meme...

Yes, I'm in a "whine" state of mind this morning.  It all started last night when I got home from the pizza party.  I came back home earlier than I had expected, and started feeling anxious about my trip, so I called in to inquire about my passports, AGAIN.

I'm leaving for overseas in 17 days.  I still haven't received my passports.

I'm a little stressed.

I was on the phone for a good 1/2 hour with a young woman that didn't sound a year over 16 years of age.  It was discovered that the zip code addresses for my two sons were entered incorrectly.  My daughter's street address was written incorrectly as well.  Mine, however was perfect.  Good thing I called in to correct these mistakes, huh?  Why oh why didn't someone check the addresses on the phone with me when I've called in before?  I am soooo frustrated and stressed over this trip.  I have to wait until the 29th to ask them to overnight my passports, but there is no guarantee it will happen.  If I don't receive my passports 72 hours before my flight, I will have to drive down to San Francisco and pick them up myself.  Oh joy.  Well, at least I live fairly close.  I will not be excited about this trip until I have all 4 passports in my hands. 

The party last night was great--a lot of love was shown to my friend Maria-and deservingly so.  It was a Jimmy Stewart moment when everyone started singing for "She's A Jolly Good Fellow..."  (Corny, I know..)  She was just in here a few minutes ago, and I told her I was surprised she didn't start crying last night.  She started to tell me how she did start crying last night at home after the party, and then she starting crying in front of me, which prompted me to cry...  Oh gee..  This is what happens when you get two Portuguese women in the same room--the waterworks just immediately start..  There were so many people that showed up, we missed the first show of Hairspray, so we postponed our date. 

Well, the following Meme was taken from Queen of the Meme, Dawn.  Feel free to snag it and play along!!!   She nicked it from the WWW.  (I don't know where that is, so don't ask!  :) 

If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be:

A mini van, with attached baby seat,  a gas card, frying pan, vacuum cleaner, a bottle of aspirin, large purse-like Mary Poppins, and baby wipes, andcell phone....  The deluxe accessorie package would include a toddler figure with 3 hungry teenagers, and a trunk full of groceries of frozen pizzas and Gatorade.

What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?

Oh gosh..  It's been years since I've had dinner with my grandparents-they all in that big kitchen in the sky!  What I remember most is my grandmother's Sunday ham and mashed potatoes, with Lawrence Welk on the T.V. in the other room.  I also remember my grandmother's fried eggs.  She always made them for me in the morning when I would spend the night.  

At night I remember being in bed in the next room, listening to her praying on her rosary.  She would come in later and tuck me in, and kiss my forehead with her beads still in her hands.   

I still remember how her doorbell sounded.  I miss her and that house very much. 

Do you have food rules?

Eat with a fork, and don't gulp it down like it's going to run from your plate.  I used to work with someone who used to inhale her food.  It totally usedto gross me out.  Co-workers would avoid being in the break room if they knew she was in there eating. 

Do you know how to cook?

Surprisingly, yes. 

I am annoyed with:

The government's new policy on passports; that's a given.  Don't change laws if you don't know if you can handle them.  This new law about passports for travel in Mexico, the Caribbean, Canada is insane.  NOW they are saying all you need is proof of an application to go to those places.  Great for them...  Who cares about the people who are traveling to the other parts of the world; they can stress out worrying about losing their vacations due to our naive idea that we could get this new law run smoothly and effectively...  Urrr.. 

What child-related smell do you not like?

Well, obviously the poop and vomit--but nothing is worse than dried milk or formula in lost baby bottles you discover under the seat of a car.  "What is that smell?" It smells like something is dead in your car. 

What sea creature scares you?

Sea creatures?  I'm not too crazy about jelly fish or sharks... 

What was the last thing to make you cry?

Oh, when my co-worker came in a few minutes ago with tears in her eyes... 

What serial killer do you find most disturbing?

Oh gosh..  I find them all disturbing!!  They are all sickos!! 

Who knows a secret or two about you?

Oh gee..  I'm a woman with very few secrets; believe me.  My life is an open book-but if anyone knows a secret it would probably be hubby or my oldest.   

Have you ever burned yourself?

Yes.. I've burned myself when taking things out of the oven. 

Who is/are your hero[s]?

My dad and my husband--they always seem to be able to fix anything; they've always made me feel secure.

Do you believe in things that last?

Yes, I do.  Like anything in life, it involves mutual work and dedication and love.  Anything you neglect in life-whether it be a relationship or object will not last--but it takes TWO to tango! 

Does anyone regularly tell you they love you?

Yes--my husband and children do. 

Does anything confuse you? 

Why yes!  Why does it take 14 weeks for a passport to be processed??? 

Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?

When I was 7 or 8 I used to play teacher to a boy who lived down the street.  He was mentally disabled, and there was a while there when I thought it was my calling in life.

What is one thing you've learned about life?

