Friday, October 26, 2007





It's pretty much a NOTHING day.  Work is caught up, and I'm just waiting for the clock to read the 5 o'clock hour. 

Yesterday the clouds/fog just hung closely to the ocean, and it was just too cold to venture out with the little guy.  He was still all dressed up in his picture clothes and I was told that he did well.  I can't wait to see the photos.  Instead of the beach I attempted to do a little shopping, but Nicholas was more interested in hiding in between the clothes, and took great delight watching me chase him down with a cart.  After trying to run out into the parking lot again, I just gave up and took him to the pet store where he got to see the fish, the parakets, the mice, the hamsters and the little kittens. 

Something very funny happened last night.  My daughter was looking for a particular picture for her Myspace.  She was looking for a picture of Nelly Furtado, and when she did a google, whose picture appeared on the first page?  It was mine.  She kind of freaked. 

"Mom, come here quick.  You are going to pee your pants!"

She showed me the Google page, and sure enough there is my picture, the small one on the sidebar.  It gave me a good laugh, but I didn't pee my pants, Teresa.  HA HA HA..

"See, Lizzy, I'm EVERYWHERE.." 

She was in an instant message with her boyfriend at the time she discovered my picture, and her boyfriend was a little surprized.  I saw his IM saying:  "Is that your mom?!" 

This is proof, that whenever you post a picture on your website, it might turn up just about everywhere.  Do a Google on Coelha, and you might get some very naughty pictures of women dressed in rabbit costume right next to mine..  Lovely, huh?

Well it's Friday.  Today my daughter is taking the bus down here so she can spend the weekend with her grandmother.  Of course Mom is delighted.  If Grandma is happy, EVERYONE is happy.  I got ten packets of Avon brochures I'm sending out today--I discovered 10 more addresses of more people I can send.  I must do that today.

I have a question.  Please answer honestly.  At Halloween I was thinking about passing out brochures in plastic bags with candy inside for any mothers that may come to my door.  What do you think?  Is that too much?  If someone offered one, would you be annoyed?  I'm thinking about doing it, but I don't want anyone offended by it.  I mean, I don't know of anything that Avon sells that would offend anyone never know.  Give me your honest opinion. 

Have a great Friday! 



Anonymous said...

I actually did that when I sold Avon.  I didn't get one darn call.  My husband said it was being too pushy.  If you do try that, good luck.  Maybe it will work for you.

Anonymous said...

Hw about a little table near the door with a big bowl of the Avon packets. You could put a sign: "Treats for Moms"...or something like that. That way, only the people who are really interested will take them. Good luck.

That is so funny about your google fame. Oh look....there's Julie in a naughty bunny costume.
;-) Cin

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Cool!  Look at you!  LOL

I would TOTALLY put the AVON books in!  I bet you get LOTs of sales!  I got my Avon today!  Yay!  I will start using it tonight!

be well,

Anonymous said...

I would not be offended - I would hand to the parent with a piece of candy or two in it and tell them it is their treat...I am sure it would be well accepted.
Let me know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

(Avon) ....if you feel comfortable doing it....go for it.
I'll have to try that google...and see what comes up.
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

I just did a Google, and my picture is no longer on the first page..  Gracas a Deus!  Julie (AKA: Coelha)

Anonymous said...

I think the Avon book thing would be okay. Just don't hand them out to kids. If you have some samples to put in the bags rather then candy...even better!

Anonymous said...

if you are private you dont have to worry about that google thing.
No i would not be offended if you put Avon in the candy bag but they may get thrown out.

Anonymous said...

It's trick or treats time! Come get your J-Land Chocolate treat @