Monday, October 29, 2007

I hate Mondays


I feel like I've been cheated from a weekend..  It all went by so fast!

I went to the dentist Saturday to replace a temporary crown for a permanent one.  Don't you hate it when your teeth don't hurt UNTIL after you go to the dentist?!  It's Monday, and my jaw still feels sore, and my head is still throbbing from that drilling, and other construction work that was done in the back of my mouth...  URrrrgg.. 

Well, Saturday night most of the children were gone, so I was able to spend some quality, uninterrupted time with hubby.  That was nice anyway. 

Sunday was just a whirlwind of activity.  I almost got run over by the shopping cart my mom was pushing, and just barely fell off a curb, but I'm okay.  I took two migraine headache pills that later made me nauseous to my stomach.  Errr.. 

I've also been playing tag with the insurance accounts receivable people again.  The stupid woman that I spoke to last week, who told me to fax my father's death certificate lied.  That is not what they needed, and it wasn't my father's bill after all.  I got another call from this equally idiotic woman (I'm sorry, but I'm not in a good mood..excuse my language for a moment) who told me that what they needed was my mother's new insurance card.  Well, I faxed it early this morning, only to get another call from the same lady saying that she needed her "old" insurance card.  Ai ai ai ai..  You know, it's old, and it's probably thrown away by now lady!  Urrg..  Why the hospital didn't bill my mother's correct insurance is beyond me.  They warned me that this may happen..  You would think they would be extra careful that it didn't, right..  But, I guess that would be just too easy. 

What I'm craving for right now is a nice long nap, a pound of chocolate, and a strong margarita. 

It's almost Halloween..  Time to get my journal festive for trick or treat through Jland!  Perhaps when I feel better, I will attempt to be creative.  I have cookies and a Jack O'Latern cake for a Halloween party to make.  May be that will get more in the festive mood.  It is currently raining, outside, and very gloomy and Halloweenish.  Thunder and lightning to boot!!  I wish I was home!! 

Is this scary or what?!



Anonymous said...

A margarita and some chocolate.... works for me!!!  Yum!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Relax and enjoy your evening.

Anonymous said...

oh yes that is a scary Halloween graphic...what a bunch of baloney about your dads billing...i am sorry you have to go thru that. A margarita and chocolate sounds damn good to me!