You have choices in life.  You can view life in two ways.  You can live your life miserable, or choose to be happy.  Life is too short to feel unhappy-but don't expect others to make you happy.  God wants you to love and be loved.  It's all in your hands-your choice.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday's Tuesday 12!

It's a day late, but better late than never!  This is from Dawn--feel free to copy and paste! 

I say ___________  and you say ___________!

Deputy  -  Dog.  Remember him? 


Name -  Julie Anne.. 

Arrested  -  Development!  My husband and I used to love watching that show.  We were upset when it got cancelled--how did that happen?!


Trade  -  Trading Spaces.. 

Old  -  I know an Old Lady who swallowed a fly...  My son for some reason is fascinated over that story.  When I pick him up from preschool, he sometimes won't leave until I read him this book about the old lady who swallowed the fly.  It's a bit morbid; but it's the one of the very few songs I remember from my childhood.  I learned to never swallow flies, spiders, birds, cats, dogs, cows-and especially horses.  May be this is why I prefer eating vegetarian?  

  DNA  -  CSI..  They are always looking for it on that show. 

Dwarf  -  Bunnies!  The cutest things I've ever seen.   

Newspaper  -  The Sentinel.  It's a local paper from my hometown.  I used to work there as the "Hotline Girl."  The paper carriers would call me to report the times the finished their paper routes.  I used to get love notes and sometimes flowers from some of the 8 year old paper delivery boys. 

Michael  -  My nephew. 

Certificate  -  Gift certificate---as in shopping.  I've been doing far too much of that lately. 

Daisy  -  Duke!

Cell  -  Phone.  My daughter got a new fancy cell phone; she got her bill the other day.  I'm so glad it's not mine! 

Well, last night I went out and shopped for the black girdle and high heels.  Got them, but weren't happy with them.  I couldn't find the correct sized girdle, and I'm second guessing the shoes.  I went online this morning and found precisely what I wanted however, so I'm going back to SEARS to return the items. 

Tonight is my co-worker's going away party-pizza and beer.  I hope the people who attend will leave before 7 because I wanted to take my friend to see Hairspray.  It's playing right across from the pizza joint.  We shall see... 

Have a great Wednesday! 



Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Long Meme

I've seen this Meme EVERYWHERE---I think first time at Brit's Blog (Waving...hello!!)  I've been postponing on doing it myself because of my busy schedule as of yet, so now that I have a moment and the boss lady is away, here I go... 

I Live: in San Jose, California--yes, the very same town that Dionne Warwick was from and sang about.  I do know the Way To San Jose...

I Work: "over the hill" in Santa Cruz, California in a ghetto looking building with non-working toilets, criminals in the hallways, above the IRS, and Norwegian rats that roam the parking lot.

I Talk: to myself sometimes, and I'm a very good listener.

I Wish: for the impossible, and hope for the best.   

I Enjoy: spending time with my children. 

I Look: over-worked and tired.

I Find: life is easier if you avoid negative people.

I Smell: like brown sugar and vanilla--my favorite scent at Bath & Body. 

I Listen: to alternative/80's music because it reminds me of c'est la vie, relaxed and carefree youth.

I Hide: shopping bags in the trunk of my car.  (hee..hee..hee

I Pray: for a better world for my children to live in.   

I Write: in my blog almost on a daily basis. 

I See:  dumb people on an everyday basis. 

I Sing: in the car, very badly and loudly as I ignore the stares and giggles from passing cars.  It's not like I'm picking my nose for God's sake. 

I Laugh: over the silliest things. 

I Can: make a perfect omelette if I set my mind to it.

I Watch: very little T.V. 

I Yearn: to travel the world. 

I Daydream: a little too much.

I Fall: in love easily.

I Want: a swimming pool.

I Cry: very easily.

I Burn: candles in churches. 

I Read: not as often as I should.

I Love: my life and the people I share my life with.

I Rode:  a roller coaster for the first time the day I met my husband.   

I Sometimes: to just stay in bed all morning, and not go to work!   

I Hurt: when I see people being treated unfairly-especially children or the elderly.

I Fear: not being able to protect my family from sickness or all the dangers in the world.

I Hope: to dance at my grandchild's wedding.

I Break: bread with family everyday. 

I Eat: bean burritos and vegetarian foods, not much meat. 

I Bathe: in bubbles, but usually shower instead.

I Drink: too much caffeine; not enough wine.

I Stop: at Stop signs, and all red lights.

I Save: all letters and cards written to me.  I never throw away any correspondence from friends and loved ones-except for my 1st husband's love letters-they were burned.

I Hug: my husband and everything suddenly feels okay. 

I Meditate: and fall asleep.

I Play: not as often as I should.

I Miss: my father everyday since he has passed on.

I Hold: my youngest son's head under my arm until he falls asleep at night.

I Forgive: people, even though they refuse to forgive me. 

