The following is Dawn's Two Word Meme, from Carpe Diem... Thanks Dawn--I'm too tired to think! :)
Answer with 2 words only...
1. Where is your mobile phone?: in purse
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: husband Rich.
3. Your hair?: long heavy.
4. Where is your father?: in heaven.
5. Why do this meme?: tierd restless.
6. Your favorite thing to do?: ocean walk.
7. Your dream last night?: can't remember.
8. Your favorite drink? kahlua creme.
9. Your dream car?: red jaguar
10. The room you're in?: living room.
12. Your fears?: sickness accidents.
14. Who did you hang out with last night? hubby kids.
15. What you're not good at?: hiding emotions.
16. Muffins?: blueberry, banana.
17. One of your wish list items?:dining hutch.
18. Where did you grow up?: Santa Cruz.
19. The last thing you did before this survey: Big Brother.
20. What are you wearing? shorts, t-shirt.
23. Your computer:? all mine.
24. Your life?: steady, secure.
25. Your mood? anxious, worried.
26. Missing?: teenage daughter.
27. What are you thinking about right now?: L.A. trip.
28. Your car? all paid.
29. Your work?: easy, boring.
30. Your summer? big trip.
31. Your relationship status? married, children.
32. Your favorite color(s): red, green.
33. When is the last time you laughed?: hour ago.
34. Last time you cried?: this morning.
Weekend Update on my "Exciting Life" :
I've been cleaning carpets, and doing laundry all day--keeps my mind off things; and I have a lot on my mind...
My daughter is at a concert festival, and afterwards going to a road trip: Destination-Burbank, CA. They are going to be part of the studio audience of the Carson Daly Show. Sounds fun, but of course I'm worried. I don't like the idea of her driving with friends at late hours .
"But I'm 18, mom!"
Still doesn't set well with me. She could be 82 and I'd still worry. Being a mom sucks sometimes, don't it?! I worry--it's part of being a mother, I guess.
I called the passport place, and I hope to those damn passports this week! I made an appointment Friday morning in San Francisco already-just in case.
My cousin Tania will be arriving Wednesday.. :)
Tania last summer, in San Franciso, met some interesting people. Did you know that Forrest knows Portuguese? "A vida a uma caixa de chocolats." Who would have guessed?!
Called my mom today.. Seems like the dress I got my aunt is 4 sizes too big; this means I have more shopping to do at Sears. My mom discovered that the pharmacist "shorted" her 12 pills of her prescription. She went to the pharmacy there in Portugal and got it re-filled-no problem. Good to know.. (Meds are cheaper there than the U.S.) I'm picking up her meds this week--one less thing to mark off my list!
Oh, that housecoat I lost..well, I magically found it the other day. It, like magically "appeared" after I went through my closet for the 100th time. I've started packing, and I guess now that the closet is less filled with vacation clothes, it was easier to spot?! I have no idea. I think there is a ghost in the house who is purposively trying to make me crazy. I could have sworn that darn housecoat was NOT there. Anyways, I went back to Mervyns today and returned 3 housecoats that I previously bought. So happens no one there is in need of housecoats.
I still haven't heard news about my ex-sister-inlaw, Otilia. In the last email I sent my other ex-sister-inlaw, she did not answer my question of her whereabouts, which I find it strange, since I've already asked her twice. It seems like she is avoiding my questions? I asked my mother if she has seen anyone from my ex-husband's family, and she hasn't seen any of them. There is a popular restaurant very close to the home of my former deceased in-laws. From what my mom can tell, it looks as though no one lives there anymore. Hmm.. I'm wondering if Otilia is back in that mental asylum. I hope not, but it wouldn't be the first time.
Don't you hate it when this happens? Well, Saturday morning I was not in a good mood. I left the house with my shirt tucked into my sweat pants, and I so happened to be wearing my granny underwear. It wasn't until I was in the grocery store, did I realize that my shirt was tucked in one side of my pants, and my underwear was showing. Thank God it was only 8 a.m. and the story was pretty empty. I was still pretty embarrassed.
Tomorrow is Monday, and it's going to be the classic ugly Monday. My friend/co-worker won't be there, and I'll more than likely be training, the "new girl" whose name just happens to be "Maria" but is nothing like my friend, Maria... I'm sad. Oh well. I have two more weeks of work, and I'm gone on vacation. I swear though, the way things have been going, by the time it's time for my trip, I will be passed out on the plane.
No, I won't be packing a bikini this summer..
always an entertaining entry. I hate Monday's. I hope the passports come too....i would be really embarressed if my huge bloomers were showing at the grocery. LOL
XO lj your answers! Glad I am not the only one who embarasses herself abroad! LOL I would be a wreck too about my dd! Let us know how it goes!!!!
At least you don't have do the meds now for mom!
be well,
Sorry you are having such a crazy day. I worry about my kid & husband all the time, too. The Mom thing is very tiring. --Cin
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