I'm sick feeling sad.. Time for Dawn's Tuesday's 12!
Girlfriends - Single.. When I was single, I had more time to be with the "girlfriends"... I hated being single, but they made my single years bearable and for that I'll always be grateful.
Here to stay - Me and my guy, forever and forever..
Call me - Oh yes, Dawn.. Richard Gere.. Umn.. Call Me Blondie. I remember vividly the bedroom scene where he is near the window?! My friend and Denise and I ran to the bathroom of the theatre because we were so embarrassed. .. ha ha
Frustrated - With the rude/stupid people that have been calling my phone. I'm a county worker for God's sake, not a miracle worker!
Public school - I'm a product of Public School. Shoot me.
Glitch - There is always a glitch in the system. I hate glitches!
Mystery - Mystery Spot--a tourist place here in Santa Cruz, California. See a ball go up a hill! Check it out!! : http://www.mysteryspot.com/
Cheese - I'm hungry! Anything tastes good with cheese melted on it.
Director - Of Affairs. Who is it, and what is the affair?
Twist - And Shout!! One of my favorite Beatles songs.
Exclusive - Club. I never belonged to one. Isn't it sad?
Ninja - Turtles!!
Go ahead..copy and paste and feel free to play along.
Well, yesterday evening I did get an email unexpectedly from one of my former inlaw's (the wife of my ex-brother inlaw (my ex-husband's brother). At least I know they want to see us when we arrive this summer. I was wondering for a moment there. I sent my ex-brother-inlaw more than a few emails with no reply. I was wondering what was going on. She is all excited to see the kids and has already invited us over while we are there.
Upon arriving to work this morning I noticed some new homes for sale near my work place. There were realtor signs up everywhere reading: Porno Realty. HUH? PORNO?! Got me thinking.. What do these realtors wear as a uniform? Do they have a uniform? Do they wear anything at all?? You would think someone with half a brain could think of a better name to advertise a real estate office, huh?
I checked out the Mystery Spot link and they are hiring for summer positions! How far a drive would that be for you? Fill out an application for your itchy receptionist and send it in. Sounds like just the job for her.
Porno Realty? haha --Cin
Porno Realty? OMG. I am glad that you will at least have the kids see some of the ex's family... I know you were worried. I love your answers for the meme!
be well,
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