I Drive: in the Car Pool Lane every day.

I Learned: life is too short to waste on stupid men, tight underwear, and old shoes.

I Have: a plane to catch in August.

I Don't: wear a size 6 in anything.

I Made: some yummy cookies the other day.    

I Believe: in the Father, in the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 

I Wait: "patiently" on hold with my mother's health insurance company for long periods of time. 

I Need: a vacation and a margarita.

I Owe: money on my credit card. 

I Hate: it when I bite into a bean burrito and find lettuce inside-at least I think it was lettuce!

I Feel: pretty content at the moment.

I Know: I will miss my husband while I'm on my trip this summer.

I Wonder: if he'll miss me and the kids as much.. (ha ha hah)

I Applaud: people who follow through with the dreams no matter what obstacles fall in their way. 

I Love: eating ice cream in the rain. 


Monday, July 23, 2007

2 Inch Heels Just Won't Do!


Yesterday afternoon, I tried calling my mom.  For some reason, I had a feeling that she needed to speak to me.  May be she was just lonely..  I do worry sometimes about her every now and then.  Sure enough, I get this email from my cousin Manny this morning, telling me that my mom "needed to speak to me"--yes, I think I do think I possess the "psychic" gene from my family. 

Well, naturally, I stress out about it, and think of 1 million things that could be wrong.  Did she lose her meds?  Did she fall?  Etc..  Of course I immediately think of all the bad things that could have happened.  As soon as I get the email at work, I rush off and tell my supervisor that I have to go to my mom's and make a phone call.  Naturally, when I get to the phone, and dial the number--I get voicemail and she isn't picking up.  I call my aunt's house hoping I can reach her there, but I'm told by my uncle Manuel that she is at home and she must be upstairs away from the phone.  I'm glad I spoke with him--at least I knew basically that everything was okay; but I send an email to my cousins so they know they can relay the message that I had been trying to reach her all morning. 

Well, word gets around fast on the island.  Apparently, my cousins rushed over to my mom's house to check on her, and wouldn't you know, the phone was off the hook and it wasn't ringing.  So, my cousin sends me an email to let me know it.  Okay, I know that nothing BAD has happened, and I'm relieved, but I have Lizzy call from home to see what is going on. 

Well Lizzy finally got a hold of her, and this is why my mom wanted me to call her:

She needs her one piece black girdle.

She needs a shawl for one of her dresses--she forgot to pack that.

Oh..and she needs ANOTHER PAIR OF SHOES!! 

(Apparently, the ones she brought for my cousin's wedding will not do.  The heel is to short.  She needs a 3 inch heel at least, otherwise the dress is just too long on her.)

I'm on my way back to JCPenny's...  Wish me well!




Friday, July 20, 2007


                                         Got to love it.  John Travolta in drag. 

I have to see this movie this summer!! 

I know my daughter Lizzy, Miss Theatre Major will go with me because she LOVES musicals.  I'm hoping I can convince Rich to go--he does like John Travolta; but may be not that much..ha ha ha..  Each time I see commercial previews of John Travolta in a dress I just want to pee my pants.  This is a must movie see!  I just have to remember to not consume too many large amounts of liquids before viewing.  I may just have an accident. 

In other news...  There is a new flood mishap at the ghetto.  I just got the following email in my mailbox from our Department Manager, Dick:

"It happened again! More flooding in hall area outside restrooms. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS WHEN ENTERING RESTROOMS. The Men's restroom tile floor is very slippery, and the urinal has been overflowing this morning, when flushed. It appears the flushing valve sticks on open position when pressed.

Men - Please do not use or flush urinal."

I saw him on his way to the bathrooms holding a sign he was hanging up on the bathroom door.  Poor man is in his early 60's and he is going in for a hip replacement next month, and he has to deal with this.  I told him not to even think about using the plunger--not good for the hips you know. 

Aww...  Another day at the ghetto, but alas, it's FRIDAY!!! 

I didn't even bother getting on the computer last night; just too much to do!  No, I didn't clean carpets if that is what your wondering.  I actually went grocery shopping.  These kids in the summer just eat non-stop, and I was out of milk and orange juice..etc.  My sister-inlaw and her son are driving down tonight to spend the night.  Lizzy, my sister-inlaw and myself are going to a bridal shower for my brother-inlaw's soon to be wife.  It shall be fun. 

No walk to the ocean today-but I plan on taking a nice walk downtown.  I have wrapping paper for a bridal shower gift to buy, and I am planning doing a "Jared" and stop at Subways to get a Veggie Delite sandwich! 

No, this isn't a overweight John Travolta, it's Jared the Subway guy, before he consumed 3 subway sandwiches a day.

 Here he is after holding his enormous pair of pants.  I'm inspired, but he's no John Travolta! 


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sweet Smells... Super Sweet, Man!

You know...  I often complain about life in the ghetto, but sometimes things are that bad.  They can actually be pretty sweet. 

