Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Meme of Fours In Care of Princess Aurora

Well, it's a nice 79 degrees outside, and it's finally cooling down from a very hot day!  I just got back from watering the flowers with Nicholas who is now enjoying his Land Before Time video in only a shirt and a pull up.  I am so glad we didn't get rid of any of the the kid videos we have bought through the years.  Between my two kids, and my husband's first born we have a great library of videos for the little guy.  Lizzy and her boyfriend are looking up tattooed people on Google images.  They just watched a show on T.V. about people who have altered their appearance with plastic surgery and tattoos and they were fascinated over the Lizard Man.  I can see them where I sit with the glow of the laptop shining on their faces; their faces expressing both disgust and fascination.  Oh well, I hope they get no ideas.  Hubby man has taken a break from programming parts and is relaxing with his Tivo remote control on hand.  I'm sorry Dawn--if that happened to us, I think my husband would have a breakdown.  Big Brother is one..  I'm tempted to watch, but at the same time, I know he'll rewind it so I can see what I've missed. 

Anyways, it's a perfect time for one of Dawn's Memes!  Meme's of the #4!  (Which so happens to be my favorite number of all time!  :) 


Random 4's for the 4th Day of the (work) Week - Thursday.  A meme.

4 things that scare you:

1.    Something bad happening to my kids, hubby,  all a given really.. 

2.    Snakes!

3.    Guns.  I see one and I freak out.  I must have been shot in a former life or something. 

4.    Deep water.  I do not like swimming in the ocean.  I freak!

4 things that make you laugh:

1.    Little kids and old people--they can be brutally honest, and at the same time, say and do the most profound and funny things; they don't care what you think for the most part, and dance like no one's looking. 

2.    When I see people sing their hearts out in the car when they think no ones looking.  Yeah, I saw you lip sink to I'm A Genie In A Bottle! 

3.    When my youngest dances on his tippy toes and does the Fred Flinstone ballet moves.  You should see his chubby white legs prancing about..  (He is doing it right now...he is Broadway bound I tell ya')

4.    When my husband changes his voice and speaks Oakie. 

4 things you love:

1.    My family/friends

2.    Chocolate

3.    Summer evenings in open air cafes..

4.    Dancing under the moon.

4 things you hate:

1.   Jealously

2.   Hate

3.    Cottage Cheese

4.    Hemoroids (I'm thinking of my last pregnancy..not fun)

4 things you don't understand: (good thing this is limited to 4... I could go on forever! lol)

1.    Why people can be hurtful and cruel and intolerant.

2.    Terrorists.  Why do they exist?

3.    Quantum Physics  (Copied this from Dawn--this goes over my head.)

4.    Hilary Clinton's song choice for her Presidential Campaign.  Celine Dion?!  Is she serious?  You are going to pick a Canadian who has a show running in Vegas?  Hellooo...  Find an American band/singer!!  HELLOOOO!!! 

4 things on your desk:

1.    My computer mouse.

2.    Random picture CD's and games.

3.    Computer Speaker.

4.    My empty tupperware container and fork.  I ate salad leftovers from the barbecue last night.

Right now I am (list 4):

1.    ... relaxed that I have some time to write this meme uninterupted.
2.    ... a little annoyed that it's past 9 pm and there are 3 friends over still.  Don't these people miss their kids?

3.    ... i'm sick of hearing Land Before Time in the background with Julie Chen of big Brother talking in the next room.

4.    ...  copying and pasting, and typing over Dawn's answers hoping I don't miss anything, and skip a line...

Top 4 things you say when annoyed:

1.    Shit/sometimes the F word..  (I know shocking, isn't it?)
2.    Shut up!!
3.    I don't have to make sense!  I am the mom!

4.    Lovely....well that's just LOVELY!

4 people you want to do this meme:

1.    The Queen of England

2.    Martha Stewart

3.    Bono (U2)

4.    and, yeah, You.


Anonymous said...

hemmroids and cottage cheese. That would make a good title to your first novel.
Love you,lj

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ooh... I would love to see Bono's answers!  LOL  I loved yours!  Thanks for playing along!!!!

I can just see Nicholas' little chubby toddler legs dancing.... so cute!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Hee hee...I'm going to have to try that "I don't have to make sense..." line soon. --Cin