I have a few co-workers that really make life  here in the ghetto bearable.  I don't know what I would do here without them. 

There's Linda for example.  Linda came in this morning while I was covering the reception desk, and let out some gas.  At first, I felt horrible for her.  Poor Linda is gassy and just farted in front of me.  Poor Linda--she must be so embarrassed-what should I say?  Should I say anything.  If you know Linda-you know she has a joke up her sleeve-in this case, she had a fart remote in her hand, the the fart machine in her pocket.  Linda has been "farting" all over the office; shocking fellow co-workers throughout the day.  You got to love her. 

(It's never too early for Christmas shopping?  What youngster wouldn't want to find this in their stocking?!)

Then there is Jennifer.  Jennifer is as beautiful as she is sweet.  She is always bringing sweet things to eat; and I must say; she makes the best cup cakes and cakes I've ever tasted.  Well today, she brought in a chocolate fountain, fruit, cookies, candy, marshmellows, and another bundt cake in honor of the two co-workers that are leaving the department this month.  She went all out.  Unfortunately my friend Maria (who is leaving) is not here to enjoy this.  Oh, the smell of chocolate is everywhere.  There really isn't a better smell; and I haven't had any of it.  Just the smell of it makes me happy.  I've had strawberries--that is it.  I'm trying to diet; but it's hard with Jennifer around. 

  I want one of these for my next party!

Well now, Linda has hidden her fart machine behind the chocolate fountain.  Each time someone comes to the fountain for a treat, she clicks her remote, and suddenly, the unexpected visitor hears a fart sound.  It is the funniest thing...I'm dying here. 

These pictures have nothing to do with this entry, but I thought I would share them anyway:

I don't know who this poor fellow is, but I'm sure he wasn't seriously hurt; although, I don't see a rope around the bull, so he may have.  Word to the wise:  Don't get a bull angry at you.  You will be gored, and you will not like it.  My ex-husband got gored once.  He was talking to some girl sitting on a wall, and he wasn't paying attention, and a bull got him.  (I think alcohol was involved.)  Well, this happened a few years before he met me, and I cannot tell you how many times he proudly recounted the story.  He actually kept the blood stained shirt from the incident, and cherished it like it was a trophy of some kind.  I don't understand it--it's one of those "macho man" rites of passage I suppose. 

More words to the wise:  Always wear underwear!  I don't care if  you are afraid of those panty lines guys---it just isn't worth it.  Hasn't your mother ever told you the importance of clean underwear?  What if you are in an accident, or you run into a bull, and you have no underwear on?!  In the words of my own mother:  Ai meu Deus! Toma vergonha rapaz!

Call me a total weirdo, but I went out last night and bought myself a carpet steamer!  Now I'm all excited to clean my carpets!  Whhooohhoo!! 

Walking In The Rain--Thankful Thursday

Yesterday morning I actually took my 20 minute break (don't tell anyone, but I think it was more like a 35 minute one...) and took a nice walk away from the ghetto.  It was raining outside; not real rain, but a misty rain--like a spitting rain-or a spritz rain?  I have been wanting to take a walk on my break for weeks now and I finally did yesterday--I wasn't going to let the rain stop me this time.  I just took my umbrella and went on my merry way.  It was really quite nice. 

On my way, I passed the barber shop where all the criminals go to get nice and pretty before their court appearances.  There is a "Help Wanted" sign at the window.  I wonder if that blonde hair stylist left town again;  I haven't seen her file yet.  The bail bonds office was hopping as usual, and their were attorney looking people getting their laundry at the dry cleaners-they have to look pretty for court too, you know.  I passed the county jail, and the drug rehab counselor's office in front already had a line to get inside of familiar faces. 

I proceeded my way over the bridge with the traffic, and waited for the signal of the little white stick figure to let me know when it was safe to cross the street.  I don't know about you, but whenever I'm there at an intersection, I feel like everyone is looking at me, especially when traffic is stopped.  I'll just stand there feeling like I should do something animated for their entertainment or something.  I'm curious, but do any of you feel the same way?  

Well, I went to the drug store, and went back to work taking another route through the city park.  The rain keeps the transient people and druggies out of the park, so it was pretty much empty except for the ducks, and some children playing.  The mist, and the green trees, and the smells...made it all a nice experience.  Why or why have I not been doing this more often?  When my son is in school, I never get to take a break--ever because I'm constantly driving back and forth from point a to point b--to my mom's, to my son's school, or to my youngest son's pre-school.  I need to take more walks like these. 

Tomorrow I'll be taking my walk near the ocean.  This time, I will try to remember to bring my camera and take pictures..I promise. 

This morning, Nicholas did not want to go to preschool, so my daughter and I had to convince him that his video Game Cube would not work until he went to school.  We disconnected the controller from the system.  Gosh, darn it, it didn't work, so we managed to convince him that as soon as his Game Cube knows he went to school, it would start working by the time he came home.  Hey--you got to do whatever it takes.  After a morning drive thru for a cookie and apple juice, he was content, and I dropped him at preschool where a large mound of purple played clay was waiting for him.  He was happy.  

I got to work later than usual, and my coffee was cold, but that is okay.  I'm still very thankful...  So, here is my Thankful Thursday list!

1.  I'm thankful for my husband; I'm thankful that he was born. Although he doesn't want to celebrate this wonderful day, I'm going to announce it anyway!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHARD---I love  you!  :) 


2.  I'm thankful for drive thrus.  Yes, I know this is odd...but if you have a kid screaming in the back seat for an apple juice while on the road, you would understand. 

3.  I'm thankful for those plastic coffee cup covers!  Yes--the coffee is hot!! 

4.  I'm thankful for a reverse commute.  Everyday when I go over Hwy 17 I see the hundreds of people in cars, bumper to bumper on their way to San Jose to start their work day.  There are only a few fools (moi) and truckers that are going to the opposite direction this early in the morning.  I pass them all and laugh.  Sure I'm getting less pay than I would if I worked where I lived, and sure I would save a bundle on gas..  But I laugh because I can; and it's much more fun than crying. 

5.  Finally, I'm thankful for my family and kids..etc...etc.. it's all a given.

Have a great rest of the week! 



Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Overcast Wednesday/Dawn's Tuesday 12


Well, I spent a lot of my day looking for the darn housecoat I bought my ex-sister-inlaw, but alas' I couldn't find it, or the chicken. 

I also had a fantastic headache.  It felt as though someone hit me in the head again with a pair of combat boots.  I did not go to work yesterday; although there was one point when I really want to "escape" from the children at home and go to work just to get away from them.  If you are a mom, you don't get a day off of work.  Every mother knows this.  And if you are sick...  Forget being able to "rest" either.  My daughter did watch the youngest for a few hours and I was able to do a few errands alone without the three year old.  My head was pounded so it wasn't that productive anyway. 

I did go for that exam for the other job, and I felt pretty good about that one.  There were a lot of people taking the same test--not always good.  I finished early before most of them.  That always makes me feel good when I do that; but then again---who knows if I did in fact do well or not.  I will just have to keep my fingers crossed. 

We are having a going away party for my co-worker; my friend who is leaving, next week.  Pizza and beer.  (After hours of course.)  I was a bit surprised that Maria wanted pizza and beer---not who you would preceive as a beer drinker by any means.  I guess it's a side of Maria I've never seen?  Interesting.  Oh hell, why not!?!  I would much rather have a Margarita myself...but a beer won't kill me.  


Well, I wasn't up for the Tuesday 12 yesterday, so here I am doing it on a Wednesday!  The following is in care of Dawn's funtastic blog:

Feel free to cut & paste and play along!  :)

It is Tuesday, so here is my Tuesday Twelve!

I say ___________, you say ______________ .

Phone  -  Work -  Make the stupid people who call me shut up--please--that includes all the attorneys with atitudes that feel they are so much more important than anyone else and I should drop everything I'm in middle of doing to take their calls! 

Potato  -  Man.  Potato man was a cartoon character that I invented when I was a child.  Yes, I was an odd child.  The word Potato also reminds me of a guy I used to date (Chip Boy) who drove a Frito O Lay Truck.  You would think he would have given me lots of bags of chips, huh?  Can you believe that he never once did?!?! 

Clip  -  Hair..  I need to cut and clip my hair.  It's getting long, and feels so heavy. 

Alpine  -  Meadows.  It's a ski resort.  I don't ski.  I constantly hear advertisements for Alpine Meadows constantly in the winter time.  No, I've never been there.

Super  -  Sweet.  There is this huge cartoon head billboard at the corner intersection of the ghetto (my work building).  It's a cartoon head wearing glasses, and underneath it reads in big, red letters: Super Sweet.  I have no idea what this means.  The billboard is standing in an empty lot with a fence all around it.  I'm guessing it's advertising the new business there?  I have no idea. 

Last  -  Suddenly,Last Summer...  Remember that song? 

Suddenly Last Summer - The Motels

It happened one summer, it happened one time
It happened forever, for a short time
A place for a moment, an end to dream
Forever I loved you, forever it seemed

One summer never ends, one summer never began
It keeps me standing still, it takes all my will
And then suddenly last summer

Sometimes I never leave, but sometimes I would
Sometimes I stay too long, sometimes I would
Sometimes it frightens me, sometimes it would
Sometimes I'm all alone and wish that I could

One summer never ends, one summer never begins
It keeps me standing still, it takes all my will
And then suddenly last summer
And then suddenly last summer

One summer never ends, one summer never begins
It keeps me standing still, it takes all my will
And then suddenly last summer
And then suddenly last summer

Until suddenly last summer
And then suddenly last summer
Until suddenly last summer...

Fifth  -  of November...  My youngest son's birthday! 

Grape  -  Juice, Whelchers.  One summer, a long time ago when I met my first husband, I offered him a cup of Whelcher's grape juice.  He was outside at my window talking to me (very old Portuguese tradition) and it was a very hot day, so I went in the kitchen and got him a cup.  When he saw the cup of dark juice, he thought I had given him a big cup of wine (vinho cheiro) instead.  It confused the hell out of him:  "I can't drink all this wine!" 

Mix  -  Mixer.  I don't mean the hand held ones, I mean the "I mean business" mixer.  I don't have one and it makes me sad. 

Magnet  -  Loser Magnet.  I used to think I was one of those.  I met some real losers back when I was single.  Thank God those days are over.

Ginger  -  Ginger Spice.  Remember the Spice Girls?  My daughter was a fan.  Ginger wasn't my favorite (did I have one?) but I remember buying my daughter the whole Spice Girl barbie doll collection.  Ginger was the cutest doll.  My son loved Scary Spice because of her hair. 

Maid  -  Contrary to belief, I really am NOT the maid.  I need an after hour maid that will clean up after I go to bed to clean up the mess left by the "mystery elves" that are up at all hours of the night. 


Monday, July 16, 2007

If I Only Had A Brain...


I don't know where my brain has been lately...

It all started when I went to the grocery store Saturday.  I could have sworn I put a box of those Foster Farms skinless chicken breasts in my cart, but I didn't.  I could have sworn I put it in there with the hamburger meat; but alas--it like disappeared or something.  Then as I was at the checkout, I suddenly realized that I didn't see, or remember putting down the hamburger meat out from the cart.  Did I forget it?  Did I leave it with the box of chicken somewhere?  Did I put it in someone elses cart?  As I took my cart to my car, I read my receipt, and I couldn't find the hamburger there either.  I went through each bag in the the trunk of my car, and sure enough there was the hamburger, sans the chicken. 

I don't know where I put that chicken.

A few weeks ago I went and bought a housecoat for my ex-sister-inlaw for the trip.  She is the only ex-sister inlaw I will buy something for (I have 4 of them) because I know her the best, and she is single and appreciates it when I get her something, and it's just a housecoat..  Anyway, I packed a piece of luggage and for the life of me, I could not find that housecoat yesterday.  It was in a bag in my closet, and it's like disappeared or something.  I almost can swear to you that if I opened up that suitcase, I would find it.  But, as I packed it, I could not....

If you happen to see a chicken wearing a white and blue housecoat, please let me know. 

I think all this vacation stuff, and passport stuff is just getting to me.  I know that passports are all on delay, and the lady who I spoke to me assured me that I would get it before my trip, but still...  I wish I had it in my hands right now.  But, then again...  What if I misplace them too?  May be it's best I don't have them right now.  My brain needs a break. 

I pay my son's preschool/childcare every week, and for some reason they didn't bill me for the 1st week of July.  Okay, he was only there for one day that week, but, they didn't even charge me for one day.  Or, perhaps they did and I read the invoice wrong?!  I wouldn't doubt that for a minute right now. 

Today at work, (ghetto) two men brought in this grey garbage can looking, ugly thing into the lobby.  Apparently, my boss-the one I share an office with wants that for her shredded and confidential papers.  Lovely.  I wonder after she sees it if she still wants that thing in her office.  It's a light grey garbage can with a lock and key on the top.  I certainly don't want that in my office, and there is no room in her already cluttered area.  Eww..  Nothing like a big grey garbage can to brighen up an office!  How simply, lovely! 

Well, now that my partner in crime, Maria is LEAVING me all alone here at the ghetto as she proceeds to her new job across the street, everyone has been coming up to me asking if I'm going to type reports.  Um...  No...I don't think so!   This is all giving me even more incentive to leave the ghetto.  I do have a written exam for another job near home.  Wish me luck por favor. 



Sunday, July 15, 2007

Clean curtains...just a little shorter..

Well, with a tuck here and there, and a tie back there, and a fix of a ruffle, my curtains look fine!  :)  Really..they, really do look fine, and they are clean.  Husband and I adjusted them so you can see the jagged uneven cuts of the backing.  You can't even see it from outside.  It looks good actually.  No need to buy curtains right away.  It looked pretty bad before the valance went up, but as soon as it got up; it looks pretty good.  I really don't regret not washing them myself.  They are just a few inches shorter..  No one knows except us, and of course all of you.  :) 

   Today we went to a friend's house for a small barbecue.  That was nice.  We met a few new people that will also be in the Azores this summer while we are there.  I'm sure we'll run into them; it's a small island.  I called my mother earlier today, just as she was leaving out the door to my aunt's house for dinner.  She is having a good time.  All is well.  I will be happy once I get her meds in my luggage, and the passports in my mail. If I don't get them two weeks before my departure day, I was told that they would overnight them to me from San Francisco.  Okay...that is fine...  BUT---they are in San Francisco--about 60 miles away from me..  What is the hold up?  I sent in the applications in May! 

Well, the weekend came and went--I'm still looking for it, but I don't know where it's hiding.  Tomorrow it's back to the same routine.  Oh well; routine is good they say.  It's been a little too hot around here lately.  When it's hot like this I feel so lazy...  Just want to lie on the couch and take a nap.  Did I take a nap?  Nope. 

I'm tierd...this is an uneventful entry..sorry, but I'm beat.  Well it's time for bed! Goodnight and have a pleasant week!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Curtains of shame... Does anyone want to make a dress out of them?

Not too long ago, we replaced all the windows in our home.  All of the curtains, valances, and side panels were put down.  It was no surprise when I discovered how dirty and dusty some of the curtains had become since moving into the house--especially the custom made pink curtains that the previous owners left with the house.  They didn't even bother to put them down.  Man..  They were pretty dirty!!  I searched for tags for cleaning care but none could be found.  It was obvious that these curtains were custom made by someone and that it probably couldn't be washed in a washing machine. 

Well, I took them down, and  had them sitting in a pile in my dining room.  I was finally sick of seeing them sit there, so I decided to throw them in the trunk of car and take them to the dry cleaners.  I presented the pile to the nice Chinese woman behind the counter who couldn't make heads or tails with them. 

"These are dirty!"  She exclaimed.

Um... Yes lady, I know this.  This is why I'm here.

"What is it?"  She looked pretty bewildered by the massiveness of the valance.  It was bigger than her--easily.

"It's a curtain's valance." 

"80 dollars."

I took my pile and went home.  Call me cheap, but there is no way I'm going to pay $80 for dry cleaning for these curtains.  I don't really particularly love them that much.  So, I  threw them in the washing machine under "delicate" and gambled. 

They looked just fine at first, but once I hung them up on the hooks..  Oh dear. 

The linen curtain lining was longer than the curtain.  Upon suggestion of my husband, I tried hemming the lining.  Perhaps, if I were more of a seamstress who had a working sewing machine I would have been able to do this.  But, alas, I'm not.  Perhaps, if I had the patience to stitch a new hem by hand, it would have worked okay.  But, alas--I'm not a patient person.  Let's just say I took out my stapler.  If I knew where my husband kept the duct tape, I would have gone for that.  

Well, after my expertise stapling was done, I hung them up again.  Well...  That didn't work either.  I would have to hem them higher.  Again... If I knew what I was doing, I perhaps could have gotten this accomplished, but alas...  I didn't know what I was doing.  So, I grabbed my scissors and cut off the linen backing... 

Times like these, I wish my mommy, the expert sew machine wonder, was back home.  But, alas--she is overseas on an island in the middle of the Atlantic. 

I called for the curtain angels to help me out...  If I do this, and do that with them...they look okay as long as no one really looks closely at them while in the backyard..ha ha ha..  Let's just say my scissor cutting looks a little jagged.  All the while as I'm around these curtains, my daughter and her boyfriend is laughing at me.  The very nerve of them! 

"Just call me Scarlet," I exclaim.  "You need a new dress, Liz?"

"Who is Scarlet?"  Liz asks.

"Scarlet O'Hara, silly!  You know the woman who made the dress out of the curtains from the movie, Gone With The Wind?"

"No, mom!  You have the wrong movie!!  It's Maria, you know Julie Andrews who makes the kids all play clothes with the flowered  curtains!"   


My daughter is trying to correct me, and she is wrong! This is totally irritating. She even goes on Google to find a quote from the movie to prove she is right. And there I am busily trying to "fix" these shamed curtains.  She is just smiling, all happy with the glee that she proved me wrong; and I'm sick of it.  So I drop my curtains and do my own Google about Scarlet O'Hara.. 

Doesn't everyone know that Scarlet O'Hara made that green, hideous outfit with the tassels out of a curtain?!  I've never seen the movie all the way through but even I know this!  My own daughter doesn't and this is scary! 

Well.. Now she does know.  She is just lucky she doesn't need a pink prom dress. 

Well, I'm off to shop for curtains... Until later! 

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Where I've Been..

I found this link at Donna's (D's Designs)...  Pretty interesting.  It illustrates the road trips to the east coast during my childhood, to Nevada and Oregon, Hawaii, and more recently, Arizona.  No...  I haven't been anywhere down south!  Check it out yourself and make your own map:  create your own visited states map or check out these Google Hacks.

Dawn Meme!

What curse word do you use the most?

"Friggin, and Freakin"..  I try not to say "Shit" but it sometimes happens.

What time is your alarm clock set to?

Husband sets the alarms, and I have no idea how it's done.  I just know that his alarm goes off at the unGodly hour of 5 am, and mine goes off at 5:45.  I hit the snooze button twice.

Do you remember where you were on 9/11/01?

Yes, I was in my condo with my two kids getting ready for work and getting the kids ready for school.  I live on the west coast, and the T.V. was on, and I remember by oldest telling me about what was happening.  It was very surreal.  Later at work, I remember my supervisor telling me of stories of people jumping out of windows.  Very terrifying.  My son is still afraid of getting on a plane because of it. 

Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?

I like taking pictures!

What was the last movie you watched?

Ratatoulie!  It was cute. 

Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep?

No.  By the time my head hits the pillow I'm dead to the world.

Has anyone told you a secret this week?

Yes, my friend Maria told me she got offered another job.  I'm still in denial that she is leaving the ghetto.

When was the last time you had Starbucks?

I don't remember.  Too expensive.  I just like plain coffee. 

Can you whistle?

Yes, but I rarely do whistle.

Did you watch cartoons as a child?

Of course!  I remember watching Bullwinkle every morning before going to school. 

What will you be doing in one hour?

Probably at my mom's house watering the flowers and checking the mail, and making sure the garbage was picked up. 

What was the last song you heard?

'Pour Some Sugar On Me..." 

Last time you cried? 

A couple days ago upon hearing my Great Aunt passed away. 

What’s the weather like?

Lately here at work it has been overcast, but the sun is coming out.  At home the weather has been sunny and a little too warm.  I work in a coastal town, and I live more in the valley, so by the time I get home, I'm running to my room to put on shorts!

What did you do before this?

I was on the phone helping a client.

When is the last time you slept on the floor?

In a tent when camping, with a lot of dirt around me.  I don't like dirt.  It was years ago... 1997, 1998? 

Do you eat breakfast daily?

Yes, I do.

What did you do last night?

Did laundry, made dinner, cleaned...gave my son a bath--watched some T.V., played on the internet for awhile...fell over and went to sleep.

Do you use sarcasm?


How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

A year older than this year.  I'm 40 forever as long as I'm concerned.

Are you picky about spelling and grammar?

I try and use spell check often.  I like good spelling.

Have you ever been to Six Flags?

Yes...  I was disappointed the last time I went to one though.  The Bugs Bunny character guy had a big hole in his costume, and I thought it was so ghetto looking.  I noticed that Tweety had the same problem.  The place just looked a little too run down; and depressing. 

Do you watch the news?

Yes, usually it's the 10 o'clock news.

How did you get one of your scars? 

I fell on the stairs and fell on a piece of glass when I was younger. 

Who was the last person to make you mad?

One of my kids who would rather stay cooped up at the neighbor's house playing Playstation3 Games all day rather than go to an amusement park with his sister!! 

What is the last thing you purchased?

Coffee and french toast sticks for me and my youngest.

What side of the heart do you draw first?

The left side.

Can you dive without plugging your nose?

Yes..  But I don't dive.  I jump. 

What color is your shaving razor?

It's pink and it's disposable!

What is your blood-type?


Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?

I guess that would be hubby man. 

How do you feel about carrots?

Carrots are good.  I eat them. 

How many chairs at the dining room table?

I have my mom's old diningroom table STILL.  (hint..hint..) It only has 4 chairs, and it's older than dirt.  My mom used to brag that it was the same diningroom table and chairs that Samantha Stevens from Bewitched had on the show. 

Do you know what time it is?

Is this a trick question?  Flava Flav in the house?  Of course I know what time it is...11:58 almost lunch time!

Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song?

Not all the words, but my son owns the whole season collection of Fresh Prince.  "You're livin with you Auntie out there in Bel Air.."  

What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?

I'd press every button and call the fire department with my cell phone. 

What’s your favorite kind of gum?

Minty ones..but chewing gum makes my jaw sore.  I like bubble gum too. 

Do you know which US states don’t use Daylight Savings Time?

Arizona.. My in-laws live there.  I think Hawaii too?

What’s something you’ve always wanted?

A cement pond in the backyard, with those Roman statues surrounding it, just like Ellie Mae.. 

Do you have hairy LEGS?

If I don't shave them I do.

Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?

Ocean.  Too many ducks pooping in the lake!

Describe your hair:

It's thick, and long, past my shoulders, and it's brownish and redish..  I keep it in a pony tail most of the time.  I need a cut--it gets really heavy in the summer. 

Do you have a tan?

On my arms, and on my feet. 

Are you a television addict?

No..  I only watch a few shows that I find myself committed to watch on a regular basis.

Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?

Um... yeah..most of the time.  We can drive eachother crazy sometimes, however. 

Are you a sugar freak?

Depends on what time of the month it is. :)

Do you like orange juice?

Yes; but I don't drink much of it.

What sign are you?

I'm an Aries---the RAM, the fire sign.  Whoohoooo!!  I'm hot.  (NOT)